النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
What is the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees
Is it a source of help or the source of a disability?
Begun the process of developing a set of laws and agreements and guidelines aimed at protecting refugees in the first of the twentieth century administered under the League of Nations, the international body which preceded the United Nations, culminating on July 25, 1951, when the United Nations General Assembly approved the Convention relating to the status of refugees.
the agreement sets out clearly who is a refugee and the type of legal protection, other assistance and social rights , which must be obtained by signatory national parties to this document. It defines, in equal measure, refugee obligations to host governments, and identifies certain categories of people, such as terrorists are not eligible for refugee status.
The months before the approval of this agreement, UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) began work on the first of January / January 1951, and during the next five decades, this agreement remained form the basis of the Commission 's efforts to provide assistance and protection to an estimated 50 million refugees.
this was the first instrument is limited to provide protection primarily for refugees Europeans in the wake of World war II, is the 1967 Protocol expanded significantly the scope of the mandate of the Commission after it has spread the displacement problem in various parts of the world. The original agreement was also inspired a number of regional instruments such as the Organization of African Unity Convention of 1969, the Cartagena Declaration of 1984 Refugees ( CIREFCA ) Latin America.
Has signed a total of 139 countries on the United Nations one of the instruments , or both. However, with the change of migration at the global level , style, and with the increasing numbers of people who move from one place to another, a radical change, in the nearby Covenant years, doubts have been raised about the appropriateness of the 1951 agreement with the new millennium, especially in Europe, which is what is involved it so ironic place of her birth.
and provide the Commission at the present time assist more than 22 million people, and continues to this Convention, which has proved remarkably resilient as much in fast - changing times, a cornerstone of the mandate of the Special protection Commission. We respond The following are some of the most common questions about the Convention.
Why is this agreement important?
This agreement first real international convention dealing with the fundamental aspects of the life of a refugee. A set of basic human rights which have shown must be at least equivalent to freedoms enjoyed by foreign nationals in the country, and in many cases, accorded to nationals of that State. The agreement recognizes the international scope of refugee crises, and the need for international cooperation, including burden - sharing among nations, in order to address the problem.
What they contain 1951? Agreement
Convention defines meant by the word "refugee". Outlines refugee rights, including their rights such as freedom of religion and movement from one place to another, and the right of access to education, and travel documents, and the opportunity to work, it also stresses the importance of commitments / obligations to the host government. And it provides one of the key provisions in the Convention on the inadmissibility of return of refugees and the legal term is the prohibition of refoulement to a country where fear / or the fear of being persecuted. They also determine the persons or groups of persons who are not covered by this agreement.
What that contains the 1967 Protocol?
Removed the geographical and time limits set out in the original agreement , which was not allowed under only to persons who became refugees as a result of events in Europe , January 1 / January by the Protocol in 1951, applied for refugee status.
who is a refugee?
know the first article of the Convention clearly is a refugee. It 's someone outside the country of his nationality or country of habitual residence, because of well- founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion and is unable or owing to such fear or do not want to avail himself / sheltered protection of that country or return to it for fear of persecution.
what protection?
the government is enforcing the laws of the country and is working to protect its citizens in accordance with these provisions. When governments are unable or unwilling to do so, often during a conflict or civil war, many people fled from their homes, often to another country, where they are classified as refugees. Since they no longer enjoy the protection of their governments, the international community plays this role.
Who protects refugees?
Rests with host governments, primarily responsible for the protection of refugees. The 139 world - wide, that have signed the 1951 Convention, countries are obliged to implement its provisions. The Commission retains the "regulatory commitment" to this process, and intervene as necessary to ensure the truthful granting refugees asylum and not to force them to return to their countries feared that their lives are exposed to the risk. IAEA ways and seek to help refugees restart their lives again, either through voluntary return to their home countries or, if not possible, through resettlement in host or "third" other. Countries countries
Does this agreement is still appropriate for the new millennium?
Yeah. It has adopted in order to address the consequences of the world wars and the disintegration of empires, and the mass displacement of people. The nature of conflict and migration patterns may have changed in the overlapping contracts, but this agreement has proven its flexibility significantly in helping to protect an estimated 50 million people in all types of cases, and will continue to do so and so because the nature of oppression itself does not change.
Does it mean that the Convention regulates the movement of immigrants?
No. There are millions of immigrants "economists" and other migrants had seized the improvement in communications contract
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