وبدأت ألامس فخذيها من الخارج ومن الداخل وبدأت تفتحهما مع كل حركة من يد ترجمة - وبدأت ألامس فخذيها من الخارج ومن الداخل وبدأت تفتحهما مع كل حركة من يد الإنجليزية كيف أقول

وبدأت ألامس فخذيها من الخارج ومن ال

وبدأت ألامس فخذيها من الخارج ومن الداخل وبدأت تفتحهما مع كل حركة من يداي حتى أصبحت المسافة تقارب نصف المتر بينهما وظهر قليل من كسها اللامع وكأنه كان جاهزا للمداعبة ، وكلما اقتربت يداي منه ، تحاول أن تضمهما وتمنعهما من الابتعاد .... وعندما شارفت على الانتهاء ، فجأة انقلبت على ظهرها ، وقالت : هناك شيء لم تدلكه : ثدياي وكسي وبكل صراحة ... ألم ترغب بأن أرتاح من آلامي كلها ....
واقتربت مني تقبلني وكأن أنفاسها صادرة عن فرن وتمص شفتاي ، ويداها تفتحان القميص ثم البنطلون وأنا جالس لا أتحرك من الصدمة . لها صدر يحمل كل بز فيه أسدا . ما أجملهما ! وتفاعلت بعد أن لامست زبري ، وضممتها لأمتص العسل من ثديها الأيسر وأداعب الآخر بأصابعي ، وشعرت بأن جسدها يرتجف كشجرة تضربها عاصفة ، ويرجوني أن أنيكها بكل قوتي لتعوض السنين العشرة الماضية ، ولبيت النداء وبدأت ألحس كل جسدها وأضرب بظرها بلساني ، وإصبعي الوسطى تدلك خرم طيزها ، وكانت دموعها نهرا يسري على خديها وكأنها تبكي على تلك السنين ، وآهاتها تزداد ، وبدأت أداعب كسها بزبري الصامد كسارية علم ، وبدأ يستأذنها بالدخول ، ودخل إلى عمق كسها ، وهي تصرخ وتطلب المزيد ، وقد أحسست برعشتها ثلاث مرات ، قبل أن أصل إلى النشوة ، وحاولت أن أخرج زبري ليقذف حممه خارج كسها ، إلا أنها أمسكته ومنعته من الخروج ، وطلبت أن أقذف في كسها ...
من: -
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
وبدأت ألامس فخذيها من الخارج ومن الداخل وبدأت تفتحهما مع كل حركة من يداي حتى أصبحت المسافة تقارب نصف المتر بينهما وظهر قليل من كسها اللامع وكأنه كان جاهزا للمداعبة ، وكلما اقتربت يداي منه ، تحاول أن تضمهما وتمنعهما من الابتعاد .... وعندما شارفت على الانتهاء ، فجأة انقلبت على ظهرها ، وقالت : هناك شيء لم تدلكه : ثدياي وكسي وبكل صراحة ... ألم ترغب بأن أرتاح من آلامي كلها .... And coming from me that will accept me and her breath was emanating from the oven and sucking my lips, her hands they open shirt, then pants and I am sitting not moving shock. Issued each bez which ASDA. What their sum up! And interacted having touched sticks, and I included her to suck her nipples right honey, I crank the other with my fingers, and I felt that her body trembling as a tree hit a storm, hope me to f *** her! all my strength to compensate for the past 10 years, met and began to sense all her whack her clitoris with my tongue, and my finger prick massaged her fat tail Central, were her tears a river left on her cheeks like crying over those years, her sighs, and I crank started as Suha bezbri steadfast as Flagstaff and started ystazenha, and came to a depth As Suha, they scream and ask for more, her tremor was felt three times, before I reached orgasm, I tried to eject the sticks to boiling lava spewing out as odd, she she caught him and prevented him from leaving, and asked to toss in as Suha ...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
And it started touched her thighs from the outside and the inside and began Fhama with every movement of my hands until it became the distance convergence half a meter between them and appeared a little cunt illustrious like he was ready to fondling, and the closer my hands of it, trying to Tdmanma and Tmanahma of get away .... When nearing completion , suddenly flipped on its back, and said: There is nothing Tdlleke: breasts Wuxi and quite frankly ... Did not want to relax myself from all my sufferings ....
and approached me accept me as if the breath issued by the oven and sucking my lips, and her hands Fhan shirt and pants and I'm sitting not I move from the shock. He holds all the issued outclass the lion. What Ojmlhma! And it reacted after that touched Sbera, and Dmmtha to suck honey from her left breast and Odaab the other fingers, and I felt that her body trembling like a tree hit by a storm, and Arjohnny that Oneckha with all my strength to make up for the past ten years, but the house of appeal and began a sense of all her body and give her clitoris my tongue, Central and finger massage perforate Tisaha, The tears rivers apply to her cheeks like crying over those years, and Ahadtha increase, and began Odaab cunt Bsbera steadfast Casarah flag, and began Astoznha Login, and came to a depth of cunt, screaming and asking for more, and I felt Burastha three times, before I get to orgasm, and tried Sbera to go out to the lava spewing out cunt, but they get him, and prevented him from going out, and requested that the toss in the cunt ...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
And I touch her legs from the outside and the inside Tfthhma began with every movement of my hand until I was about a half meter distance between them and a little fucked... Like he was. Ready in my hands, the closer to him, trying to set out from the Wtmnhma.... When he was drawing to a close, suddenly turned on her back, she said: there is no Tdlkh: my boobs Wuxi quite frankly... Didn't want to have rest from all of my sufferings. "Close to me, kiss me like a breath from the oven Wtms its my lips, a handful Tfthan shirt and pants and I sat there move from shock. It was a buzz by Asda. What Ajmlhma!After contact with Zbry interacted, Wdmmtha Lamts honey from the left breast Wadab reinforcing my fingers, and I feel her body shaking like a tree struck by a storm, Wyrjwny to Anykha my make it up the past decade years, and met the call and started all AlhsI will give her clitoris with my tongue, the middle Wasby massage hole Tyzha, her tears were a river runs to her cheeks like cry at that time, Wahatha getting started, I fucked buzberry steadfast Ksaryt science and goes inside, and fucked deep andAnd more, it felt like Brshtha three times before I reach orgasm, and I tried to get out Zbry expel Hmmh fucked off, but I got him banned him. To go out, asked to toss in a fucked...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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