11 - 04 - 2006, 11:40 المشاركة 1نشاط بوابتك العربية قوة السمعة : 2743  ترجمة - 11 - 04 - 2006, 11:40 المشاركة 1نشاط بوابتك العربية قوة السمعة : 2743  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

11 - 04 - 2006, 11:40 المشاركة 1نشا

11 - 04 - 2006, 11:40 المشاركة 1
نشاط بوابتك العربية
قوة السمعة : 2743 الإعجاب: 69

Icon26 يالــلـــه يـالـلـه.. وصف الجنة ونعيمها ووصف ما فيها ... يالــلــه يالــلـه
السلام عليكم و رحمه الله وبركاته

الجنة ؟؟

حديث عن الجنة وبعض ما فيها

جعلنا الله من أهلها اللهم


مفتاح الجنة
الجنة مفتاحها لا إله الا الله محمد رسول الله والأعمال الصالحة هى أسنان المفتاح التى بها يعمل
وأول من يدخلها سيدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد أن يشفع للمؤمنين بدخولها

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
11-04-2006, 11:40 participation 1Arabic Portal activity Strength reputation: 2743 impressive: 69 Icon26 yall for the l.. Description of paradise and its delights and description ... Yall yall for himPeace, mercy and blessings of God Paradise? Talk of paradise, some includingWe made God her oMom n The key to paradise Paradise key there is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of God and good deeds are the teeth of the key which works And the first to enter Prophet Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, after they intercede for believers to enter -><--><--><--><--><--><--><--Doors HAAnd those who fear their Lord to heaven-zimra, even if they came her and opened and he said to them, peace to you good evening, stockpiled entered eternal(Surat AZ-zumar 73)Gates of paradise eight reportedly named The door of the Prophet Muhammad and is the door of repentance. Prayer. -Door fast door Al Rayyan -Alms The door of the charity. The door of Hajj and Umrah. -The door of Jihad -Door link -><--><--><--><--><--><--><--Degrees of paradise and Chambers Paradise degrees above top paradise under the throne of Rahman heavens and it graduated four paradise rivers (River milkshake-River-a river of alcohol-water river) And highest in Paradise highest is the means and the Maqam is the Prophet peace and blessings of God asked him means had befallen him his intercession Prophet doomsday will not Then folks high rooms and multiple roles of palaces are Alder and substance from underneath rivers يتراءون to paradise as people see the planets and the stars in the heavens ELA It is home of the prophets, the martyrs and the perseverance of the people of the scourge and ill health and the loving one another in God In the paradise of transparent gem seemingly finds from subsoil and of speech and etab fed food and Pat place and people are asleep Then the rest of the folks are 100 degrees degrees and proceed home from his King was like ten times the richest Kings minimum -><--><--><--><--><--><--><--The names of some of the rivers of paradise and Jasmine The Commission collapsed and eyes all four rivers stems emerging from the Supreme paradise and has some names mentioned in Qur'an and Hadith from them The river kauther. It is the river gave the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in paradise and drank from the Muslims in doomsday attitude drink not yzmaon then begin with God and has been named one of the Koran, as the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that his edges of domes hollowed Pearl, soil musk and his pebbles of Pearl and his water whiter than snow and sweeter than sugar and pettiness of gold and silver Albidkh River It is a river which killed Dunks coming out as the moon on the night of the full moon and went from them what they found minimal harm -River bareq It is n herali new year section must be less than the duration the hdaa, Yat matter Rizk are certain of the reel and to pass: make firon -Appointed tasnim They supervised drink paradise is of the sealed nectar and drink it pure and Associates blends musk for folks right -SalsabilThey drink the right folks and mixes them with ginger -Eucalyptus mood They drink of the righteous All beverages does not intoxicate and not cracked and don't go mind but her drinkers and pleasure filled trance known minimum folks cruising their two immortal like pearls scattered in cups of gold and silver bottles Food paradise of meat and fowl, fruits and everything she desired themselves (What they please when their Lord that penalty benefactors)Surat AZ-zumar: 34-><--><--><--><--><--><--><--Paradise trees All their gold and emerald green leaves and substance which statedThe blessed tree. He said the Messenger of Allah and blessings they resemble butternut tree is very bone size, weighty fruit of paradise clothing in each fruit color colour dress 70 Al sondos walastbrk never saw the like of which the insured person obtains the minimum folks what he wants and then meet paradise, remember to lower it, God sends a wind of heaven move that tree with all of it was in Sidra-ending It is a great tree under the throne of Rahman and emerges from its origins four anharoighashaha the light of God and many angels and is the Maqam Ibrahim, peace be upon him, and with him the children of believers who died young as the father cared for them all and leaves flying the flag creations and no one knows but Allah (SWT) in Paradise ashagarmn all known fruits in colors not only names either substance is not only God knows And human beings who believe good works they are paradises beneath rivers whenever child from fruit abundantly said this which may by and brought by the similar and they have antiseptic and couples they Erik Sura 25 It has been reported from the fruits of paradise Fig, grape, pomegranate talh al Balah CEDR And all what God Almighty to the people of the fruits of -><--><--><--><--><--><--><--In paradise Men God sends men of paradise on the image of their father Adam Mrđa inventory use Kohl in the thirty-third of age and Youssif and image the heart and tongue of Ayub Mohammed And blessed them fully perfect and beauty and youth do not die nor sleep Women And the women of paradise 2LucesLuces: when creating creatures of paradise as God Almighty in his book dear as As Sapphire and coralSurah Rahman 58As proverbs nayefatSura AL-WAQIA 23As eggs largessSurat as-saaffat 29And women ndarat soft beautiful if one looked at the people of Earth to the minimum if its still lit for insured women as countless Peace said that cloud to pass to the people of the
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
