النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 3:
3. Studies on education and Democracy:
there are many studies addressed the relationship of democracy, it is the most important of these studies, the American John Dewey. ""Democracy and education", was published in 1916, the book in its entirety education philosophy and its applications.
also released another book entitled "religion and democracy 'in 1997, and was supervised by both Michelin Milo Wfrnand Willie."
There are many books and publications devoted to education, democracy Kalbahth GUI Afanzyny some chapters in his book published in 1975 entitled "the impasse and innovation in school education as shown in section third, a section called:"Of modern liberal democracy."
4. The reality of democracy in our schools:
Who will be taking a panoramic view of the rapid on our educational institutions will be a great and surprise too, because these enterprises turned into military barracks, but the Latmn discipline and respect for the law the system of enterprise, even the doors look like today.Dreadful prison, at the door of the institutions, the security guards wearing uniforms similar to military uniforms, armed with sticks, short as store Lykhyfwa shoots and the future of in order to engage in the use, if neededRestraining punishment, whether verbal or physical violence.
The reason that the reality of education, education system, autocracy in appearance based on the language behind the mask of military dictatorship, repression, oppression, and civilians who do not know is not speech. Censorship and symbolic violence, even againstInnocent; thereby generating the resulting negative values and feelings of hatred and fear and inability to venture & imagination, innovation and creativity of the lack of freedom, true democracy and social equality.
The results of this political pressure and a generation of young people who rebelled from family, school and society, and carried the torch of revolution, alienation, and state enterprises Whnfyath water pipes electric lamps and table of institutionsCracking walls, seats and frequent absence from school transformed into a prison is a brooding, finally left the school early, because of Fynqt on hunting Department of educational and arbitrariness of the crew not to mention the small jobs blurryWqtamth funerary.
Thus, the Moroccan school to clogged prospects space theatre, it became the tragedy is the tragedy and conflict of generations, eloquently reflects the social and class strife and US production of paper, says Pierre Bourdieu Wbasrwn; becauseEducation:"In full conformity with the class society, since it made the privileged class holds the reins of any tools and basic knowledge, the skill, the scientific culture, in particular proficiency in speaking.), it aims to preserve the cultural influence of thatThe proof given by these two Almfkran highlights the contradiction between the goal of democratic education, put forward the selection process which explore the cultural class of young people, and for the coat.. "
It follows from this, that the national school is a democratic school serving the interests of the ruling class and minority and disadvantaged, and public education and private education and intellectual education, vocational education a dedicated social disparities and convertThe space of the educational linguistic discrimination, racial and social class and the Llttahn linguistic differentiation.
while Emile Durkheim stems from the vision of conservative social and political analysis of the educational system in relation to what was, Althusser. See:The techniques and knowledge, being in school learning the rules of social ties under the technical social division of labour.
It says that the school system is one of the organs of the state ideology is the belief in efficacy of clone production links by levels of academic qualification reacts with division of labor and, through the practice to be Llaydywlwjya prevailing.The tract in the school was a reflection of the division of society into classes, and maintaining links and class "
the baudelot. Wastablyh.To the school's ideology stratification, undemocratic and perpetuated the social division of Lantsab networks of students to schools by the separation between intellectual and manual labor and contradiction between the layers. In control and under control ".
Since the class, school, School of liberal and democratic, in backward countries Walmstbdt perpetuate the policy lag and contributing to the inheritance of the poverty and social misery, we find Ivan Illich calling for the abolition of school and classDemocracy, in his book:A society without a school. "
, the theory of the death of the school by Cui Afanzyny is in fact and theory."Have been significantly affected by geographic factors surrounding it, which has made the theory valid for Latin American countries, all strange strange reasoning about education of the West.In particular, we find some questions which supports this interpretation, which restricts them to specific countries, so that Mr. Ilyich sometimes tends to argue that the appropriate school the industrial age, and a is a residue, and should be condemned.Residues which can not provide the breakthrough needed to because be deleted is a necessary condition for deleting and elimination of colonialism, as at other times call provisions calling for its eradication. The district is radically sees its outdated institution, I was. "
However, the reality of democracy in our schools educational climate, due to the lack of democracy and lack of a philosophy of self management Wallatwjyhyt, absence of the system behaviour and because of the lack of exercise democracy in society at all.And levels.5. The types of Educational Democracy:
can talk about several types of democracy, in the field of education, Wnhsrha in three types: 1
- democratic learning,
.It is intended that the education should be focused on the learner should take advantage of all Altlmat as peers in a fair and equal opportunities.Hence, legal and legislative requirement for the educators to deal with the learner in the light of the La pdagogie Alfarqyt Wbydaghwjya support, in order to realize their right of education as the rest of the onwards. Particularly rich.In this context, the subject of school uniforms should be formally uniformly among all pupils at educational institutions.
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