النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 3:
Open the door, my grandma "scenario for a short film about big love
1. The interior atrium house / in
s (the Septuagint) grandson:" hear the car stopped at the door outside, we focused the footsteps approaching. Addresses key lock and opened the door.From the outside, Sbynyt lady (grandmother), followed by the grandson of hasty.
the Septuagint (after entering care for her grandson, waiting to fall the door closes and they got a serious look, love and compassion towards the grandchild) Nasser. "I want you to leave me now..."Grandson:
- (with an overwhelming desire to speak), I will leave you but I assure you...
district. Wmktrtht) Nasir, I don't hear you..
the grandchild.(by the gaze direction of the outer door closed, raises the very loud) grandma, the doctor says that he heard you will return to you, but you must the machine... The machine will help you:
, novelty.Don know if she heard what he said to her grandson, Ttamlh, looking towards the ground and then quietly step to peace)
2 (is new). The internal space of the peace day
/ grandma (LXX), and grandson, grandson,
.. (he walks behind his grandmother held close to her about it and talk in her ear) mom calls you to actually have these days, the doctor advise you to stop driving. The car, you have to wait for the machine.
3. The interior lobby day
AL fawqani / grandmother, grandson,
, grandma.(opens the door to her room, followed by her grandson, looking at her holding the door, willing to leave her alone. I want to write.
the grandson write
at home. Grandma:
- without hearing what he would change.
the grandchild.(Ydlf into the room and sits on her bed. We observe the image of a man on the table by the bed. You're so elegant, not like you. You need to take extra clothes you have what you need in our house.
, grandma.(consider the grandson to settle on her bed, reflects the image on the table, turn around, open the door into the room itself, with no Wtghlqh Wtdlf him to say word:
, grandson- (door closes the opening has been heard from home, and tried to open the door, however, was to beat him and shouting out loud). Grandma...
4. The pigeon house indoor / day:
novelty novelty(from the point of novelty, where silence prevails and grandson back to hear or feel, though we see during the moving scene, by the door of in order to open it. Grandma stood in front of the Allafabw, open the water tap, and the flow is not hear his voice.Without it, lifted her head, bringing the lid, the face in the mirror looking to find Banamlha her cheeks and neck Wdhqnha sad, tears gathering in her eyes Tmshhma, hair away from her ears and put Kfyha them, a Wtrfhma Wttnst reflect...There is no difference between the Alsmtyn, then pay attention to the other side mirror, her sight is something there.The reflected light on the face of grandmother, is more had encroached and we know it's about a high window open, after contemplating the scene it was encouraged by the grandmother for a while and take a breath of life a)
5 - handed out / bridge / day
the two young, grandsonSee the house through the bathroom window, a bridge away relatively, a ladder, a hanging between the two levels.A number of people, most of the onlookers and transit corridor of white dress youth in Oman, there are also some young women in the black dress, depending on the age of passers-by understand the relationship of a university.The young man stand alone amid the peace and people were not interested in his passing, and we see it from afar with his hand on his cheek look down. Then stop him another young man and talks to him.To suddenly begin to hear whispers words of novelty) debate between the two, it is only an imaginary of grandma. Grandma
in. The young man tongue trans) - ner... What are you thinking? You look worried!
(a young man standing by her grandson's name Nasser) grandma --
- Transit (by a young grandmother.)?! This morning I saw her drive...
-) by Nasser's grandson), went to the doctor said that she lost her... "Young trans). (the words are influenced by...?!
- (Nasser) quoted the grandson is now preoccupied with completing the novel.
- (by young, transit, contradicting) I often write I
- (by the grandson of Nasser) could not complete her story. This time. She is very sad.. Do you think that God punishes...
- young transit (by punishing her?! Why...?!
-) by Nasser's grandson) and the its relationship with Grandpa. Kids really love...
- young transit) and where (in the words of the problem?
The tongue of the grandson. She occasionally when he was writing, my grandfather came, sitting and speak to her, she moved her head seemed to hear it. Was engaged in writing, he spends hours Tsmh caused, when finished writingYou talk about is not you hear? He was unimpressed but did not get angry, what he was saying."Can you give me the ear Altrsha, Khadija?!" Now, she thinks that Trshha is a punishment from God.
- (by young, trans.). But grandma...
-) by Nasser, contradicting) told her that grandpa died a satisfied with you, but... "(by the young, transit, contradicting) literature that I love grandma had solved most of the problems of their imagination, I think we can do like that.. We use the imagination to make it memorable.
(by a grandson, how?Young trans). (the words you say anything, it is important to Tkhatbwa her shadow. You say, you can tell them you saw your grandfather...
- (by the grandson of contradicting) mom said she saw the kids at a dream that was satisfied with her. "(by the young, transit, contradicting) visions will address fetched as grandma, I look more like her story about her... Consider the young intellectuals to the sight and then raised his hand as if Ytmtt) I found it...
- (by the grandson) what?!
Young tongue, trans () there is a story that will make them get rid of their guilt. Tell me, did your grandfather's good friend live?
- (by) my grandfather was the grandson of his many friends but the nearest is in itself a man still alive life, but now lives in rustaq.I
- (by young, trans. No matter where he lives, it is important that you live to meet up with him... "(on the tongue. The grandson) is to go to rustaq?!
Young tongue, trans () was not necessary, it will build a grandma says you met him accidentally and that he spoke to you about your grandfather and your weird tale..He has heard of your grandfather, when he is come from the University and finds his wife at home, writing, sitting next to her Wystadhnha in speech, authorize, but after have pay attention to it had not heard what he said, but they "give ear Altrsha, CA
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