Morning dude

Morning dude " Tucker said." Goo~h

Morning dude " Tucker said.
" Goo~h mo~nin " Danny mumbled.
" What's with that accent, tryna be british ? " Tucker said.
" Sleepy head " Sam said.
" True, looks like you couldn't get any sleep.. any ghost attacked ? "
" All I remembe~ from last night was dinne~ " Danny mumbled again
" huh.. ? " Tucker said confused.
"Where are we going anyway ? " Danny said.
" um.. School ? " Sam said.
" what's with you ? you're acting weird ? " Tucker questioned .
" Summer affection.. heat.. it's hot today " Sam said.
" Or heaviness.. Let me take that bag for you.. " Tucker said.
" Your bag is empty ! " Tucker yelled
" What.. ? " Sam said questioning.
as she opened Danny's bag she only found a teddy bear..and no school books.
" whoa whoa whoa, are ya planning to be kicked out from the class ?" Tucker said.
" Kicked out.. ? why ?" Danny said cluelessly.
" Why a teddy bear ? " a yelling tuck.
"I still can't sleep without it, keep it a secret " Danny said whispering.
" I heard that " Sam said.
" He's not okay. " Tucker said.
" He's feverish" Sam said, putting her hand on Danny's forehead.
" Let's return him home" She continued.
*minutes later*
" Danny.. why aren't you at school ? " Maddie said.
" He's feverish " sam said.
" .. he's got a teddy bear in his bag ! " Tucker yelled.
" Are we finally playing video games ? " Danny said.
" W-what are you talking about sweetie? " Maddie said.
" Sandwitches " Danny said.
" See ? " Sam and Tucker said.
" Danny.. go back to your bed " Maddie said as she palmed.
" And you two it's time to go, no worries come see him after school " Maddie said.
" Alright dear, go back to sleep, you should rest. " Maddie said.

من: -
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Morning dude " Tucker said." Goo~h mo~nin " Danny mumbled." What's with that accent, tryna be british ? " Tucker said." Sleepy head " Sam said." True, looks like you couldn't get any sleep.. any ghost attacked ? "" All I remembe~ from last night was dinne~ " Danny mumbled again" huh.. ? " Tucker said confused. "Where are we going anyway ? " Danny said." um.. School ? " Sam said." what's with you ? you're acting weird ? " Tucker questioned ." Summer affection.. heat.. it's hot today " Sam said." Or heaviness.. Let me take that bag for you.. " Tucker said." Your bag is empty ! " Tucker yelled" What.. ? " Sam said she opened Danny's bag she only found a teddy bear..and no school books." whoa whoa whoa, are ya planning to be kicked out from the class ?" Tucker said." Kicked out.. ? why ?" Danny said cluelessly." Why a teddy bear ? " a yelling tuck."I still can't sleep without it, keep it a secret " Danny said whispering." I heard that " Sam said." He's not okay. " Tucker said." He's feverish" Sam said, putting her hand on Danny's forehead." Let's return him home" She continued.*minutes later*" Danny.. why aren't you at school ? " Maddie said." He's feverish " sam said." .. he's got a teddy bear in his bag ! " Tucker yelled. " Are we finally playing video games ? " Danny said." W-what are you talking about sweetie? " Maddie said." Sandwitches " Danny said." See ? " Sam and Tucker said." Danny.. go back to your bed " Maddie said as she palmed." And you two it's time to go, no worries come see him after school " Maddie said.*********************************************************************" Alright dear, go back to sleep, you should rest. " Maddie said.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Morning dude "Tucker said.
" Goo ~ h ~ nin mo "Danny Mumbled.
" What's with that accent, tryna be british? "Tucker said.
" Sleepy head "Sam said.
" True, looks like you could not get any sleep .. any ghost attacked? "
"All I Remembe ~ from last night was dinne ~" Danny Mumbled again
"huh ..? "Tucker said confused.
"Where are we going anyway? "Danny said.
" um .. School? "Sam said.
" what's with you? you're acting weird? "Tucker questioned.
" Summer heat affection .. .. it's hot today "Sam said.
" Or heaviness .. Let me take that bag for you .. "Tucker said.
" Your bag is empty! "Tucker Yelled
"What ..? "Sam said Questioning.
as she opened Danny's bag she only found a teddy Bear..and no school books.
" whoa whoa whoa, are ya planning to be kicked out from the class? "Tucker said.
" Kicked out ..? why? "Danny said Cluelessly.
" Why a teddy bear? "Yelling a tuck.
"I still can not sleep without it, keep it a secret" Danny said whispering.
" I Heard That "Sam said.
" He's not okay. "Tucker said.
" He's Feverish "Sam said, putting her hand on Danny's forehead.
" Let's return him home "She Continued.
* minutes later *
"Danny .. why are not you at school? "Maddie said.
" He's Feverish "sam said.
" .. He's got a teddy bear in his bag! "Yelled Tucker.
" Are we finally playing video games? "Danny said.
" W-what are you talking about sweetie? "Maddie said.
" Sandwitches "Danny said.
" See? "Sam and Tucker said.
" Danny .. go back to your bed "Maddie said as she palmed.
" And you two it's time to go, no worries come see him after school "Maddie said.
******************************* **************************************
"Alright dear, go back to sleep, you shouldnt rest . "Maddie said.

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