الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيواناتالمرض المميت يصيب الحيوانات المستأنسة والمج ترجمة - الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيواناتالمرض المميت يصيب الحيوانات المستأنسة والمج الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيواناتالمرض ال

الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيوانات
المرض المميت يصيب الحيوانات المستأنسة والمجترات البرية وحتى الأفيال...
أدى انتشار الجمرة الخبيثة مؤخرا في الولايات المتحدة إلى تركيز الأنظار على واحد من أقدم الأمراض التي تعرضت لها المدنية وأشدها فتكا. وتظل الجمرة الخبيثة تشكل تهديدا أكبر للحيوان منه للإنسان. ففي حين أن الحيوانات المريضة التي تترك بدون علاج تنفق في غضون أيام قليلة، فإن أكثر أشكال الجمرة الخبيثة شيوعا التي تصيب الإنسان هي النوع الجلدى غير المميت عموما الذي يصيب العمال الذين يتعاملون مع الحيوانات أو المنتجات الحيوانية المصابة بهذا المرض. فهذه الجمرة الخبيثة هي إلى حد كبير من "الأخطار المهنية "التي تصيب الإنسان والتي تظهر من الاسم الانجليزي الشائع للشكل الرئوى المميت لهذا المرض وهو "داء فرازى الصوف" الذي يحدث من خلال استنشاق البوغ الكامن في الصوف). وقد طلبت "الزراعة في القرن 21" من الأخصائيين في إدارة صحة الحيوان في مصلحة الزراعة دليلا ارشاديا أساسيا عن الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيوانات.
ما هي الجمرة الخبيثة؟
الجمرة الخبيثة عبارة عن مرض معد بدرجة شديدة يمكن أن يصيب جميع الحيوانات من ذوي الدم الحار تقريبا بما في ذلك البشر، ويصيب مجموعة من الأنسجة من بينها الجلد والمعدة والكلى وأغشية الدماغ والملتحمة والغدد الليمفاوية. ويرجع السبب في هذا المرض لبكتيريا Bacillus anthracis التي تنتمي لمجموعة البكتيريا التي تمتلك القدرة على تكوين البوغ. والبوغ عبارة عن جسيمات دقيقة مقاومة تمكن الكائنات الدقيقة من البقاء على قيد الحياة في الظروف البيئية المعاكسة. ويؤدي هذا المرض في الحياة إلى النفوق المفاجئ، ويشترط القانون في معظم البلدان إبلاغ السلطات المعنية في حالة ظهور إصابات بالجمرة الخبيثة.
ما هي الحيوانات التي يمكن أن تصاب بالجمرة الخبيثة؟
يصيب المرض الحيوانات المستأنسة مثل الأبقار والأغنام والمعز والخيول والحمير والخنازير والكلاب فضلا عن المجترات البرية مثل الظباء والغزلان والامبالاس. وقد ذكرت التقارير أنه حتى الأفيال والخراتيت تضعف نتيجة لهذا المرض الذي انتشر في بعض أجزاء افريقيا. كما أن بعض آكلات اللحوم البرية مثل الأسود والذئاب والثعالب معرضة للإصابة. غير أنه يبدو أن الطيور لديها مقاومة ضد هذا المرض.
ما هي أعراض هذا المرض؟
تبلغ فترة حضانة الجمرة الخبيثة ما بين ثلاثة إلى سبعة أيام مع مدى يتراوح بين يوم و14 يوما. ومن المظاهر الشائعة للجمرة الخبيثة أن تنفق فجأة حيوانات كانت تبدو ظاهريا في حالة جيدة، دون أية أعراض واضحة على اعتلال الصحة. وتتسم الحالات الشديدة في الأبقار والأغنام وآكلات العشب البرية بارتفاع درجة الحرارة والضعف وصعوبة التنفس والتشنج. وقد تنفق الحيوانات في غضون يومين أو ثلاثة أيام إذا لم تعالج. ومن الشائع رؤية افرازات دموية من الفتحات الطبيعية. وفي حالات قليلة يمكن أن تظهر الجمرة الخبيثة في شكل مرض معتدل يتسم بأعراض المرض العامة. وفي الخنازير يتسم المرض بتورم العنق مما قد يؤدي إلى صعوبات في التنفس. ويتماثل المرض في الكلاب والقطط وآكلات اللحوم البرية مع ذلك الذي يشاهد في الخنازير.

