الاتفاق على الملف النووي الإيراني سيحرق الشرق الأوسطبعد الاتفاق حول ال ترجمة - الاتفاق على الملف النووي الإيراني سيحرق الشرق الأوسطبعد الاتفاق حول ال الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الاتفاق على الملف النووي الإيراني س

الاتفاق على الملف النووي الإيراني سيحرق الشرق الأوسط

بعد الاتفاق حول الملف النووي الإيراني في مفاوضات 5+ 1خرجت وسائل الإعلام الإيرانية تصور انتصار المفاوض الإيراني وتعدد لنا مكاسب كبيرة .والواقع أن أمريكا وإيران وعلى طريقة عصابات شيكاغو أجرتا اتفاقهما . فهما يسيران إلى الضحية بينما يضعا قبضتيهما على أخمس البنادق خشية إن يغدر احدهما بالآخر. نعم هذه هي بنود الاتفاق فعلى إيران أن توقف تخصيب اليورانيوم بالنسب التي تصل إلى إنتاج قنبلة نووية وعليها أن تخضع للتفتيش الدوري فيما سيتم رفع الحصار تدريجيا عنها وفيما لو أخلت إيران بأحد البنود سيتم الانقضاض عليها . وينبغي أن نعلم إن محور قضية الملف النووي الإيراني واصل الخلافات هي ما يحدث من صراع توسعي وتنافسي على الشرق الأوسط . ففي قبال مشروع بايدن والشرق الأوسط الجديد الذي يتبناه الأمريكان ,تسعى إيران إلى السيطرة على ما يسمى بالهلال الشيعي ومنابع البترول والممرات المائية في حوض الخليج العربي ومن هنا فأمريكا لا تريد لإيران أن تكون سيدا في المنطقة بل على الولي الفقيه أن يكون جنديا وشرطيا فيها مرة يشعل فتيل قنابل الطائفية ومرة يلوح بهراوة القوة لحكام العرب ومتى ما أحست أمريكا بخيانته تطلق عليه رصاصة الرحمة . إيران قبلت هذا الدور إذ تعتبره تكتيكا يهيئ لها مشروعها التوسعي لكن بحساباتها الخاصة فهي تعتمد القبضة الحديدية على الداخل الإيراني الذي يشهد تمردا كبيرا لذا فهي تعتقد إن رفع العقوبات تدريجيا وان كان يبقي على التذمر الشعبي فهو أمر يمكن تفاديه بالقوة . فيما ستزج بنفسها في الساحة العربية في العراق وسوريا واليمن بقوة لتفرض هيمنتها وإلا ستكون خسارة كبيره لها وخاصة في العراق فيما لو استطاعت أمريكا قطع هلالها الشيعي بالسيطرة على المناطق الغربية ثم اتجهت لإسقاط بشار الأسد . عند ذلك ستكون إيران قد خسرت تخصيب اليورانيوم وخسرت ما يعرف بالهلال الشيعي مع رفع تدريجي للحصار . ولهذا ستسعى إيران بكل قوتها للسيطرة على المحافظات الغربية من العراق ولو أدى ذلك إلى إبادة جماعية في أهل السنة . ولربما سيبقى اوباما يتفرج على هذا الوضع فهذا هو أسلوب الحمائم في البيت الأبيض أو هو أسلوب السي آي ايه فهي تطبخ على نار الديمقراطيين وتأكل بأفواه الجمهوريين. ولذلك سيحتدم الصراع بالحجة المعروفة (الإرهاب وداعش ) العذر الذي يتمسك به الطرفان المتصارعان . وستنزلق ايران في صراع سيجعلها امام تحالف جديد . لربما سيكون منه جانب عربي وعندها ستكون قد فقدت برنامجها النووي ودخل المفتشون للتفتيش عن اسلحتها وفقدت سيطرتها على ما يعرف بالهلال الشيعي وهذا هو التفكير بغباء والسياسة الغبية التي تجعل من ايران منخورة من الداخل ومهزومة من الخارج وستنهار باسرع من انهيار الموصل امام الدواعش في حال حدوث اي مواجهة كما ذكر سماحة المرجع السيد الصرخي الحسني دام ظله حيث قال لا تغرنكم هذه العزة الفارغة فالرهان على ايران هو رهان على حصان خاسر.
عبد الاله الراشدي
السيد الصرخي/ من يراهن على إيران فهو اغبى الاغبياء.. إيران حصان خاسر/ 5-10-2014
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Agreement on the Iranian nuclear file burn the Middle EastAfter agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue negotiations in the 5 + 1 emerging media depicting the victory of the Iranian negotiator, and multiple us significant gains. the fact is that America and Iran and on the way the Chicago gangs conducted their agreement. They go to the victim while placing their grips on akhams guns for fear that the ice one. Yes these are the terms of the agreement, Iran must suspend uranium enrichment to up to production of a nuclear bomb, should be subject to periodic inspection will lift the embargo gradually and if Iran breached one of the items will pounce on them. Should know that the focus of the issue of the Iranian nuclear file differences are continued the expansive and competitive struggle for the Middle East. At Raksha draft Biden and the new Middle East which Americans, Iran seeks to dominate the so-called Shiite Crescent and the sources of petroleum and waterways of the Gulf basin of America do not want Iran to be master in the area but the Wali Al-Faqih to be soldiers and policemen once trigger sectarian bombs once again brandishing the bludgeon force of Arab rulers and when she felt America betrayed by a bullet of mercy. Iran has accepted this role considering its expansionist project creates tactic but special accounts are based on the iron fist inside the great Iranian rebellion therefore believes that lifting sanctions progressively if stays on popular discontent is avoidable. As put in scene in Arabic Iraq and Syria and Yemen by force to impose its hegemony, but would be a great loss, especially in Iraq as if the American cut her Crescent Shiite control of the western regions, then headed to topple Bashar Al-Assad. When will Iran uranium enrichment