MINDBODYGREENVIDEO COURSESREVITALIZE7 Habits Happy People Have (But Ne ترجمة - MINDBODYGREENVIDEO COURSESREVITALIZE7 Habits Happy People Have (But Ne الإنجليزية كيف أقول


7 Habits Happy People Have (But Never Talk About)
MAY 31, 2014 4:40 AM EDT

While cruising in Hawaii with Wailua River guides, I asked my kayak guide, Annie, what her favorite part about living in Kauai was.

She smiled brightly and beamed, "I'm so rich here. I mean, I don't have a lot of money, but my quality of life is abundant. I get to do what I love every day, and that makes me rich.”

Living a life you love is possible for everyone. My conversation with the happiest kayak girl in the world stirred up ideas of other happy people who practice happiness. People who have made happiness a habit and it beams from their pores. Because happiness is a choice and we can all cultivate it.

But the happiest people in the world have some habits they never talk about. When you live and breathe happiness, you feel more connected to your life. More grounded and purposeful. Here are seven habits happy people have but don’t talk about.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
MINDBODYGREENVIDEO COURSESREVITALIZE7 Habits Happy People Have (But Never Talk About)BY SHANNON KAISER MAY 31, 2014 4:40 AM EDTWhile cruising in Hawaii with Wailua River guides, I asked my kayak guide, Annie, what her favorite part about living in Kauai was.She smiled brightly and beamed, "I'm so rich here. I mean, I don't have a lot of money, but my quality of life is abundant. I get to do what I love every day, and that makes me rich."Living a life you love is possible for everyone. My conversation with the happiest kayak girl in the world stirred up ideas of other happy people who practice happiness. People who have made happiness a habit and it beams from their pores. Because happiness is a choice and we can all cultivate it.But the happiest people in the world have some habits they never talk about. When you live and breathe happiness, you feel more connected to your life. More grounded and purposeful. Here are seven habits happy people have but don't talk about.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
7 Habits Happy People Have (But Never Talk About)
MAY 31, 2014 4:40 AM EDT While cruising in Hawaii with Wailua River guides, I Asked my kayak guide, Annie, what her favorite part about living in Kauai was. She smiled brightly and beamed, "I'm so rich here. I mean, I do not have a lot of money, but my quality of life is abundant. I get to do what I love every day , and That makes me rich. " Living a life you love is possible for everyone. My conversation with the kayak happiest girl in the world stirred up ideas of other happy people who practice happiness. People who have made ​​a habit happiness and it beams from hwy pores. Because happiness is a choice and we can all Cultivate it. But the happiest people in the world have some habits they never talk about. When you live and breathe happiness, you feel more connected to your life. More grounded and purposeful. Here are seven habits happy people have but do not talk about.

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