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الرئيسية / أدب ولغة / الأعمال الكاملة / دوستويفسكي / الأعمال الأدبية الكاملة لـ دوستويفسكي - ترجمة سامي الدروبي (18 مجلدا)
الأعمال الأدبية الكاملة لـ دوستويفسكي - ترجمة سامي الدروبي (18 مجلدا)
Dr. mohammad aglan 8:42 ص أدب ولغة , الأعمال الكاملة , دوستويفسكي

حول الكتاب

يلاحظ القارئ اعتماد الناشرين منهج التسلسل الزمني في توزيع أعمال دوستويفسكي الأدبية على امتداد المجلدات الكاملة. فالمجلد الأول يضم باكورة النتاج الروائي لدوستويفسكي، وفي طليعته الرواية القصيرة الفقراء (1846) التي اقترن صدورها بالنجاح السريع الذي أحرزه المؤلف الشاب، وجاء بمثابة مؤشر على اهتمامه الباكر بالكتابة الأدبية والروائية. وفي العام نفسه صدرت رواية المثل (أو الظل) لتطرح إحدى المسائل التي يتناولها المؤلف في رواياته الكبرى (الجريمة والعقاب، الأخوة كارامازوف)، ونعني بها مسألة الصراع الداخلي بين الخير والشر. ولقد جرت مراعاة مبدأ الترتيب التسلسلي الزمني في سائر مجلدات المجموعة الكاملة.

ولسنا بصدد تقديم نبذة عن حياة دوستويفسكي، أو تناول أعماله الأدبية بالدراسة في العمق. ولا تهدف هذه المقدمة إلى تقسيم مراحل حياته العملية والأدبية، علماً بوجود الرابط الوثيق بين التجارب والمعاناة والهواجس والمرض الوراثي من جهة وبين الأفكار والمثل والمعضلات والمعتقدات التي تناولها دوستويفسكي في رواياته وأضافها على شخصياته الروائية من جهة أخرى. بل نكتفي بتنبيه القارئ إلى فكرة تستحوذ على دوستويفسكي وتتغلغل في النسيج النفسي والروحي لشخصياته الروائية، وهي اعتقاده الراسخ بحاجة الإنسان إلى الندم والتوبة والتكفير، وقناعته بأن الألم والعذاب والمعاناة تؤلف سبيل الخلاص. مما حدا بالنقاد والباحثين إلى اعتبار تلك الفكرة بمثابة الهاجس المسيطر على كتابات دوستويفسكي وشخصياته الروائية، فأرسى بالتالي دعائم الفهم الديني لرواياته.

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Home/literature and language/the complete works/Dostoevsky/literary full Dostoevsky-Sammy droubi (18 volumes)The complete literary works of Dostoyevsky-Sammy droubi (18 volumes)Dr. mohammad aglan 8:42 p language and literature, complete works, DostoevskyAbout the bookThe reader notes the adoption timeline curriculum publishers in distributing the works of Dostoevsky literary along full folders. The first volume includes the first offspring ldostoivski novelist, short fiction at the forefront of the poor (1846) that accompanied the publication rapid success achieved by the young author, and came as a sign of early interest in literature and fiction. In the same year issued similarly novel (or shadow) to present one of the issues addressed by the author in his novels (crime and punishment, the Brothers Karamazov), namely the question of the internal conflict between good and evil. I have been observing the principle of sequential order schedule throughout the entire collection folders.We are not going to give about the life of Dostoyevsky, or eating his literary works studied in depth. This is not intended to divide the stages of his career, literary, and a close link between trials and suffering and premonitions, Leber and between ideas, ideals and beliefs and dilemmas dealt with Dostoyevsky in his novels and added it to his characters feature on the other. But just to alert the reader to the idea on Dostoevsky and permeate the fabric of his spiritual and psychological novelist, a firm belief in the human need to remorse and repentance and atonement, and his conviction that the pain and agony and suffering make up for redemption. Leading pundits and researchers to consider that idea as a controlling obsession on the writings of Dostoyevsky and his characters feature, Persian therefore supports religious understanding for his novels.For download click here
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Home / literature and the language / Complete Works / Dostoyevsky / literary works full Dostoyevsky's - Sammy Droubi translation (18 volumes)
Business Full Dostoevsky's literary - translation Sammy Droubi (18 volumes) , a
Dr. mohammad aglan 8:42 p . Literature and language, complete works, Dostoyevsky

about the book

reader notes the adoption by publishers chronological approach in the distribution of literary works of Dostoevsky along the entire folders. Valcild first includes the first of the offspring of novelist Dostoevsky, and in the vanguard of the poor short novel (1846) , which combined with the rapid issuance of success achieved by the young author, and came as a sign of his interest in early writing literary fiction. In the same year published a novel ideals (or shade) to pose one of the issues addressed by the author in the major novels (Crime and Punishment, Karamazov) brothers, namely , the issue of internal conflict between good and evil. It took into account the principle of sequential chronological order in the rest of the full range volumes.

To're not going to give an overview of the life of Dostoevsky, or eating his literary study in depth. This introduction is not aimed at dividing the stages of his career and literary, the existence of the link close between trials and suffering and concerns genetic disease on the one hand and between the ideas and ideals and dilemmas and beliefs addressed by Dostoevsky in his novels , and added to his characters ' narrative of the other. But suffice to alert the reader to the idea acquires Dostoevsky and penetrating the psychological and spiritual fabric of fictional characters, which is the firm belief of human need of repentance and atonement, and his conviction that the pain and agony and suffering make up for redemption. Banakad prompting researchers to consider that idea as a dominant concern on the writings of Dostoevsky and his characters novelist, thus Persian pillars of the religious understanding of his novels.

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