عبد الفتاح السيسى وزير الدفاع المصرى ومحمد ابراهيم وزير الشرطه المصريه ترجمة - عبد الفتاح السيسى وزير الدفاع المصرى ومحمد ابراهيم وزير الشرطه المصريه الإنجليزية كيف أقول

عبد الفتاح السيسى وزير الدفاع المصر

عبد الفتاح السيسى وزير الدفاع المصرى ومحمد ابراهيم وزير الشرطه المصريه يقومون بقمع الحريات ومحاربة الديموقراطيه فى مصر ويقومون بقتل الشباب اللذين يخرجون فى الشارع للتعبير عن فكرهم السياسى بحريه انهم سرقوا السلطه من الرئيس محمد مرسى المنتخب وسيطروا على الحكم بانقلاب عسكرى ضد الحريات فسجنوا الشباب والبنات وقتلوهم واغلقوا القنوات التى تعبر عن الديموقراطه انها كارثه ديقراطيه وانهزام للحريات فى مصر
عبد الفتاح سعيد حسين خليل السيسي (19 نوفمبر 1954 )، القائد العام للقوات المسلحة المصرية، ووزير الدفاع الرابع والأربعين منذ 12 أغسطس، 2012. تخرج في الكلية الحربية عام 1977، وعمل في سلاح المشاة، وعين قائدًا للمنطقة الشمالية العسكرية، وتولى منصب مدير إدارة المخابرات الحربية والاستطلاع. متزوج وله 4 أبناء بينهم طفلة واحدة. في 3 يوليو 2013 قاد انقلابًا عسكريًا أطاح بمحمد مرسي أول رئيس مدني منتخب بعد اندلاع ثورة 25 يناير؛ استجابةً لمظاهرات حاشدة طالبت برحيله. أعلن عدة إجراءات صحبت ذلك عُرِفت بخارطة الطريق.
الدراسات العسكرية
تخرج من الكلية الحربيةعام 1977 وحصل على بكالوريوس منها ، حصل على ماجستير من كلية القادة والأركان عام 1987 ، وماجستبر من كلية القادة والأركان البريطانية عام 1992 بنفس التخصص ، وحصل على زمالة كلية الحرب العليا من أكاديمية ناصر العسكرية عام 2003 وزمالة من كلية الحرب العليا الأمريكية عام 2006.
وزيرًا للدفاع
في 12 أغسطس 2012، أصدر الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي قرارًا بترقية السيسي من رتبة لواء إلى رتبة فريق أول وبتعيينه وزيرًا للدفاع وقائدًا عامًا للقوات المسلحة، خلفًا للمشير محمد حسين طنطاوي، وكان قبلها يشغل منصب رئيس المخابرات الحربية والاستطلاع. وقد اعتبره حزب الحرية والعدالة وقتها «وزير دفاع بنكهة الثورة»
انقلاب 3 يوليو 2013
Crystal Clear app kdict.png مقالة مفصلة: انقلاب 3 يوليو 2013 في مصر
في 30 يونيو 2013 أعلنت العديد من القوي المدنية والثورية بعمل مظاهرات في ميدان التحرير وقصر الإتحادية وبعض ميادين المحافظات؛ للمطالبة برحيل الرئيس المصري وقتها محمد مرسي . وفي الأول من يوليو أعلنت القوات المسلحة علي لسان المتحدث الرسمي باعطاء مهلة الي مؤسسة الرئاسة والقوي الوطنية للتوافق والتشاور للخروج من الأزمة والإ فستقوم القوات المسلحة بعمل خارطة طريق جديد . و في 3 يوليو 2013 قامت القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة المصرية تحت قيادة القائد العام عبد الفتاح السيسي بالإطاحة بالرئيس المصري المنتخب محمد مرسي وعطّل العمل بالدستور وتكليف رئيس المحكمة الدستورية عدلي منصور برئاسة البلاد. وذلك بعد انتهاء مهلة 48 ساعة حددها الجيش للقوى السياسية لحل الازمة والاستجابة لمطالب المتظاهرين بعد العزل تم احتجاز محمد مرسي ورئيس الوزراء هشام قنديل وصدرت أوامر بضبط وإحضار 300 عضو من جماعة الإخوان المسلمين. وقطع بث عدة وسائل إعلامية مواليه للحزب الحاكم . وجاء انقلاب الجيش بعد رفض مؤسسة الرئاسة للتشاور والحوار وتمسكها بالشرعية . وبعد اجتماع بين عبد الفتاح السيسي والعديد من القوي الوطنية المدنية مثل : الأزهر الشريف - الكنيسة المصرية - حزب النور - محمد البرادعي وحزب الدستور - حركة تمرد ) وغيرهم.
