زيادة إمكانية الاتصال بين الطلبة فيما بينهم، وبين الطلبة والجامعة: وذل ترجمة - زيادة إمكانية الاتصال بين الطلبة فيما بينهم، وبين الطلبة والجامعة: وذل الإنجليزية كيف أقول

زيادة إمكانية الاتصال بين الطلبة في

زيادة إمكانية الاتصال بين الطلبة فيما بينهم، وبين الطلبة والجامعة: وذلك من خلال سهولة الاتصال ما بين هذه الأطراف في عدة اتجاهات مثل المنتديات، والبريد الإلكتروني، وغرف الحوار. ويرى الباحثون أن هذه الأشياء تزيد وتحفز الطلبة على المشاركة والتفاعل مع المواضيع المطروحة.

2. المساهمة في وجهات النظر المختلفة للطلاب: المنتديات وغرف الحوار تتيح فرص لتبادل وجهات النظر في المواضيع المطروحة مما يزيد فرص الاستفادة من الآراء والمقترحات المطروحة ودمجها مع الآراء الخاصة بالطالب مما يساعد في تكوين أساس متين عند المتعلم وتتكون عنده معرفة وآراء قوية وسديدة وذلك من خلال ما اكتسبه من معارف ومهارات عن طريق غرف الحوار.

3. الإحساس بالمساواة: بما أن أدوات الاتصال تتيح لكل طالب فرصة الإدلاء برأيه في أي وقت ودون حرج، خلافاً لقاعات الدرس التقليدية التي تحرمه من هذا الميزة إما لسبب سوء تنظيم المقاعد، أو ضعف صوت الطالب نفسه، أو الخجل، أو غيرها من الأسباب، لكن هذا النوع من التعليم يتيح الفرصة كاملة للطالب لأنه بإمكانه إرسال رأيه وصوته من خلال أدوات الاتصال المتاحة من بريد إلكتروني ومنتديات وغرف الحوار. هذه الميزة تكون أكثر فائدة لدى الطلاب الذين يشعرون بالخوف والقلق لأن هذا الأسلوب في التعليم يجعل الطلاب يتمتعون بجرأة أكبر في التعبير عن أفكارهم والبحث عن الحقائق أكثر مما لو كانوا في قاعات الدرس التقليدية. وقد أثبتت الدراسات أن النقاش على الخط يساعد ويحث الطلاب على المواجهة بشكل أكبر.

4. سهولة الوصول إلى المعلم: أتاح التعلم الإلكتروني سهولة كبيرة في الحصول على المعلم والوصول إليه في أسرع وقت وذلك خارج أوقات العمل الرسمية، لأن الطالب أصبح بمقدوره أن يرسل استفساراته للمعلم من خلال البريد الإلكتروني، وهذه الميزة مفيدة وملائمة للمعلم أكثر بدلا من أن يظل مقيداً على مكتبه. وتكون أكثر فائدة للذين تتعارض ساعات عملهم مع الجدول الزمني للمعلم، أو عند وجود استفسار في أي وقت لا يحتمل التأجيل.

5. إمكانية تحوير طريقة التدريس: من الممكن تلقي المادة العلمية بالطريقة التي تناسب الطالب فمنهم من تناسبه الطريقة المرئية، ومنهم تناسبه الطريقة المسموعة أو المقروءة، وبعضهم تتناسب معه الطريقة العملية، فالتعلم الإلكتروني ومصادره تتيح إمكانية تطبيق المصادر بطرق مختلفة وعديدة تسمح بالتحوير وفقاً للطريقة الأفضل بالنسبة للمتدرب.

6. ملائمة مختلف أساليب التعليم: التعلم الإلكتروني يتيح للمتعلم أن يركز على الأفكار المهمة أثناء كتابته وتجميعه للمحاضرة أو الدرس، وكذلك يتيح للطلاب الذين يعانون من صعوبة التركيز وتنظيم المهام الاستفادة من المادة وذلك لأنها تكون مرتبة ومنسقة بصورة سهلة وجيدة والعناصر المهمة فيها محددة.

7. المساعدة الإضافية على التكرار: هذه ميزة إضافية بالنسبة للذين يتعلمون بالطريقة العملية فهؤلاء الذين يقومون بالتعليم عن طريق التدريب , إذا أرادوا أن يعبروا عن أفكارهم فإنهم يضعوها في جمل معينة مما يعني أنهم أعادوا تكرار المعلومات التي تدربوا عليها وذلك كما يفعل الطلاب عندما يستعدون لامتحان معين.

8. تقديم محتوي تعليمي ذاتي وشامل وديناميكي: والمساهمة في تطوير مجتمعات المعرفة وربط المتعلمين والممارسين بالخبراء كما يمكن من المحاسبة وإتاحة الفرصة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ومنح الفرص للأفراد والمؤسسات من مسايرة التطور المتسارع لعالم الإنترنت.

9. توفر المناهج طوال اليوم وفي كل أيام الأسبوع: هذه الميزة مفيدة للأشخاص المزاجيين أو الذين يرغبون التعليم في وقت معين، وذلك لأن بعضهم يفضل التعلم صباحاً والآخر مساءاً، كذلك للذين يتحملون أعباء ومسئوليات شخصية، فهذه الميزة تتيح للجميع التعلم في الزمن الذي يناسبهم.

