النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Biological control of insects
definition of biological control from the point of conception ecological: As a natural phenomenon:
that is the role played by predators, parasites and pathogens insecticides in reducing the number of some kind of insect limit who can have it in the case of all of its absence or one of them, any role played by these natural enemies "natural" and without human intervention (De Bach 1964)
definition of biological control from the standpoint of human activity and practical:
that the use of predators and parasites or pathogens of insects in reducing the numbers of insects limit that causes economic damage (De Bach 1973)
this can the use of natural enemies of insects alone successfully in special cases in reducing the number of pest reduction , which cause an "economic" damage, and in other cases not enough biological control alone as a way to combat the scourge of what in this case needs to develop an integrated program.
The most important characteristics of biological control:
1. less expensive.
2. safer where it 's natural objects have no gravity at all.
3. more durable and stable in the ecosystem , unless use of pesticides.
4. Acer commonly used terms do not use the equipment , and others.
The most important elements of the biological control: Biological control agents:
consisting of Thelat main groups:
1. predators , Predators
2- parasites Parasitoids
3- microorganisms pathogenic to insects Entomopathogenic micro organisms
A. pathogenic bacteria to insects Bacteria
B viruses entomopathogenic Virus
C pathogenic fungi to insects Fungi
d protozoa entomopathogenic protozoa
4- nematodes entomopathogenic nematodes
most important uses biological control:
1. - conservation of natural enemies in with environment.
2. Increased natural enemies during launch regular and intensive system.
3. Import some appropriate natural enemies environmental circumstances and propagate them and launch in case it unnecessary to do so.
Necessary for any anti - biological studies program:
1. Breeding work Insectary stock (mass production) natural setting.
2. Condensation colonization (Release) under the most favorable environmental conditions.
3. Action Recovery attempts studies to make sure the success of the fight.
The most important characteristics of biological control:
- lower cost.
- Where it 's safer natural objects have no gravity at all.
- More durable and stable in the ecosystem , unless use of pesticides.
- Acer commonly used terms do not use the equipment , and others.
- Safe, no harm to humans and the environment permanently, where they multiply their numbers naturally.
- Economic, inexpensive compared to other methods of control.
- Easy to implement and do not require many working hands.
Study on Hlzinos olive Hylesinus olieperda F. (Scolytidae. Col.) :
Hussein Qtalba - Sixth Science Week 1967: The
insect Hlzinos olive H.Olieperda F. one generation per year and spend a period of overwintering larva phase ( the last age). The larvae are active in about mid - March to feed for a short period and then dig Altaazir room at the end of the tunnel and can not be inside in about April 25 and the duration of the pupal stage about 20 days after the adult insect graduated in late May and continues full of insects out until July. Digs female mating chamber and after mating dig tunnels directions and put in the tunnel every 2-8 eggs in both directions. The egg incubation period of about a week and hatched larvae burrow tunnels between the bark and wood tortuous and sometimes intersect. Anonymous Hlzinos olives are two types of rank Hymenoptera and one we knew and called Cheropaches sp. .
The second has not been identified and has reached the proportion of parasitism in Douma in 1967 to 51.3%.
Environmental studies on the olive fruit fly in the Syrian coast: Dacus oleae G. (Trypetidae, Diptera ):
fly olives on the Syrian coast , four generations first starts in June and the second in late July and the third in September and the fourth of November , and there is a possibility of a fifth generation in December where I spend the flies emerging from this generation overwintering, and sometimes we find in the pupal stage until April. Under olive fruit fly on the first generation of early varieties such as Aldramlala and biliary In the rest of generations Vthajm both early and late varieties (Khudairy) together. Up infection rate Bzbabh fruits to the peak in October and it reached 100% in 1966, reaching a peak density of flies in the same month , and the average number of flies in the field to 83 and 22 thousand a fly in the years 1966 to 1967 respectively. While the average number of flies in May 4600 and 633 fly hectares for the same years , which confirms that the number of flies emerging from overwintering significant impact on the intensity and incidence of insect afterwards. In the field of control are advised to use baits a component of the protein Hedroleezzat and insecticide and water, and the concentrations depend on the method of spraying. The number of sprays should not be less than three workshops.
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