عقب أحداث فض اعتصامات مؤيدي مرسي اتهمته توكل كرمان الحاصلة على جائزة نوبل للسلام بارتكاب "جرائم ضد الإنسانية" هو ومحمد البرادعي والرئيس عدلي منصور. وأكد خلف بيومي، محامي جماعة الإخوان بالإسكندرية ومدير مركز الشهاب لحقوق الإنسان، أن مركزه سيتخذ الإجراءات القانونية لإحالة الفريق أول السيسي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية بنفس التهمة، وفي نفس السياق كلفت جماعة الإخوان محامين بريطانيين لرفع الدعوى أمام المحكمة، في حين قال رئيس محكمة بالقاهرة إن تلك الجرائم يعاقب عليها القانون الدولي.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Abdel Fattah Sisi Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Ibrahim and Minister of the Egyptian police are doing the suppression of freedoms and the fight against democracy in Egypt and they are killing young people who go out in the street to express their political ideology OFFSHORE they stole power ofMohamed Morsy team and took power in a military coup against freedoms Vsjnoa the young girls and killed them and closed the channels that express the Aldemoukrath of it disaster Dikratih the defeat of freedoms in Egypt
Said Abdel Fattah Hussein Khalil al-Sisi (19 November 1954), commander in chief of the Egyptian armed forces, Defense Minister forty-fourth since August 12, 2012.Graduated from the Military Academy in 1977 and served in the infantry, and was appointed commander of the Northern Military Region, and served as director of military intelligence and reconnaissance. Married with 4 children, including one child.July 3, 2013 he led a military coup overthrew Mohammed Morsi, the first elected civilian president after the outbreak of the January 25 revolution; response to mass demonstrations demanding his departure. Announced several actions that are associated known as the road map.

Military StudiesGraduated from college Aharbahaam of 1977 and earned a Bachelor of them, he received a Master of Command and Staff College in 1987, and Magesnbar of the Command and Staff College in 1992, the same British specialty, and got the Supreme War College Fellowship from the Academy of Nasser2003 Fellowship from the U.S. Supreme War College in 2006.

Defense ministerOn August 12, 2012, President Mohamed Morsi, isolated decision to upgrade Sisi from the rank of Major to the rank of first team and his appointment as defense minister and commander in chief of the armed forces, replacing Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, had earlier served as intelligence chiefAnd reconnaissance.June 30, 2013 announced several strong civil and revolutionary work of demonstrations in Tahrir Square, Federal Palace and some fields provinces; demanding the departure of then Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.In the first of July, the armed forces announced for San Spokesman giving notice to the institution of the presidency and the strong national consensus and consultation to get out of the crisis and only Vstqom the work of the armed forces a new road map.And on July 3, 2013, the General Command of the Egyptian armed forces under the command of Commander-in-Chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi the overthrow of Egyptian President-elect Mohamed Morsi, and disrupted the constitution and mandate of President of the Constitutional Court Adli Mansour headedAfter the end of the 48-hour deadline set by the army of political forces to resolve the crisis and respond to the demands of the demonstrators after isolation were detained Mohamed Morsi and Prime Minister Hisham Qandil and seizure and orders were issued to bring 300 members of the Muslim Brotherhood.And cut several broadcast media loyal to the ruling party. The military coup came after the rejection of the institution of the presidency of consultation and dialogue and adherence to legitimacy. After a meeting between Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and many of the National Civil strong, such as:Al-Azhar - Egyptian church - Nour Party - Mohamed ElBaradei and the Constitution Party - a rebel movement) and others.
