عريف البيئة لغةً:الأصل اللغوي لكلمة بيئة هو الجذر (ب و أ)، قال ابن منظ ترجمة - عريف البيئة لغةً:الأصل اللغوي لكلمة بيئة هو الجذر (ب و أ)، قال ابن منظ الإنجليزية كيف أقول

عريف البيئة لغةً:الأصل اللغوي لكلمة

عريف البيئة لغةً:
الأصل اللغوي لكلمة بيئة هو الجذر (ب و أ)، قال ابن منظور[1] في لسان العرب: بَوَأَ: باء إلى الشيء يَبوء بَوءًا؛ أي رجَع.

وتبوَّأتُ منزلاً؛ أي نَزلتُه، وقوله - تعالى -: ﴿ وَالَّذِينَ تَبَوَّؤُوا الدَّارَ وَالْإِيمَانَ ﴾ [الحشر: 9]، جعل الإيمان محلاًّ لهم على المثل، وإنه لحسن البيئة؛ أي: هيئة التبوُّء، والبيئة والباءة والمباءة: المنزل، وباءت بِيئَة سوء، على مثال (بِيعة): أي بحال سوء[2].

وقد تمَّ استِعمال كلمة البيئة بمعنى الحال الراهن للمكان المحيط بالإنسان - وهو تقريبًا المعنى المُستعمَل اليوم - لم يكن الخيار الأول والوجه الأكثر استعمالاً عند العرب، وعلى كلٍّ فالمُصطَلح قطع هذه المرحلة وبات مُستعمَلاً بسلاسة ووضوح؛ ذلك أن المقصود بالبيئة عند أكثر المُتحدِّثين بها هو: المكان أو الحيِّز المُحيط بالإنسان[3].

البيئة في الاصطلاح العلمي المعاصر:
تُعرَّف البيئة بأنها: "كل ما يُحيط بالإنسان من أشياء تؤثر على الصحة، فتشمل المدينة بأكملها، مساكنها، شوارعها، أنهارها، آبارها، شواطئها، كما تشمل كل ما يَتناوله الإنسان من طعام وشراب، وما يلبسه من ملابس، بالإضافة إلى العوامل الجوية والكيميائية، وغير ذلك"[4].

ومِن تعريفات البيئة في هذا العلم أيضًا ما قاله البعض: إن للبيئة مفهومين يُكمل بعضهما الآخَر: "أولهما البيئة الحيوية؛ وهي كل ما يختصُّ بحياة الإنسان وبعلاقته بالمخلوقات الحية، الحيوانية والنباتية التي تَعيش معه.

أما ثانيهما فهي البيئة الطبيعية، وتشمَل موارد المياه، والفضلات، والتخلُّص منها، والحشرات وتربة الأرض، والمساكن، والجو ونَقاوته أو تلوثه، والطقس، وغير ذلك من الخصائص الطبيعية للوسط"[5].

أما البيئة بمفهومها الواسع فهي تشمل عدة أبعاد؛ تكنولوجية، اجتماعية، اقتصادية، تاريخيَّة، ثقافية.

وكل بُعدٍ من هذه الأبعاد يتفاعل مع الأبعاد الأُخرى، ويلعب دورًا حيويًّا في توازُن هذا الكل، فعندما نقول البيئة، فنحن نقصد جميع العناصر التي تُحيط بالإنسان وتتفاعل معه من خلال قيامه بنشاطاته الحيوية"[6].

ويُمكن إدراج تعريف آخَر مُشابه لما سبَق ذكره؛ فالبيئة - حسب بعض الباحثين -: "عبارة عن نسيج من التفاعلات المختلفة بين الكائنات العُضوية الحيَّة بعضها البعض "إنسان، حيوان، نبات.."، وبينها وبين العناصر الطبيعية غير الحية (الهواء، الشمس، التُّربة...)، ويتمُّ هذا التفاعل وفق نظام دقيق، مُتوازِن ومُتكامِل يُعبَّر عنه بالنظام البيئي".