and had lost lost the so-called Shiite Crescent with the lifting of the embargo. Therefore, Iran will seek with all its strength to control the Western provinces of Iraq if led to genocide in the Sunnah. Perhaps Obama will keep watching this situation, this is the style of doves in the White House or the CIA method it is cooking over Democrats and Republicans eroded mouths. Therefore the conflict known argument will glow (wedaash terrorism) excuse is held by the conflicting parties. And Iran would descend into conflict would front a new Alliance. Maybe it will be next to English and then would have lost its nuclear inspectors entered to search for weapons and has lost control of a so-called Shiite Crescent that is thinking stupidly and stupid policy that makes Iran defeated his decayed from the inside and from the outside and will collapse as soon as the collapse of Mosul before aldwaash in the event of any confrontation as mentioned by Mr. sarkhi Al-Hassani reference eminence long canopy where he does not tgharnkm the empty pride, bet on Iran is a bet on a dead horse.Abdul ilah Al-rashdiMr. sarkhi/betting on Iran is the dumbest idiots. Iran dead horse/5-10-2014https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEh5uySA6Xohttp://hamrinnews.net/a/24344.html
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue would burn the Middle East after the agreement on the Iranian nuclear file in the negotiations 5+ 1 out Iranian media depicting the victory of the Iranian negotiating team and the multiplicity of us substantial gains can only be held America, Iran and the way the Chicago gangs have conducted their agreement. They go to the victim while Qdtehma to put an Okhms guns, fearing that betray each other. Yes, these are the terms of the agreement For Iran to suspend uranium enrichment, which the proportions of up to produce a nuclear bomb and that it is subject to periodic inspection in the blockade will be lifted gradually, and if it violated Iran will be one of the items to pounce on them. They should know that the focus of the Iranian nuclear issue continued differences is what happens from an expansive and competitive on the Middle East conflict. In the tribes have Biden, the new draft and the Middle East adopted by the Americans, Iran is seeking to control the so-called Crescent Shiite sources of oil and waterways in the Persian Gulf basin Hence America does not want Iran to be a master in the region but also on the Wali al-Faqih to be a soldier and a policeman where once ignites defuse bombs and sectarian once waving a baton to force Arab rulers and when she felt what it calls America betrayal coup de grace. Iran has accepted this role as it considers its tactic creates her own expansionist but the accounts are based on the iron fist inside Iran which is witnessing a major revolt therefore believes that the lifting of sanctions gradually and that was to keep the popular discontent is something that could be avoided by force. As Stzj itself in the Arab arena in Iraq, Syria and Yemen strongly to impose its hegemony and will be a great loss but her, especially in Iraq if the United States was able to cut Hilalha Shiite control of the western regions, then headed to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. At that Iran would have lost its uranium enrichment and lost what is known as Shiite Crescent with a gradual lifting of the blockade. That is why Iran would seek with all its power to control the western provinces of Iraq even if that leads to genocide in the Sunnis. Perhaps Obama will keep watching this situation, this is the style of the doves in the White House or the CIA is the method they cook over low Democrats and Republicans eat mouths. Therefore Christtadm conflict known argument (terrorism and Daash) excuse adhered to by the parties Almtsaraan. Iran will slip in the conflict would make it in front of a new alliance. Maybe it will be him along with Arabic and then will have lost its nuclear program and entered the inspectors to search for weapons and lost control of the so-called Shiite Crescent that is thinking stupidly stupid and politics that make Iran Mnkhurh from home and defeated from the outside and will collapse faster than the collapse of Mosul in front of Aldoaash in case of any He also said the face of Mr. Samaha reference Sarkhi Hassani long live where he does not Tgrenkm these empty pride Iran is betting on a bet on a dead horse. Abdul Ilah Rashidi Mr. Sarkhi / from Iran is betting on stupid idiots .. Iran dead horse / 05.10.2014 Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEh5uySA6Xo Http://hamrinnews.net/a/24344.html