Following the events of resolving protests Morsi supporters accused him of Tawakkol Karman winning the Nobel Peace Prize with "crimes against humanity" is and Mohamed ElBaradei and the president Adli Mansour.The Khalaf Bayoumi, the lawyer for the Muslim Brotherhood in Alexandria and the director of the Shehab Center for Human Rights, that the position will take legal action to refer the team first-Sisi the International Criminal Court the same charge, and in the same context, commissioned BrotherhoodBritons to bring the case before the court, while the President of the Court in Cairo said that those crimes punishable under international law.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Egyptian Defence Minister Mohamed Ibrahim, Egyptian police Minister are repression of freedoms and democracy in Egypt and they kill young people who go out in the street to express freely their political ideology that they stole the power from Mohammed Morsi elected and took control of the Government by military coup against freedom, youth and girls were imprisoned and killed and blocked channels which reflect the democratic disaster and defeat to democratic freedoms in Egypt
Abdel Fatah Saeed Hussein Khalil al-Sisi (November 19, 1954), Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian armed forces and Minister of Defense of the forty-fourth since August 12, 2012. He graduated from the military college in 1977, and served in the infantry, he was appointed commander of the Northern military district, and served as Director of military intelligence and reconnaissance. Married with four children, including a one. On 3 July 2013 led a military coup overthrew Mohamed Morsi first civilian President elected after the outbreak of the revolution of 25 April, in response to massive demonstrations demanding his departure. Announced several actions accompanied by defined roadmap.

military studiesGraduated from College the warlike year 1980 and received a Bachelor, he got master of college leaders and staff in 1987, wemagstbr of college leaders and the British army in 1992 with the same theme and got the Supreme War College Fellowship from the Academy of Nasser In 2003 the Supreme War College Fellowship in 2006.
Minister of defence
On 12 August 2012, the isolated President Mohamed Morsi to upgrade Sisi of generals to the rank of General and appointed as Minister of Defense and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, succeeding field marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, was accepted by the Chairman of the intelligence And the survey. The freedom and Justice party saw as her "Defence Minister flavor revolution»
coup 3 July 2013
Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: coup d ' état of 3 July 2013 in Egypt
On 30 June 2013 announced several strong civil and revolutionary work of demonstrations in the square and the Palace of the Federal and some provincial areas; to demand the departure of the then Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. On July 1, said armed forces spokesman said the notice to the institution of the Presidency and the powers of the national consensus and consultation out of the crisis, otherwise the armed forces will make a new road map. And on 3 July 2013, the General command of the armed forces under the command of Commander General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi ousted elected President Mohamed Morsi and holidays the Constitution and the Constitutional Court Justice Mansur led by Following the expiration of a 48-hour deadline set by the military for political forces to resolve the crisis and to respond to the demands of the protesters after the insulation has been detained, Mohammed Morsi, and Prime Minister Hisham Underwood orders and bring 300 members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Cut several broadcast media outlets loyal to the ruling party. The coup came after the army refused the Presidency of consultation and dialogue and adherence to legality. After a meeting between Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and many national civil powers such as: Al-Azhar Al-Sharif-Egyptian Church-Nour-Mohamed ElBaradei and party Constitution-rebellion) and others.
