افتحي الباب يا جدتي

افتحي الباب يا جدتي"سيناريو فيلم قص

افتحي الباب يا جدتي"
سيناريو فيلم قصير عن حب كبير

1- داخلي/ بهو البيت/ داخلي
الجدة (السبعينية)، الحفيد
نسمع سيارة تتوقف عند الباب الخارجي، مدة ونسمع ركز خطوات تقترب. يعالج مفتاح قفل الباب ثم يفتح. من الخارج، تدخل سيدة سبعينية (الجدة) ويتبعها حفيدها متعجلا.
- (بعد أن تدخل تلتفت إلى حفيدها تنتظره حتى يدخل ويغلق الباب ثم وهي تفتعل جدية على خلفية نظرة حب ورحمة تجاه الحفيد) ناصر يا بني، أريدك أن تتركني الآن...
- (مع رغبة جامحة في الكلام) سوف أتركك ولكن ليس قبل أن أطمئنك...
- (مقاطعة ومكترثة) ناصر، إنني لا أسمعك..
- (وقد بدرت منه نظرة اتجاه الباب الخارجي المغلق، يرفع صوته عاليا جدا) جدتي، الدكتور يقول أن سمعك سوف يرجع إليك ولكن لابد من الآلة... الآلة سوف تساعدك...
- (دون أن نعرف إن كانت قد سمعت ما قاله لها حفيدها، تتأمله، تنظر نحو الأرض ثم تدلف بهدوء إلى السلم)
- (يلحق بالجدة)
2- داخلي/ فضاء السلم/ نهار
الجدة (السبعينية)، الحفيد
- (وهو يمشي خلف جدته ملاصقا لها تقريبا ويتكلم عند أذنها) أمي تطلب منك أن تقيمي عندنا هذه الأيام، والطبيب ينصحك بأن تتوقفي عن قيادة السيارة، عليك أن تنتظري الآلة.
3- داخلي/ البهو الفوقاني/ نهار
الجدة، الحفيد
- (تفتح باب غرفة نومها، تدخل ويتبعها حفيدها، تنظر إليه وهي تمسك الباب، راغبة في أن يتركها وحدها) أريد أن أكتب...
- تكتبين في بيتنا...
- (دون أن تسمع ما قال) سوف أغير ملابسي.
- (يدلف إلى الغرفة ويجلس على فراشها ونلاحظ صورة رجل على الطاولة حذو السرير) أنت هكذا أنيقة كعادتك، لا تحتاجين حتى إلى أخذ ملابس إضافية، عندك ما تحتاجينه في بيتنا.
- (تنظر إلى الحفيد يستقر على فراشها تتأمل الصورة على الطاولة، تستدير، تفتح بابا داخل الغرفة وتدلف منه وتغلقه على نفسها بالمفتاح دون أن تنبس بكلمة)
- (وقد سمع صوت الباب يغلق بالمفتاح من الداخل، جرى إليه ومسك بيد الباب محاولا فتحه وبدأ يضرب عليه وينادي بصوت عال) جدتي.. جدتي...
4- داخلي/ بيت الحمام/ نهار
- (من جهة الجدة، يخيم صمت مطبق على المكان ولا نعود نسمع الحفيد أو نحس به، رغم أننا نرى أثناء المشهد يد الباب تتحرك من أجل فتحه. تقف الجدة أمام "اللافابو"، تفتح حنفية الماء، تنظر إليه ينساب وهي لا تسمع صوته. دون أن تستعمله، ترفع رأسها، تميط غطاءه، تنظر إلى وجهها في المرآة تتلمس بأناملها خديها وذقنها ثم رقبتها حزينة، تتجمع الدموع في عينيها، تمسحهما، تبعد الشعر عن أذنيها ثم تضع كفيها عليهما، برهة وترفعهما وتتنصت مليا... لا فرق بين الصمتين، بعدها تلتفت إلى غير جهة المرآة، فيتركز بصرها على شيء هناك... ينعكس الضوء على وجه الجدة، تقترب أكثر وتتطاول ونعرف إنها إزاء نافذة عالية مفتوحة، بعد أن تتأمل الجدة المشهد أمامها تستبشر قليلا ثم تأخذ نفسا مديدا)
5- خارجي/ جسر- سلم/ نهار
الشابين، الحفيد
نرى عبر نافذة بيت الحمام جسرا بعيدا نسبيا، وهو عبارة عن سلم عمومي معلق بين مستويين. والسلم ممر يعبره عدد من الناس، أغلب المارة من الشباب في اللباس الأبيض العماني، هناك أيضا بعض الشابات في لباسهن الأسود، حسب أعمار المارة نفهم أن الممر له علاقة بإحدى الجامعات. ويقف شاب وحيدا وسط السلم والناس يمرون به غير مهتمين لشأنه، ونراه من بعيد واضعا يده على خده ينظر إلى أسفل. بعدها يتوقف عنده شاب آخر ويتحدث إليه. ونبدأ نسمع فجأة (على لسان الجدة همسا) الحوار الدائر بينهما، وهو ليس سوى حوار متخيل من الجدة.
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) أهلا ناصر... فيما تفكر؟ تبدو مهموما!
- (على لسان الشاب الواقف الذي أعطته الجدة اسم حفيدها ناصر) جدتي...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) ما بها جدتك؟! رأيتها هذا الصباح تقود سيارتها...
- (على لسان الحفيد ناصر) ذهبت إلى الطبيب وقال إنها فقدت سمعها...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) هل تأثرت...؟!
- (على لسان الحفيد ناصر) هي الآن منشغلة بإكمال روايتها الجديدة.
- (على لسان الشاب العابر مقاطعا) أحب كثيرا ما تكتب...
- (على لسان الحفيد ناصر) هذه المرة ربما لا تكمل روايتها.. إنها حزينة جدا... تعتقد أن الله يعاقبها...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) يعاقبها؟! لماذا...؟!
- (على لسان الحفيد ناصر) المسألة تتعلق بعلاقتها بجدي... جدي أحبها كثيرا...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) وأين المشكلة؟!
- (على لسان الحفيد) تقول إنها أحيانا عندما كانت تكتب، كان جدي يأتي، ويجلس يكلمها، كانت تحرك رأسها وكأنها تسمعه ولكنها في الحقيقة لم تكن تسمعه، كانت منهمكة في الكتابة، كان يقضي الساعات يحدثها، عندما تنتهي من الكتابة يسألها عن أشياء حدثها عنها فيعرف أنها لم تكن تسمعه؟ كان يتأثر ولكن لم يكن يغضب، كل ما كان يقوله لها: "هل أعطيتني الأذن الطرشاء يا خديجة؟!"، الآن هي تعتقد أن طرشها هو عقاب لها من الله على ذلك...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) ولكن جدتك...
- (على لسان ناصر، مقاطعا) قلنا لها إن جدي توفي وهو راض عنك ولكنها...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر مقاطعا) ما أحبه في أدب جدتك أنها تحل أغلب مشاكل شخصياتها بالخيال، أعتقد أنه يمكننا أن نفعل مثلها... نستعمل الخيال لنجعلها تنسى...
- (على لسان الحفيد) كيف؟
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) تقولون لها أي شيء، المهم أن تخاطبوا خيالها... أنت مثلا، يمكنك أن تقول لها إنك رأيت جدك...
- (على لسان الحفيد مقاطعا) أمي قالت لها إنها رأت جدي في المنام وإنه راض عنها...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر مقاطعا) الرؤى لن تخاطب خيالا كخيال جدتك، أنا أبحث لها عن حكاية أخرى أكثر شبها بها... (ينظر الشاب إلى الأفق مفكرا ثم يرفع يده كأنه يتمطط) كأني وجدتها...
- (على لسان الحفيد) ماذا؟!