وهناك مَن عرف البيئة من الناحية العِلميَّة بأنها: "مجموع العناصر الطبيعية التي تُكيِّف حياة الإنسان"[7].

نظرًا لما سلف ذِكرُه، يُمكن استِخلاص تَعريف عِلمي لمفهوم البيئة بأنها: إجمالي الأشياء المُحيطة بالإنسان والمؤثِّرة على وجود الكائنات الحية على سَطح الأرض، متضمِّنة الهواء والماء والتربة والمعادن والمُناخ والكائنات أنفسهم.

كما يُمكن وصفُها بأنها: مَجموعة من الأنظمة المُتشابِكة مع بعضها البعض لدرجة التعقيد، والتي تؤثِّر وتُحدِّد بقاء الإنسان في هذا العالم، والتي تتعامَل وفق نِظام دقيق مُتوازِن ومُتكامِل يعبَّر عنه بالمنظومة البيئية.

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Corporal environment Language:
etymological word environment is the root (B & A), said the son of perspective [1] in San Arabs: Bois: B to the thing Abu Bua; any returned.

And assumed the house; any downloaded, and said - meaning - :) Who Tboúa house and faith (Al-Hashr: 9], making faith stores them on a proverb, and it is for the good of the environment; any: Body Altbu, the environment and Alabap and Alambah: the house, and ended in an environment poor, an example (of allegiance): any condition ill [2] .

Has been the use of the word environment in the sense of the place as the current Ocean human beings - which is roughly meaning user today - it was not the first option and face the most widely used among the Arabs, and every The term cut this stage and PatSmoothly and clarity; This meant that when the environment is more speakers:Place or the space that surrounds humans [3].

Environment in the contemporary scientific terminology:
known as the environment:"Whatever it takes to man of things affect health, include the entire city, homes, streets, rivers, wells, beaches, and include all of the human intake of food and drink, and wear clothes, in addition to weather factorsAnd other "[4].

It is in this environment definitions of science are also what the other: The environment concepts complement each other: "The first dynamic environment; They all respect for human life and his relationship with the living creatures, plant and animal that lives with him.

The second are the natural environment, including water resources, and waste, and disposal, insects and soil the ground, and housing, and the air and purity, contamination, weather, and other natural characteristics of the medium, "[5].

The environment in the broadest sense, it includes several dimensions; technological, social, economic, historical, cultural.

After all of these dimensions interact with other dimensions, and plays a vital role in the balance of this total, the environment, when we say, we mean all the elements that surround the man and interact with him through his bio his activities ". [6]

And can be inserted another definition is similar to the foregoing; environment - according to some researchers - "a tissue of various interactions between living organisms each other" human, animal, plant .., "And between them and non-living natural elements (air, sun, soil ...), and this interaction is in accordance with the system accurate, balanced and integrated expressed ecosystem."

There are those who know the environment in terms of scientific as:"Total natural elements that adapt to human life". [7]

view of the foregoing, it can draw scientific definition of the concept of the environment as:Total things surrounding the man and affecting the existence of living organisms on Earth's surface, including air, water, soil, minerals, climate and objects themselves.

It can also be described as:A set of interlocking systems with each other to the degree of complexity, and that influence and determine human survival in this world, and dealing according to a precise balanced and integrated expressed by environmental organizations.

Link Thread: http://www.alukah.net/culture/0/59342 / # ixzz2qroqw2lf
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Corporal environment language: the linguistic origin of the word
environment is the root (b & a), Ibn perspective [1] in lisaan: BOA: b to any given thing they installed returned.

and took home; any downloaded, saying: ﴾ In who they held and faith pioneering [hashr: 9], to make faith a shop them on, and it's good for the environment, i.e.: Ecology, environment, men والمباءه: home, and environment, an example (selling): in case of bad [2].

The use of the word environment in the sense of the current situation where surrounding human-and is almost on the user-not the first option and the most used when Arabs, the term cut and Pat Smoothly and clearly the intended environment when more speakers is: Place or space surrounding [3].

in contemporary scientific terminology:
know the environment as: "Everything that surrounds the human things that affect health, including the entire city, homes, streets, rivers, wells, beaches, each human intake of food and drink, and wear clothes, as well as weather factors And so "[4].