11-04 - 2006 11:40 Post 1
Activity portal Arab
Rep Power: 2743 admiration: 69 Icon26 Wonderful Wonderful .. Description Paradise and pleasures and a description of what the ... Wonderful Wonderful Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon paradise ?? talk about paradise and some what in God made ​​us from her family Oh God, Amen Paradise key Paradise key to which there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of God and good deeds are the teeth of the key which it operates and the first to enter our Lord the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him after he intercedes for believers to enter -> <-> <- -> <-> <-> <-> <-> <- doors and taken those who fear their Lord to heaven even if you see troops Jaha and opened the doors and told them stored peace be upon you Tpettm Vedjloha immortal (Surah Zumar 73) gates of heaven eight told that their names door Muhammad peace be upon him, a door of repentance - the door of prayer - - door of fasting, a door Rayyan - Bab Zakat matter of charity - the door of the Hajj and Umrah - - the door of jihad - the door of the connection with -> <-> <-> <- -> <-> <-> <-> <- degrees of Paradise, 'and the Paradise degrees above the highest paradise which is under the throne of God Almighty and it graduated rivers of the four main Paradise (River of milk - honey River - a river of wine - water River) The highest shrine in the highest paradise is a shrine means a place of our Lord the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and God asked him waseelah his intercession may Allah bless him and the day of Resurrection and then the people Illiyun rooms, a multi-role of Durr and substance palaces, beneath which rivers Atran of the people of Paradise as people see the planets and the stars in the heavens Ela , a status of the prophets and the martyrs and the steadfast people of affliction and sickness and Almtahabin in God in Paradise rooms of gems transparent sees face value of its interior, which is for those who Otab speech and fed food and Pat exists when people are asleep and then the rest of the people of grading a hundred degrees and Odnahm his home was a king like ten times the richest kings of the world -> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <- mentioned the names of some of the rivers of Paradise and the eyes and the Committee rivers and springs, originating from rivers The four emerging from the highest paradise was contained some names mentioned in the Koran and hadiths which Kawthar River - a river gave the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in paradise and drink it Muslims in position Doomsday drink not Azmoon from then never praise of God has been named one of the verses of the Qur'an His name, describing the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him that the banks are made ​​of the domes of hollow pearls and soil musk and Hbbaah pearls whiter than snow, one hundred and sweeter than sugar and utensils of gold and silver - Alipidkh River , a river which dunks martyrs Vijrgeon him the moon to full moon night has gone from them what they found from harm minimum - River Superficial a Nehraly door of paradise sitting with him martyrs Viotehm livelihood of paradise morning and evening - appointed Tasnim which oversaw syrup people of Paradise, one of the sealed nectar and drink close purely blends with musk to the people of the right - eye Salsabil , a syrup people of the right and mixes them with ginger - Ain mood camphor a righteous syrup and all beverages does not intoxicate not cracked and do not go the mind but fills Harbhe pleasure and euphoria is not known to people of this world go around them by two sons everlasting youth as if they were pearls scattered cups of gold bottles of silver and food of Paradise of meat and fowl, fruits and all wanted the themselves (to them what they want Such is the reward with their Lord, benefactors) Surah Zumar: 34 -> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <- paradise trees , all of which stems from the gold and green of their leaves and substance Emerald it was reported, including Blessed tree - he said the Messenger of Allah bless him and it resembles a walnut tree, a great bone in size and sprout off from the clothes people of Paradise in all the fruit seventy dress colors colors of Sondos and Aloestbrq like people of this world gain from the insurer did not see what he wants and then meet the people of Paradise Vizkron minimum Hu also cause God made ​​a wind of paradise move that tree all the fun was in the world - the Ultimate tree is a great tree under the throne of God goes out of its origin four Onharweghaha the light of God and many of the angels, a shrine of Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, and with him the children of believers who die while they are young caregiver cap to all of them and leaves flagged creatures and no one knows except God Almighty in Paradise Ohjarmn all fruits colors known in the world is not them, but the names The essence is that no one knows except God and human beings who believe and work righteous deeds, that for them Gardens underneath which rivers whenever Rozkoa of the fruit thereof, they say: this is what a living before they brought him similar and they have sanitized pairs they will abide therein Sura 25 was reported from the fruits of paradise figs grapes pomegranate acacia Balah Seder and all of God's creation, the Almighty to the people of the world of the fruits -> <- > <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <- status of the people of Paradise men sent men of God from the people of Paradise on the image of their father Adam inventory Marda Mkhalin in the third and thirty years of age on the swab and the image of Joseph Ayoub and tongue Mohammed and the heart of the peace and blessings God has blessed them Pettmam perfection and beauty and youth will not die or sleeping women and women of Paradise are two types virgins virgins: they are creating creatures for the people of Paradise and Cefhn Almighty God in his Holy book that they if they are rubies and coral Ar-Rahman 58 Like unto preserved pearls Surat located 23 if they were eggs innermost Saaffat 29 They are beautiful women Ndharat Naamat if one of them had seen the people of the earth to the world and lit Maalaha and locked them what umpteen said peace be upon him that the cloud to pass the people of the