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) ها هي الحكاية التي سوف تجعلها تتخلص من إحساسها بالذنب... قل لي هل لجدك صديق حميم حي؟
- (على لسان الحفيد) جدي كان له أصدقاء كثر ولكن أقربهم من نفسه رجل لازال على قيد الحياة، ولكنه يعيش الآن في الرستاق...
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) ليس مهما أين يعيش، المهم أنه يعيش ويمكنك أن تلتقيه...
- (على لسان الحفيد) هل علي أن أذهب إلى الرستاق؟!
- (على لسان الشاب العابر) لا داعي لذلك، ستبني عليه خيالا وتقول لجدتك إنك التقيته صدفة وإنه حدثك عن جدك وروى لك حكاية غريبة عنه. فقد سمع من جدك أنه كان عندما يرجع من الجامعة ويجد زوجته في البيت تكتب، كان يجلس بجانبها ويستأذنها في الكلام فتأذن له، ولكنه بعد أن يحدثها ينتبه إلى أنها لم تكن تسمع ما يقول وإنما كانت "تعطيه الأذن الطرشاء"، كا
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Open door Grandma "Scenario a short film about love1. indoor/House/indoor lobbyGrandma (1970s), grandsonHear a car stop at the outer door, and hear focused steps approaching. Address key door lock then opens. From the outside, the Zayed "friend Lady (Grandma) followed by her grandson in a hurry. 1970s:-(After the intervention of heed to her grandson waiting to enter and close the door then it is stage-managed to background look of love and mercy toward the grandchild) son, I want you to leave me now ...Grandchild:-(With eagerness to speak) will leave you but not before I assure you ...Grandma: -(County and insensitive), I cannot hear you.Grandchild:-(Made him look towards the outer door closed, raising his voice very high) grandmother, Dr. says that your hearing will return to you but to be God ... God will help you.Grandma:-(Without knowing that she had heard what her grandson, meditate on it, look towards the ground and then you walk quietly to the peace)Grandchild:(To grandmother) 2. internal/space/dayGrandma (1970s), grandson Grandchild:(He walks behind his grandmother nearly adjacent speaks at her ear) my mom asks that we elevate these days, the doctor instructs you to stop with the drive, you have to wait for the machine.3. the upper Foyer//dayGrandmother, grandson Grandma:-(Open the door of her bedroom, followed by her grandson, the mechanism holding the door, willing to leave her alone) I want to write ...Grandchild:-Write in our House ...Grandma:(Without hearing what he said) will I change my clothes.Grandchild:(Have been satisfactorily settled into the room and sits on her bed and note the image of the man on the table follow bed) you're so elegant as a habit, not need to take additional clothing, you have what you need in our House.Grandma:(Consider the grandchild settles on her bed admiring the picture on the table, turns around, opens the Pope inside the room and you walk it and close it on the same key without the word ' offsprings)Grandchild:(Has anyone heard the sound of the door closing by key from the inside, it was him, but keeping the door trying to open it and started hitting him and screaming out loud) my grandmother. My grandmother ...4. bathroom/house/dayGranny Grandma:(Grandma hand, silence on the place and don't get back hear grandchild or feel it, although we see during the scene by the door moves to open. novelty stands in front of "allavabo", open the water tap, seen flowing and does not hear his voice without use, head, remove his cover, look at her face in the mirror looking to her fingertips down her cheeks and Chin then her neck, coalesce sad tears in her eyes, hair, wipe them from her ears and then put their hands in a moment and present and eavesdrops twice ... There is no difference between the alsamtin, then turn to other women's hand, her sight is centered on something there ... Reflected light in Grandma, closer and drag on and know it about the high window open, after admiring the Granny scene before slightly encouraged then take long breaths)5. external/bridge-ladder/dayThe youths, grandchildSee through window bathroom house a bridge away, is a public staircase suspended between two levels. And peace corridor transited through a number of people, mostly young bystanders in the white dress, there are also some young women in black dress, as the reconstruction of passers-by understand that passage has nothing to do with the University. A young man stands alone amidst peace and people passing by are not interested to, we see from afar with his hand on his cheek looked down. Then another guy stops him and talking to him. And we begin to hear suddenly (by Grandma whispers) dialogue between them, is not only a dialogue visualizer from Grandma. Grandma:(By Cheb) Welcome to Nasser. With think? Looks worried!-(By the young man standing given by Grandma grandson name Nasser) my grandmother ...(By young transit) by your grandmother? I have seen this morning driving ...-(By the grandchild of Nasser) I went to the doctor and he said it lost meaning.(By Cheb) are affected ...?!-(By the grandchild of Nasser) is now preoccupied with completing the new novel.(By young TRANS boycotting) much love what you write ...-(By the grandchild of Nasser) this time might not complement her. It's very sad ... Believe that God punishes ...