مت ودعها تعيش... على العكس من معظم العناصر الممرضة، تعتمد بكتيريا Bacillus anthracis على موت عائلها لكي تتكاثر. فعندما تتعفن جثة ضحيتها، تتعرض البكتيريا الموجودة في مجرى الدم للهواء الطلق. ويؤدي ذلك إلى التحفيز على تكون البوغ التي هي المصدر الرئيسي لنقل المرض. مزيد من المعلومات (بالإنجليزية)
كيف تشخص الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيوانات؟
ينبغي في المناطق المعرضة لهذا المرض، الشك في أن أي حيوان ينفق فجأة. ويتعين على الطبيب البيطري أن يستبعد الجمرة الخبيثة كسبب للوفاة قبل أن يسمح للآخرين بمناولة الجثة. أما الحيوانات التي يشك في أنها قد نفقت نتيجة لهذا المرض فلا يجري تشريحها. والسبب في ذلك هو أن نوع بكتيريا الجمرة الخبيثة الذي يصيب الأنسجة يتغير، لدى تلامسه مع الهواء، إلى بوغ مقاومة بيئيا تعمل بعد ذلك في إعادة إصابة العائل المشكوك فيه. ويتم تشخيص هذا المرض من خلال فحص بقع الدم على الشرائح الميكروسكوبية (باستخدام عينات من الأوعية الدموية السطحية أو الفتحات الطبيعية للحيوانات النافقة). ويمكن رصد بكتيريا الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيوان النافق أو في الجلود الكبيرة والصغيرة، والصوف والتربة وغير ذلك من خلال زراعة الكائنات الدقيقة في وسيط صناعي. كما توجد اختبارات مختبرية أكثر تعقيدا مثل تفاعل انزيم البلمرة المتسلسل (PCR) لإجراء عمليات التشخيص السريعة للجمرة الخبيثة. وينبغي التفريق بين هذا المرض والظروف الأخرى التي تتسبب في نفوق الحيوانات المفاجئ مثل الإصابات بالبكتيريا الكلوستريدية والتسمم النباتي أو الكيماوي وأنواع الحمى الناجمة عن القراد وغير ذلك من ظروف المرض.

ما هي التدابير التي يمكن اتخاذها لمكافحة الجمرة الخبيثة في الحيوانات؟
لأن الجمرة الخبيثة مميتة في غالب الأحيان بالنسبة للحيوانات المستأنسة، يتعين وضع استراتيجية وقائية تشمل تحصين الحيوانات المعرضة سنويا (عادة الأبقار والأغنام والمعز) في المناطق المعرضة للمرض) ويجري ذلك عادة قبل اسبوعين أو أربعة أسابيع من بداية فترة انتشار المرض المعروفة. وفي الأوضاع التي تظهر فيها الحيوانات اعراضا اكلينيكية للمرض، يوصى بالعلاج بالمضادات الحيوية. وتشمل التدابير الأخرى التي ينبغي اتخاذها بالإضافة إلى التحصين والعلاج، انفاذ قواعد الحجر الزراعي، والتخلص بسرعة من الحيوانات النافقة، ومهاد الحيوانات والمواد الملوثة، ومراقبة الزبالين، ومراقبة الصحة العامة للأفراد الذين يتلامسون مع الحيوانات المهلكة أو النافقة.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Anthrax in animalsDeadly disease affects domestic animals and wild ruminants and even elephants.The spread of anthrax in the United States to focus attention on one of the oldest diseases suffered by civilian and lethal. Anthrax remains the biggest threat to the animal to human. While the sick animals left without treatment spend within a few days, the most common forms of anthrax in humans are skin type is not generally deadly striking workers who deal with infected animals or animal products. These anthrax is largely from "occupational hazards" human diseases appearing from the common English name for deadly respiratory form of the disease, "Razzie" wool, sickness which occurs through inhalation of spores in wool). I have asked "Agriculture 21 specialists in animal health management in the interest of ag21 about anthrax in animals.What is anthrax?Anthrax is a highly contagious disease that can infect all animals with warm blood almost including humans, infects a range of tissues including skin, stomach, kidney, meninges, conjunctiva and lymph. The reason for this disease because bacteria Bacillus anthracis that belong to a group of bacteria that possess the ability to form spores. And the spores are particles resist enables micro-organisms survive in adverse environmental conditions. This disease is life to sudden death, and in most countries it is required by law to inform the authorities concerned in the case of anthrax infections.What animals can be infected by anthrax?The disease affects domesticated animals such as cows, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, pigs and dogs as well as wild ruminants like antelopes and gazelles and Impalas. It has been reported that even elephants, ♪ that weakened for the disease that has spread in some parts of Africa. As wild carnivores like lions and wolves and jackals. However, it seems that birds have a resistance to this disease.What are the symptoms of this disease?The anthrax incubation period is between three to seven days with a range of day and 14 days. A common manifestation of anthrax that suddenly seemingly were animals spend in good condition, without any clear symptoms of ill health. Severe cases are in cows, sheep and wild herbivores in high temperature, weakness, difficulty breathing and convulsions. The animals have spent within two or three days if not treated. It is common to see a bloody discharge from the natural openings. In a few cases anthrax can appear in the form of a mild disease characterized by symptoms of the disease. In a pig disease with swelling neck which may lead to breathing difficulties. And equal disease in dogs and cats and wild carnivores with the watch in pigs.Die and let her live. Unlike most pathogens, Bacillus anthracis bacteria depends on the relative's death in order to reproduce. It rots, bacteria