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
11 - 4 - 2006, 11:40, 1The activity of your portal.Strength and reputation, impressive: 69: 2743Icon26 Yallh Yallh. Description of heaven and its delights to the... Yallh YallhPeace be upon you and God's mercy and blessingsHeaven?Talk about heaven and MaWe made the people of God, GodSepThe key to heavenParadise lock there is no God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and good deeds are the teeth of the key that worksThe first lead of the messenger of Allah peace be upon him after excuse for insurers to enter- > - > - > - > - > - > - > < -AbwabhaWaseyqa Alaadheyna Ataaqawa Rabaahum to mark Aljanaate Zumarana even saw the Jaauwhaa Wafutehat Aabwaabuhaa wa qaala Lahum Khazanatuhaa salamun alaikum Tebtum Faadkhuluwhaa KhaaledeynaAZ zumar 73)The eight gates of paradise was said to appearBab Muhammad peace be upon him, is the door of repentance.Door of prayer.Fasting door and door rayyanZakat.Door of charity.The door of the Hajj and Umrah.Bab jihad.The door of this town.- > - > - > - > - > - > - > < -Its the degrees of ParadiseAnd the highest degree of the highest paradise is under the throne of Rahman Almighty graduated from the rivers of paradise are keyThe milk river. The river is river water, river honey wine)The highest standing in the highest paradise is Mqam medium which serves as the messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and he asked God to the replaced him for his intercession, may Allah bless him. Wslm doomsdayThen, the chambers of the multiple roles of elder and essence deficiency Lyyn which run underneath which rivers Ytrawn to heaven and see the planets and stars in the heavens ELAA status of the prophets and martyrs Walsabryn of misfortune and bad things and people Walmthabyn in GodRooms at the paradise of the transparent gems sees the face of its interior, those who improve speech and feed the food stands and people are sleepingThen the rest of the people, one hundred degrees and least status had a king like ten times as rich as kings of the world- > - > - > - > - > - > - > < -The names of some of the eyes and the rivers of ParadiseThe Commission's rivers and rivers all originate from the emerging from the highest paradise were some of the names mentioned in the Quran and the Hadith MuhammadThe river kawthar.The River gave to the messenger of Allah peace be upon him in heaven and drink Muslims
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