أنا أستيقظ قبل السابعة صباحا , وأشرب الشاي وأدخن النرجيلة ثم أذهب الى عملي وبعد الانتهاء من العمل اعود للبيت وادرس بعض الوقت ثم اقرأ بعض الكتب العلمية و أخلد الى النوم
I woke up before 7 a.m., drink tea and smoke a water pipe and then go to work and after work I come home and study some time and read some scientific books and go to sleep.
I get up before seven in the morning, and I drink tea and smoke a water pipe and then go to work and after completion of the work I go back home and study for some time and then read some scientific books and went to sleep
I wake up before 7:00 am, hookah smoke and drink some tea and then go to work, after work back home and study for some time and then read some science books and go to sleep