in the bloodstream are exposed to the open air. This leads to motivation to be spores that are the main source of transmission. More information (in English)How to diagnose anthrax in animals?In areas prone to this disease, I doubt that any animal suddenly spent. The veterinarian should rule out anthrax as the cause of death before you allow others to carcass. She doubted that animals have died as a result of this disease, not autopsy. The reason for this is that the anthrax bacterium that infects the tissue changes, I have contact with air, to environmentally resistant spore works then re injury to a breadwinner is doubtful. And this disease is diagnosed by examining blood stains on microscopic slides (using samples from surface vessels or natural openings of dead animals). Anthrax can be detected in animal carcasses or hides and skins, wool and soil and by growing microorganisms in an industrial broker. There is also a more complicated laboratory tests such as polymerase (PCR) for rapid diagnostics for anthrax. It should distinguish between this disease and other conditions that cause sudden animal deaths such as Clostridial infections and plant or chemical poisoning, fevers caused by ticks and other disease conditions.What measures can be taken to combat anthrax in animals?Because anthrax is often fatal for domesticated animals, a preventive strategy should include vaccination of vulnerable animals annually (usually cows, sheep and goats) in areas prone to disease), usually two weeks or four weeks before the beginning of the spread of the disease. In situations where clinical symptoms of disease, animals recommended antibiotic treatment. Other measures to be taken in addition to immunization and treatment, enforcement of quarantine rules, and quickly disposed of dead animals, mulch animals and contaminated materials, observe the scavengers, and monitor the overall health of individuals who have come with deadly animals or dead animals.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Anthrax in animals
deadly disease affects domestic animals and wild ruminants and even elephants ...
recently spread of anthrax in the United States led to a concentration of attention on one of the oldest diseases suffered by the civil and deadliest. Anthrax remains a far greater threat to the animal than to man. While the sick animals that are left untreated spend in a few days, the most common infecting human forms of anthrax are cutaneous type is generally fatal , which affects workers who deal with animals or animal products infected with the disease. These anthrax is largely "occupational hazard" affecting humans, which appear from the English common name for the form of the deadly respiratory disease to a "disease Frazy wool" which occurs through the inhalation of spores inherent in the wool). "Agriculture has requested in the 21st Century" of specialists in animal health in the interest of the Department of Agriculture a guide essential for anthrax in animals.
What is anthrax?
Anthrax is an infectious disease drastically can infect all animals of almost warm - blooded , including those with in humans, it affects a range of tissues , including the skin, stomach, kidney and brain membranes and conjunctiva and lymph nodes. The reason for this disease bacterium Bacillus anthracis , which belong to a group of bacteria that possess the ability to form spores. The spore is a fine particles resistant microorganisms able to survive in adverse environmental conditions. The result of this disease in life to sudden death, and required by law in most countries to inform the relevant authorities in the event of the outbreak of anthrax.
What are animals that can be infected with anthrax?
Infects domesticated animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, pigs, dogs disease as well as wild ruminants such as antelope, deer, Alambalas. Reports have said that even elephants and Kherati weaken as a result of the disease , which has spread in some parts of Africa. Also, some wild carnivores such as lions, wolves, foxes , prone to injury. However , it appears that birds have a resistance against this disease.
What are the symptoms of this disease?
The incubation period of anthrax between three to seven days , with a range between one and 14 days. The most common manifestations of anthrax suddenly spend animals were seemingly in good condition, without any obvious symptoms of ill - health. And characterized by severe cases in cattle, sheep and wild grass eaters high temperature, weakness, breathing difficulty and convulsions. No animals have been spent within two or three days if not treated. It is common to see a bloody discharge from the natural openings. In a few cases of anthrax it can appear in the form of a mild disease characterized by symptoms of general illness. In swine disease is characterized by swelling of the neck , which can lead to breathing difficulties. The disease is similar in dogs and cats and wild carnivores with that seen in pigs.

