انا لا اميل للتحدث مع الناس المشغولين لاسباب منها ان الرسائل تبقى معلقة والطرف الاخر فى عزلة عنها بداعى انه مشغول لذلك بانسحب من الك المحادثات باسرع وقت
I dont want to speak with people busy for reasons including that messages remain pending and the other in isolation by worry that busy so banshab of talks as soon as possible
I dont want to talk with busy people, partly because of the messages remain pending and the other end in isolation by the grounds that he was so busy Banshab of Elk talks as soon as
I am not inclined to talk with people busy for reasons including the message remains on hold and the other end in isolation by - it's so busy Banshb talks as soon as possible.