ولا فــاتني عن طــــيٍب الــورد معلـــــومة تعلــمت منه إن الزمــــــن فيه جزر ومـــــد ومن لم يصـــــانع ربما ضــاعت علـــــومه تعلمت منـه إن الزمـــــان الردي له حــــــد ولا شفت غصن يطـــرح الـــورد من يــومــه*
And don't bring me through p Yip the Government teachers respondedI learned from him that time Dr IslandsAnd who hasn't arrived at the lack of Government may take someI learned from that time his residuary h dNor does the proposed Branch Manager from today *
I missed not all roses Tayyip information learned from him that time and extending the Islands and has not lost its Sciences Issana probably learned from him that time evil has a limit and I saw Ghosn poses Roses of his day *
In Fatny Tyenb Alwrd MlwmtOf course, as she began it, when the Alzmn WmdIt is not Ysan may Dat LwmhI learned from him that Alzman already has a HdAnd I saw in branch Alwrd Ywmh *