(By Cheb) penalizing?! For what...?!-(By the grandchild of Nasser) issue regarding their relationship seriously. Seriously I love it so much ...(By young) and where is the problem?!(By grandson) says it sometimes when typing, my grandfather was coming and sitting speak to her, she moved her head like they hear but they really did not hear, were involved in the writing, he spent hours update, when you finish writing asks her about things updated, knows she didn't hear? He was influenced by, but not angry, all I was saying to her: "you give me the become deaf ear Khadija?!" , Now believes that her deafness is her punishment from God. (By young) but your grandmother ...(By Nasser, boycotting) we said to them that my grandfather died and is satisfied with you but ...(By young TRANS boycotting) what I like about your grandmother's literature it solved most problems of characters in fantasy, I think that we can do. .. Use the imagination to make it memorable.(By grandchild) how?-(Young tongue) say anything, it is important to speak to the imagination. For example, you can tell her you've seen your grandfather ...(By boycotting the grandson) my mom said that she saw my grandfather in a dream and he is satisfied with them.(By young TRANS boycotting) visions will not address the imagination as your grandmother's imagination, I'm looking for another story more like ... (Seen the young man to the horizon thinker then raised his hand like ytmtat) like I've found ... (By grandchild) what?!-(Young tongue) here is the tale which will make them get rid of their sense of guilt. Tell me, does your close friend?(By grandson) my grandfather had his friends but the closest of the same man is still alive, but now lives in rustaq.(By Cheb) no matter where he lives, he lives, you can meet him.(By grandchild) is to go to rustaq?!(By young) don't worry, it will build imagination and tell your grandmother that you met him accidentally and that he tell about your grandfather, Roy you strange tale. They had heard of it was when grandfather returns from the University and finds his wife in the House writes, was sitting beside and ystazenha speak it authorized, but have noticed that she did not hear what he says, but "give permission the become deaf, Ka
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Open the door, my grandmother,
"a short film screenplay about a great love 1. Indoor / lobby House / Indoor grandmother (the Septuagint), the grandson heard a car stop at the outer door, the duration of the hearing focused steps approaching. Addresses the key to lock the door then opens. From the outside, the intervention lady Spaanah (Grandma), followed by her grandson hasty. Septuagint: - (after the intervention of paying attention to her grandson waiting until enters and closes the door and then a conjures serious against the backdrop of a look of love and mercy toward grandson) Nasser, my son, I want you to leave me now ... grandson: - ( with a strong desire to speak) will leave you, but not before I assure you ... Grandma: - (county and uncaring) Nasser, I do not hear you .. grandson: - (have been expressed by the look direction of the outer door closed, raising his voice very high) My grandmother, Dr. says that your hearing will come back to you, but to be the machine ... the machine will help you ... Grandma: - (without knowing if they had heard what he said her grandson, contemplates, look toward the ground and then quietly leaking to peace) grandson: - (attached to novelty) 2. Indoor / space peace / day Grandma (the Septuagint), the grandson grandson: - (he walked behind his grandmother adjacent to her almost speak at her ear) my mom asking you to MY RATING we have these days, and the doctor advise that you stop driving a car, You have to wait the machine. 3. Indoor / lobby Fawqani / day grandmother, grandson Grandma: - (opens her bedroom door, enters, followed by her grandson, you look at it, holding the door, unwilling to leave her alone) I want to write ... grandson: - We write in our house ... Grandma: - (without hearing what he said) I will change my clothes. grandson: - (is entering into the room and sits on her bed and note the image of a man on the table the example of the bed) You are so elegant usual,, you do not need even to take extra clothes , you have what you need in our house. Grandma: - (look at the grandson settle her bed contemplating the picture on the table, turn, opens the door into the room and leaking it and close it on the same key without saying a word) grandson: - (The door voice was heard closing key of Inside, he was caught, however, and tried to open the door and began hitting him and call out loud) .. my grandmother's grandmother ... 