And definitions in this environment science also said: the environment concepts complement each other: "Firstly, the ecological environment, and all aspects of human life and its relationship with living creatures, flora and fauna that inhabit it.

Either one is the natural environment, including water resources, waste disposal, and insects, soil, land and housing, and air purity, contamination, weather and other natural characteristics of the Middle "[5].

Environment in its widest sense it encompasses several dimensions; social, technological, economic, historical, cultural.

And each of these dimensions interacts with other dimensions, and plays a vital role in the balance of this all, when we say, we mean all the elements and interact with him through his activities "[6].

You can insert another definition is similar to the above, the environment-by some researchers. "a tapestry of different interactions between living organisms each other" human, animal, plant."And between them and the non-living natural elements (air, sunlight, soil, ...)And this interaction system is accurate, balanced and integrated ecosystem expressed ".

and there knew the scientific environment that: "All the natural elements that adapt human life" [7].

given above, one can draw a scientific definition of the concept of environment: The total surroundings and affecting the existence of living organisms on Earth, including air, water, soil, and climate and the objects themselves.

can also be described as: A group of interconnected systems with each other to the degree of complexity, and that influence and define human survival on this world, and dealing with a balanced and integrated system of accurately expressed in environmental system.

theme blog: http://www.alukah.net/culture/0/59342/#ixzz2qrOqw2LF
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Corporal language environment:
origin linguistic environment of the word is the root (B and A), son of a perspective[ 1] In Arab tongue: Boa: B to the vain بوءا; any feedback.

were constitutionally houses; any filename you downloaded to, and saying - come -:﴿ who evoked it Casablanca and faith ﴾ [Hashr: 9 [, making them subject to the ideals of faith, and that fortunately the environment; any: the tie, and environment والباءة والمباءة: home, an environment of abuse, the example of (allegiance): Any condition of bad[ 2] .

The use of the word environment in the sense of the present ocean place human beings - almost on end-user today - not first choice and face the most commonly used when the Arabs, and all the term was cut off the stage and is nowsmoothly and clarity; the intended environment when more speakers is:The place or the space surrounding the human beings[ 3] .

environment in contemporary scientific terminology:
know the environment as:"All that takes human beings of things affect the health, include the city as a whole, their homes, streets, rivers, wells, its beaches, and include all the covered in the human food and drink, and wearing clothes, as well as to weather factorsAND OTHER. [ 4].

and definitions of the environment in this science also what some have said: that the environment concepts complement each other: "The first is the vital environment; and all the competing for human life and its relationship Live animal and plant, living with him.

The latter are natural environment, including water resources, and waste, and disposal, and insects, soil land, housing, air, art or contaminated, and weather conditions, and other natural features of midfielders. [ 5] .

The environment in its widest sense it includes several dimensions; technological, social, economic, historical, cultural.

All (buàd) of these dimensions interact with the dimensions (élàukhra) and (dourana) plays (heeoueeana) in (touazun) , this all, when say the environment, and we all visit the members (tuheet) in the human. And interact with through conducting in activities (élheeoueea)"[6 ]..

and the inclusion of a definition of another, similar to what has already been said; the environment - according to some researchers -: "The words of the very fabric of the interactions between different living organisms each other "human being, animals, plants.", and between them and the non-living natural elements (air, the Sun, soil ... ), and this interaction, in accordance with a system for accurate, balanced and integrated environmental system expressed" .

there is known as the environment of scientific terms as:"The total natural elements to adapt to human life," said [ 7] .

, in view of the foregoing, one can draw scientific definition of the concept of environment as:Total things surrounding human beings and influences the presence of living organisms on the surface of the Earth, including air, water, soil, minerals, climate and organisms themselves.

also can be described as:A group of interconnected systems with each other so complex, which affect the human survival in this world, which dealt with according to a system for accurate, balanced and integrated environmental system expressed.

Topic Link: http://www.alukah.NET/culture/ 0/59342/#ixzz2qroqw2LF
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