DIED and let live ... On the contrary , most of the pathogen, the bacterium Bacillus anthracis depends on the death of a breadwinner in order to reproduce. When the victim 's body to rot, exposed bacteria in the bloodstream to the open air. This leads to the stimulation be spore which is the main source of transmission of the disease. More information ( in English)
How is anthrax diagnosed in animals?
Should be in areas prone to the disease areas, I doubt that any animal spends a sudden. And should the veterinarian to rule out anthrax as the cause of death before they allow others to handle the corpse. The animals that doubts they may have died as a result of this disease is not being autopsied. The reason for this is that the type of anthrax bacterium , which affects the tissue, changing, coming into contact with the air to environmentally resistant spore then work in the re - infection of the host 's doubtful. And it is diagnosed with this disease by examining blood stains on microscopic slides (using samples of surface blood vessels or natural openings of dead animals). It can monitor anthrax bacteria in the animal carcasses or hides and skins, wool, soil , and so on through the minute the broker industrial cultivation of organisms. There are also laboratory tests more complex enzyme such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to conduct rapid diagnostics for anthrax. It should differentiate between this disease and other conditions that cause sudden animal deaths , such as injuries bacteria Alclaustredeh vegetation and poisoning or chemical and fevers caused by ticks and other disease conditions.

What measures can be taken to combat anthrax in animals?
Because anthrax is fatal in most often for domestic animals, should develop preventive strategy that includes endangered animals immunized annually (usually cattle, sheep and goats) in disease - prone areas) it is usually two weeks or four weeks of the beginning of the period known as the spread of the disease before. In situations where the animals show clinical symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to treatment with antibiotics. Other measures that should be taken in addition to immunization, treatment, enforcement of quarantine rules, and quickly get rid of dead animals, and mulch animals and contaminated materials, control of scavengers, and monitor the overall health of individuals who are touched , even with lethal or dead animals.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Anthrax in animals.A deadly disease that affects animals domesticated wild Walmjtrat even elephants.The spread of anthrax in the United States to focus attention on one of the oldest and deadliest diseases suffered by civilian. The anthrax poses a greater threat to the animal than human. While the sick animals that are left untreated, spent a few days, the most common form of anthrax affecting human"s kind face. Generally, the deadly disease in workers handling infected animals or animal products to this disease. The anthrax was largely from occupational hazards affecting humans, appearing from the common English name form lethal pulmonary disease "wool" Frazy disease which occurs through inhalation of spores embedded in wool). The "agriculture in the 21 century" from specialists in the Department of animal health in the Department of agriculture a key demonstration of anthrax in animals.What is anthrax?Anthrax consists of highly infectious disease can affect almost all with warm blood animals, including humans, and a set of tissues. Among them, skin, stomach, kidney, brain Walmlthmt and tissues and lymph nodes. The reason for this disease Bacillus anthracis bacteria which belong to the group of bacteria that possess the ability to form spores. Walbwgh consists of fine particles resistant to enable the microorganisms to survive under adverse environmental conditions. And the disease to sudden death in life, the law requires notification to the relevant authorities in most countries in the case of outbreaks of anthrax.What is the animal which can be infected by anthrax?The disease of domesticated animals, such as cattle, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, pigs, dogs and wild ruminants such as antelopes and deer Walambalas. It has been reported that even elephants Walkhratyt weakened as a result of this disease that has spread in some parts of Africa. Some of the wild carnivores such as lions, wolves and foxes are susceptible to. However, birds seem to have resistance against the disease.What are the symptoms of this disease?The incubation period of anthrax is between three to seven days, with a range between one and 14 days. A common manifestation of malignant cinder seemed suddenly to spend animals apparently in good condition, without any obvious symptoms of ill health. The severe cases in cattle and sheep Waklat wild grass with high fever, weakness, difficulty breathing and spasm. The animals to spend two days or three days if not treated. It is common to see the bloody secretions from the natural openings. In a few cases of anthrax can appear in the form of mild disease characterized by the symptoms of the disease. In swine disease, neck swelling, which may lead to breathing difficulties. Disease in dogs and cats Waklat wild meat is similar with that seen in pigs.Die and let live. Unlike most of the pathogenic factors, dependent on the death of the relative Bacillus bacteria anthracis to proliferate. When the rotting corpse of exposed bacteria.
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