فقط للتوضيح عندما يكون المدير عادلا يسمع من الطرفين وليس من طرف واحد ه ترجمة - فقط للتوضيح عندما يكون المدير عادلا يسمع من الطرفين وليس من طرف واحد ه الإنجليزية كيف أقول

فقط للتوضيح عندما يكون المدير عادلا

فقط للتوضيح
عندما يكون المدير عادلا يسمع من الطرفين وليس من طرف واحد هذا هو العدل سوف ادخل في صلب الموضوع وهي المشكلة التي حصلت الم تسأل نفسك لماذا حصلت ؟ هل تقبل انت ان تجلس خارجا لمدة تزيد عن ثلاث ساعات ونصف في السيارة ويكون اسمك رقم اثنين في الترتيب ويأتون اشخاص ويأخذون امامك وأنت جالس ترى اليهم ولم يتأخر اكثر من خمسة عشر دقيقة وانت ترى هل هذا عادل هل تقبل انت ذلك ؟ هذا هو سبب رفضي للعمل في ذلك اليوم وانت مدير تستطيع ان تتأكد ببساطة يوجد عندك كامرة فديو في المكتب متى انا دخلت ومن دخل ومن خرج ومن استلم تستطيع ذلك ببساطة فأنا لم اخطأ فقط رفضت العمل وخرجت وجلست بالسيارة بكل هدؤء ماذا حصل بعدها الموظف صاحب المشكلة خرج الى السيارة وقال لي اذهب للبيت لايوجد عمل اليوم ثلاث مرات خرج من المكتب الى السيارة هل هذا من ضمن وظيفته ؟؟؟ اما بالنسبة الى تأخير العمل حدثت مرة واحدة وكان من ضمن التأخير في ذلك هو جيسن حيث كان لدي بيك اب في بيت ولم اجد مالك البيت كان خارج البيت وأتصلت جيسن وقال لي لا تذهب اتصلت ما يقارب اربع مرات ويقول لي لاتذهب بعدها اتصل بي شخص من المكتب لا اعرف من هو وقال لي ممكن ات تجدها في صندوق البريد ولم اجدها الى ان اتى مالك البيت وأعطاني البيك اب تقريبا ثلاث ارباع الساعة او اكثر تستطيع ان تتحقق من هذا من النظام لديكم بكل سهولة
شكرا لحسن الاستماع
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Just for clarification When the Director just hears both sides and not only by this one is justice will enter the heart of the matter is the problem of asking yourself why you got? Do you accept you to sit out for more than three and a half hours in the car and your name is number two in the rankings and they come and take you and you see them and not be delayed more than 15 minutes and you see this is just you accept you it? This is because of my refusal to work that day and you can Manager to make sure there is simply your own video camera in the Office when I came and came and came out and took over the position simply I have not sinned just refused to work and I went out and sat in the car with هدؤء what happened after an employee owner of the problem to the car me and said go home no work today three times out of the Office to the car does this from within his job?!? As for delaying work there once was within the delay is Jessen as the pickup in the House and could not find the owner of the House was outside the House and contacted Jessen told me don't go contacted approximately four times and tells me not going after someone called me from the Office does not know who he is and told me the possible mechanisms found in the mailbox and I have not found that the owner came and gave me almost three quarters of the pick-up time or more can Verify that your system with ease Thank you for listening
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Just to clarify
when the manager just heard from the parties and not unilaterally This is justice will go into the heart of the matter which is the problem that got did you not ask yourself why you got? Do you accept you can sit out for more than three and a half hours in the car and have your name number two in the rankings and come people and take in front of you and you are sitting see them not be delayed more than fifteen minutes and you see Is this fair Are you accept that? This is the reason for my refusal to work that day and you are manager You can be sure simply there you have such as his command Video in the office when I entered and entered and came out and received a post simply because I have not sinned just refused to work and I went out and sat drive each reputation beyond what happened after the employee problem out to the car and told me to go home does not work out three times a day from the office to the car Is this part of his job ??? As for the work delay occurred once and was part of the delay in this case, is Jason, where I have a pickup was in the house I did not find the owner of the house was out of the house and I called Jason and told me not to go contacted nearly four times and tell me to go with then call me someone from the office I do not know who is said to me possible data can be found in the mailbox did I find out that the owner came home and gave me a pick-up almost three quarters hour or more can be realized from this system than you have with ease
Thank you for listening
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Just to clarify. "When the manager just heard from both sides, and one that will go into the heart of the matter is a problem that got pain, ask yourself why you got you can sit outside? Do you accept for over three and a half hours in the car, and your name.Two in the arrangement of people come and take them before you, and you're sitting see was delayed more than fifteen minutes and you see is that fair, do you accept it? Is the cause of my refusal to work that day and you can simply make sure you have camera ManagerIn the office when I came and went and came out and took the position that I have not sinned only simply refused to work out and drive all the Hd what happened afterwards. The employee the problem came out to the car and told me to go home, no work today threeThe car came out of the office to do this from within his job??? As for the delay occurred once the late it is. Jason, where have a pickup in home and did not find the owner of the house outside the house, I called Jason told me you called.Nearly quadruple tells me don't go after someone called me from office, I do not know who is the me can it find the mailbox and I find that the owner came home and gave me back up almost three quarters or more can be achieved.You have easily
Thank you for listening.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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