يجب ان تكون كافة فواتير الشراء بأسلوبي الشراء المباشر و العروض مؤيده من قبل لجنة الاعتدال التي تشكل في الجمعية وبيان مدى تطابقها مع اسعار السوق السائده بعد عملية الشراء
Must be all the purchase invoices by direct procurement methods and supporting performances by moderation that constitute the Assembly statement of conformity with the prevailing market prices after the procurement process
Must be all purchase invoices two methods of direct purchase and offers a supporter of moderation by the Commission which are in the Assembly and the statement of their conformity with the prevailing market prices after your purchase
All the Baslwby purchase invoices must be direct purchase and offers support of moderation, which is before the assembly, and their conformity with market price at purchase process