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
The agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue will burn the Middle East

after the agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue in the negotiations of the 5 and 1 left the Iranian media depicting the triumph of Iranian negotiator a plurality of large gains.Indeed, America, Iran and the gangs of Chicago conducted their agreement. They go to the victims and put Qbdtyhma five guns, fearing that betray one another.Yes, these are the terms of the deal for Iran to stop uranium enrichment ratios up to produce a nuclear bomb and are subject to periodic inspection will be the lifting of the embargo gradually if Iran violated one of the items will pounce on it.We should know the focus of the Iranian nuclear issue and continued controversies is the occurrence of an expansionist Zionism. In the Middle East. In the draft, Biden in the Middle East in the new Americans.Iran seeks to control what is called the Shiite Crescent petroleum resources and waterways in the Persian Gulf and sometimes does not want Iran to be a master in the region but the guardian jurist to be soldiers, and where the police time triggerSectarianism and waving with a force to the Arab rulers, and when she felt him, shooting the bullet of mercy.Iran has accepted this role, which it considers a tactic of creating its expansionist, but its accounts for iron fist, they rely on the inside, so they think Iran is a great the lifting of the sanctions gradually, if he keeps on complaining.It could be avoided by force.In Stzj itself in the Arab arena in Iraq, Yemen and Syria strongly to impose its hegemony or a big loss, in particular in Iraq, America could cut Hlalha. The control of the western regions, then proceeded to topple Bashar.When it will be Iran has lost the uranium enrichment and the so-called Shiite Crescent with the gradual lifting of the embargo. That is why would Iran with all its strength to control the western provinces of Iraq and even led to the genocide of the people of the year.Perhaps Obama will keep watching the situation. That is the method of doves in the White House, is the style of the CIA is cooked over a fire of Democrats and Republicans Bafwah.Therefore, Syhtdm conflict known argument Wdash (terrorism) excuse invoked by the conflicting parties. Wstnzlq Iran conflict will make it before a new coalition.Maybe it will be from the Arab side then it would have lost its nuclear program and weapons inspectors searched for and lost control of what defines with the Shiite Crescent which is thought to be stupid and politics you make Mnkhwrt Iran.From the outside, will the fastest possible collapse of the connector before the Aldwash face as in the case of any eminence, Mr. Hassani sarkhi long live repertoire, where he did not Tghrnkm empty pride bet bet on Iran is a dead horse.Abdul Ilah al

Mr. الصرخى / bets on Iran is stupid idiots. Iran is a dead horse / 5-10-2014
HTTPS: / / www.youtube.com / watch! V = lEh5uySA6Xo
http: / / hamrinnews.net a 24344.html
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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