4. Indoor / bath house / day Grandma Grandma: - (point of Grandma, silence hangs over the place and not come back or we hear grandson We feel it, even though we see the hand of the door while the scene is moving in order to open it. Grandma stands in front of "Allafabo", open the water tap, you look at it glides They do not hear his voice. Without that use it, lifted her head, remove something lid, look at her face in the mirror groping Bonamlha her cheeks and her chin and neck sad, gather tears in her eyes, Thompshama, just a hair from her ears and then put her hands on them, a moment and raise them and eavesdrops carefully ... there is no difference between Asamtin , then pay attention to the hand is the mirror, her eyesight is concentrated on something there ... light is reflected on the face of the grandmother, approaching more and treaded and we know it about the high open window, after contemplating the scene in front of her grandmother encouraged by a bit, then take a breath a ripe) 5. External / Bridge - him / day and the two young men, grandson see the house through the bathroom window of a bridge is relatively far away, a public hanging between two levels ladder. And peace corridor interpret a number of people, most passers-by of young people in the white dress of Oman, there are also some young women in their dress black, depending on the age pedestrians understand that the corridor has to do with a university. The young man stands alone amid peace and people passing by are not interested in the will, and we see from afar, putting his hand on his cheek looks down. Then another young man stops him and talking to him. And suddenly begin to hear (in the words of Grandma whispers) the ongoing dialogue between them, which is not only an imagined dialogue from Grandma. Grandma: - (in the words of the young transit) Welcome Nasser ... what you think? Look worried! - (In the words of the young man who gave him a standing Grandma grandson Nasser) ... my grandmother's name - (on the lips of the young transit) what her grandmother ?! I saw her this morning, driving ... - (in the words of Nasser grandson) went to the doctor and said he had heard that she lost ... - (in the words of the young transit) Is affected by the ...?! - (In the words of Nasser grandson) is now busy completing The new novel. - (in the words of the young transit interrupting) I like very much what you write ... - (in the words of Nasser grandson) this time may not complement her novel .. It's very sad ... think that God punishes ... - (on the tongue Young transit) punishes ?! Why ...?! - (In the words of Nasser grandson) a question of relationship my grandfather ... grandfather ... I love so much - (in the words of the young transit) and where is the problem? - (In the words of the grandson) says it sometimes when she writes, My grandfather comes, sitting speak to her, she moved her head as if they hear it, but in fact were not hear it, she was engaged in writing, he was spending hours caused, when you finish writing updated by asking her about things they shall know them were not you hear? He was influenced but not angry, all of what he was saying to her: "Would you give me the ear Trchae O Khadija ?!", he believes that now is the Trchha is her punishment from God for that ... - (in the words of the young transit), but your grandmother .. . - (in the words of Nasser, interrupting) I told her that my grandfather died a satisfied about you, but ... - (in the words of the young transit interrupting) What I like your grandmother's literature it solved most of the problems of fantasy characters, I think that we can do like her ... We use imagination to make it memorable ... - (in the words of the grandson) How? - (in the words of the young transit) say her anything, it is important that Takataboa her imagination ... you, for example, you can say you saw her grandfather ... - (on San grandson interrupting) My mother said she saw her grandfather in a dream and he was satisfied with it ... - (in the words of the young transit interrupting) will not address the fiction visions Kkhial your grandmother, I am looking for her other story more like it ... (the young man looks at the horizon thinker then raises his hand like a Eetmtt) like I've found ... - (in the words of the grandson) What ?! - (in the words of the young transit) Here's a story that will make them get rid of the sense of guilt ... tell me do you a close friend of your grandfather neighborhood? - (on the lips of the grandson) my grandfather had many friends but the closest of the same man is still alive, but now he lives in Rustaq ... - (in the words of the young transit) does not matter where they live, it is important that he live and you can meet him ... - (on the lips of the grandson) Do I have to go to Rustaq ?! - (in the words of the young transit) need not be so, it will build imagination and tell your grandmother that you met him by accident and that your event from your grandfather and you told him a strange tale. It has heard from your grandfather that he was when he returned from the university and find his wife at home to write, he was sitting next to her and Astoznha to speak authorize him, but after that caused notice that they were not hear what he says, but they "give ear Trchae," Ka