After the break ins supporters Morsi charged Karman Nobel Peace Prize laureate of committing "crimes against humanity" and Mohamed ElBaradei and President adley Mansour. And Khalaf Bayoumi, the brotherhood in Alexandria's lawyer and the Director of the Centre for human rights, a streak that concentrated would take legal action to bring the first group Sisi for the International Criminal Court on the same charge, similarly charged brotherhood Britons for suit in court, while a Cairo Court said that those crimes punishable by international law.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi , Egyptian Minister of Defense Minister Mohammad Ibrahim Egyptian police engaged in the suppression of freedoms and fighting democracy in Egypt and they kill young people who go out in the streets to express their thoughts to communicate with freely chosen political authority they stole fromMohamed Morsi elected and controlled power in a military coup against freedoms فسجنوا young girls and killed them and closed channels that reflect the الديموقراطه it كارثه ديقراطيه Freedoms has been restored in Egypt
Abdel Fattah said Hussein Khalil Al-Sisi , (19 november 1954, the commander-in-chief of the Egyptian armed forces, Defense Minister forty-fourth since August 12, 2012.He graduated from the military academy in 1977, and served in the infantry division, was appointed military commander of the northern region, and the post of Director of the Department of Military Intelligence and reconnaissance. He is married and has 4 sons, including one child.On 3 july 2013 military coup that overthrew Muhammad Mursi, the first elected civilian president after the outbreak of the revolution of 25 January; in response to massive demonstrations demanded his departure. announced several measures accompanied, known as the Road Map.
Military Studies
He graduated from the college الحربيةعام 1977 and got the bachelor's degree, master of leaders and staff college 1987, وماجستبر College of British commanders and staff 1992 the same specialization, fellowship from the College of war got Supreme Academy of Nasser2003 scholarship from the Faculty of U.S. Supreme War 2006.
Defense Minister
On 12 August 2012, the ousted president, Mohamed Morsi, a decision of the rank of Major General Mohamed Abdel-Daim . upgrade to the rank of his appointment as Minister of Defense and Commander-in-chief of the armed forces, in succession to field marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, and was accepted by the head of intelligenceand reconnaissance.The party considered freedom and justice at that time "Minister of Defense revolution flavor.
coup 3 July 2013
crystal clear app kdict.PNG detailed article 3 july 2013: Coup in Egypt
On 30 june 2013, many of the civilian forces and revolutionary work of demonstrations in the field of liberation Federal Palace and some fields of the governorates; demanding the departure of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi at that time.In the first of July, the armed forces by the Spokesman to give a deadline to the institution of the presidency and the national consensus and consultation to get out of the crisis and not the armed forces of a map of a new road.And on 3 july 2013, the General Command of the armed forces under the command of the Commander-in-chief of Egyptian Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi , topple Egyptian president-elect Mohamed Morsi and hindered the work of the President of the Constitutional Court and to assign the constitution Adli Mansour headed byAfter the end of 48 hours set by the political forces to resolve the crisis and to respond to the demands of the demonstrators were unarmed after detention of Mohamed Morsi, Prime Minister Hisham Qandil, orders were issued to control and bring 300 member of the Muslim Brotherhood.and broadcast media several pro-ruling party. The army coup after rejecting the institution of the presidency for consultation and dialog and its adherence to legitimacy. After a meeting between Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi , and many of the national civil powers such as:Al-Azhar Al-Sharif - Egyptian Church - The Light - Mohamed Elbaradei party and the Constitution - a rebellion movement ) and others.
Following the events as well as sit-ins supporters accused Marina assigned Kerman Nobel Peace Prize laureate of committing "crimes against humanity" is Mohamed ElBaradei and President Adli Mansour.He behind Bayoumi, a lawyer for the Muslim Brotherhood in Alexandria and the Director of the Center for Human Rights, a meteorite that its status would take legal action to bring the panel Al-Sisi , the first international criminal court on the same charge, in the same context, the Muslim BrotherhoodBritons for the lawsuit before the court, while the President of the Court in Cairo that those crimes punishable by international law.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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