العمل و الراحة وجهان لعملة واحدة ، ففي العمل تشعر انك تنجز و تنمو و تتقدم .. و في الراحة التي تحصل عليها تشعر بالهدوء النفسي الذي يساعدك في انجاز أكبر في عملك
Work and rest are two sides of the same coin, at work you feel complete and growing and progressing. And rest you get to feel the psychological tranquillity which helps you accomplish more at work.
Working and comfort are two sides of the same coin, in the work you feel accomplished and grow and advance .. and the rest that you get the psychological feeling of calm that helps you in the biggest achievement in your business
Work and leisure are two sides of the same coin, in work, grow, and move. You feel complete. And the rest you get feel calm the psychological help you accomplish more at work.