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Open the door, my grandma "scenario for a short film about big love

1. The interior atrium house / in
s (the Septuagint) grandson:" hear the car stopped at the door outside, we focused the footsteps approaching. Addresses key lock and opened the door.From the outside, Sbynyt lady (grandmother), followed by the grandson of hasty.
the Septuagint (after entering care for her grandson, waiting to fall the door closes and they got a serious look, love and compassion towards the grandchild) Nasser. "I want you to leave me now..."Grandson:
- (with an overwhelming desire to speak), I will leave you but I assure you...
district. Wmktrtht) Nasir, I don't hear you..

the grandchild.(by the gaze direction of the outer door closed, raises the very loud) grandma, the doctor says that he heard you will return to you, but you must the machine... The machine will help you:

, novelty.Don know if she heard what he said to her grandson, Ttamlh, looking towards the ground and then quietly step to peace)
2 (is new). The internal space of the peace day
/ grandma (LXX), and grandson, grandson,

.. (he walks behind his grandmother held close to her about it and talk in her ear) mom calls you to actually have these days, the doctor advise you to stop driving. The car, you have to wait for the machine.
3. The interior lobby day
AL fawqani / grandmother, grandson,

, grandma.(opens the door to her room, followed by her grandson, looking at her holding the door, willing to leave her alone. I want to write.
the grandson write
at home. Grandma:
- without hearing what he would change.

the grandchild.(Ydlf into the room and sits on her bed. We observe the image of a man on the table by the bed. You're so elegant, not like you. You need to take extra clothes you have what you need in our house.

