: ٱلحب word not aware ٱلغافلون is the secret of our existence by this ٱلكون it ٱلشيء ٱلوحيد that its silent nbouh is the elixir of ٱلحياه that keeps us immortal.
: ٱlhab no word perceived ٱlgavlon is the secret of our existence in this ٱlkon is ٱheie ٱlouhad gliding Nbouh it is the elixir of silent gliding ٱlhaah keeps us are immortal ..
A: don't Alhbau word which is Srau Alghaflwn Wjwdna Bhdha Alkwn is Alshaay Alwhyd Alaadhy Nbwh by Samtwn is the elixir of Alhyat Alaadhy Yubqyna Khaldwn.