, grandma.(consider the grandson to settle on her bed, reflects the image on the table, turn around, open the door into the room itself, with no Wtghlqh Wtdlf him to say word:

, grandson- (door closes the opening has been heard from home, and tried to open the door, however, was to beat him and shouting out loud). Grandma...
4. The pigeon house indoor / day:

novelty novelty(from the point of novelty, where silence prevails and grandson back to hear or feel, though we see during the moving scene, by the door of in order to open it. Grandma stood in front of the Allafabw, open the water tap, and the flow is not hear his voice.Without it, lifted her head, bringing the lid, the face in the mirror looking to find Banamlha her cheeks and neck Wdhqnha sad, tears gathering in her eyes Tmshhma, hair away from her ears and put Kfyha them, a Wtrfhma Wttnst reflect...There is no difference between the Alsmtyn, then pay attention to the other side mirror, her sight is something there.The reflected light on the face of grandmother, is more had encroached and we know it's about a high window open, after contemplating the scene it was encouraged by the grandmother for a while and take a breath of life a)
5 - handed out / bridge / day

the two young, grandsonSee the house through the bathroom window, a bridge away relatively, a ladder, a hanging between the two levels.A number of people, most of the onlookers and transit corridor of white dress youth in Oman, there are also some young women in the black dress, depending on the age of passers-by understand the relationship of a university.The young man stand alone amid the peace and people were not interested in his passing, and we see it from afar with his hand on his cheek look down. Then stop him another young man and talks to him.To suddenly begin to hear whispers words of novelty) debate between the two, it is only an imaginary of grandma. Grandma
in. The young man tongue trans) - ner... What are you thinking? You look worried!
(a young man standing by her grandson's name Nasser) grandma --
- Transit (by a young grandmother.)?! This morning I saw her drive...
-) by Nasser's grandson), went to the doctor said that she lost her... "Young trans). (the words are influenced by...?!
- (Nasser) quoted the grandson is now preoccupied with completing the novel.
- (by young, transit, contradicting) I often write I
- (by the grandson of Nasser) could not complete her story. This time. She is very sad.. Do you think that God punishes...
- young transit (by punishing her?! Why...?!
-) by Nasser's grandson) and the its relationship with Grandpa. Kids really love...
- young transit) and where (in the words of the problem?
The tongue of the grandson. She occasionally when he was writing, my grandfather came, sitting and speak to her, she moved her head seemed to hear it. Was engaged in writing, he spends hours Tsmh caused, when finished writingYou talk about is not you hear? He was unimpressed but did not get angry, what he was saying."Can you give me the ear Altrsha, Khadija?!" Now, she thinks that Trshha is a punishment from God.
- (by young, trans.). But grandma...
-) by Nasser, contradicting) told her that grandpa died a satisfied with you, but... "(by the young, transit, contradicting) literature that I love grandma had solved most of the problems of their imagination, I think we can do like that.. We use the imagination to make it memorable.
(by a grandson, how?Young trans). (the words you say anything, it is important to Tkhatbwa her shadow. You say, you can tell them you saw your grandfather...
- (by the grandson of contradicting) mom said she saw the kids at a dream that was satisfied with her. "(by the young, transit, contradicting) visions will address fetched as grandma, I look more like her story about her... Consider the young intellectuals to the sight and then raised his hand as if Ytmtt) I found it...
- (by the grandson) what?!
Young tongue, trans () there is a story that will make them get rid of their guilt. Tell me, did your grandfather's good friend live?
- (by) my grandfather was the grandson of his many friends but the nearest is in itself a man still alive life, but now lives in rustaq.I
- (by young, trans. No matter where he lives, it is important that you live to meet up with him... "(on the tongue. The grandson) is to go to rustaq?!
Young tongue, trans () was not necessary, it will build a grandma says you met him accidentally and that he spoke to you about your grandfather and your weird tale..He has heard of your grandfather, when he is come from the University and finds his wife at home, writing, sitting next to her Wystadhnha in speech, authorize, but after have pay attention to it had not heard what he said, but they "give ear Altrsha, CA
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