10. الاستمرارية في الوصول إلى المناهج: هذه الميزة تجعل الطالب في حالة استقرار ذلك أن بإمكانه الحصول على المعلومة التي يريدها في الوقت الذي يناسبه، فلا يرتبط بأوقات فتح وإغلاق المكتبة، مما يؤدي إلى راحة الطالب وعدم إصابته بالضجر.
11. عدم الاعتماد على الحضور الفعلي: لا بد للطالب من الالتزام بجدول زمني محدد ومقيد وملزم في العمل الجماعي بالنسبة للتعليم التقليدي، أما الآن فلم يعد ذلك ضرورياً لأن التقنية الحديثة وفرت طرق للاتصال دون الحاجة للتواجد في مكان وزمان معين لذلك أصبح التنسيق ليس بتلك الأهمية التي تسبب الإزعاج.

12. سهولة وتعدد طرق تقييم تطور الطالب: وفرت أدوات التقييم الفوري على إعطاء المعلم طرق متنوعة لبناء وتوزيع وتصنيف المعلومات بصورة سريعة وسهلة للتقييم.

13. الاستفادة القصوى من الزمن: إن توفير عنصر الزمن مفيد وهام جداً للطرفين المعلم والمتعلم، فالطالب لديه إمكانية الوصول الفوري للمعلومة في المكان والزمان المحدد وبالتالي لا توجد حاجة للذهاب من البيت إلى قاعات الدرس أو المكتبة أو مكتب الأستاذ وهذا يؤدي إلى حفظ الزمن من الضياع، وكذلك المعلم بإمكانه الاحتفاظ بزمنه من الضياع لأن بإمكانه إرسال ما يحتاجه الطالب عبر خط الاتصال الفوري.
14. تقليل الأعباء الإدارية بالنسبة للمعلم: التعلم الإلكتروني يتيح للمعلم تقليل الأعباء الإدارية التي كانت تأخذ منه وقت كبير في كل محاضرة مثل استلام الواجبات وغيرها فقد خفف التعلم الإلكتروني من هذه العبء، فقد أصبح من الممكن إرسال واستلام كل هذه الأشياء عن طريق الأدوات الإلكترونية مع إمكانية معرفة استلام الطالب لهذه المستندات.

15. تقليل حجم العمل في الجامعة: التعلم الإلكتروني وفر أدوات تحليل تقوم بتحليل الدرجات والنتائج والاختبارات وكذلك وضع إحصائيات عنها وبمكانها أيضا إرسال ملفات وسجلات الطلاب إلي مسجل الكلية.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Increase communication between students and between students and the University: through the ease of communication between such parties in several directions, such as forums, e-mail, and dialogue. The researchers finds that these things increase and stimulate students to participate and interact with the issues raised.2. contribute to the different viewpoints of students: forums dialogue rooms provide opportunities to exchange views on topics which increases access to views and proposals and merged with student helping in the formation of a solid foundation when the learner has composed and strong opinions and knowledge and through his knowledge and skills through the rooms of the dialogue.3. sense of equality: as communication tools to allow every student an opportunity to speak his mind at any time and without sin, contrary to conventional classrooms that denying this feature either due to bad organization, or weak voice student, or shame, or other reasons, but such education provides the opportunity for the student to complete that he could send his voice through the available communication tools, forums and e-mail dialog rooms. This feature is more useful to students who feel the fear and anxiety that this method of education makes the students enjoyed greater boldness in expressing their ideas and find more facts than they would in traditional classrooms. Studies have proven that a discussion on line help and urge students to greater confrontation.4. easy access to teacher: eLearning provided easy access to teacher and accessed as soon as outside official working hours, the student became able to send queries to the teacher by email, this feature is useful and convenient for the teacher more than to remain restricted to the library. And be more useful to those who contradict their hours with the teacher's schedule, or when there is a query at any time is unlikely.5. the possibility of modulating the teaching method: it is possible to receive a scientific article in a way that suits the student some good visual way, suit the way audio or read, each suited to the way the process, e-learning and confiscation allows application of sources in different ways, and many allow modulation according to the best way for the trainee.6. fit the various methods of education: e-learning enables the learner to focus on important ideas during the written and compiled for the lecture or lesson, and also allows students who have difficulty focusing and organizing tasks to benefit from article to be arranged and coordinated and easy good and important elements therein specified.7. additional assistance on repetition: this additional feature for those who are learning the way of the process, those who engaged in education through training, if they wanted to express their thoughts, they take on certain phrases which mean they sawed repeat information that trained them as students do when preparing for the exam.8. provide educational content and dynamic and comprehensive: to contribute to the development of knowledge societies and linking learners and practitioners with expert accounting and can also provide an opportunity for people with special needs and opportunities for individuals and organizations to keep pace with the rapid development of the Internet world.9. provide curriculum throughout the day, seven days a week: this feature is useful for people who want the temperamental or education at a certain time, because some prefer learning am and one pm, as well as those who bear the burdens and responsibilities of personal, this feature allows everyone to learn in time that suits them.10. continuity in access to curriculum: this feature makes the student stability so that he could get the information they want at a time that suits him, not linked to the opening and closing times, leading to comfort students and not his boredom.11. do not rely on physical attendance: students must commit to a specific timetable and tied and bound in collective action for traditional education, but now it is no longer necessary because modern technology has provided ways to communicate without having to be in a particular place and time that coordination is not that important that cause inconvenience.12. easy and multiple ways of assessing student development: evaluation tools provided to give the teacher a variety of ways to build and distribute information quickly and easy to evaluate.13. maximum use of time: to provide meaningful and time factor is very important for both sides of the teacher and learner, student has instant access to the information in the specified place and time so there is no need to go from home to classrooms, library, Office, and this leads to save time of loss, as well as the teacher can keep time from loss because it could send the student needs across the line of instant communication.14. reduce the administrative burdens for the teacher: eLearning allows teacher to reduce administrative burdens which were take him much time on every lecture like receiving duties and other e-learning has eased this burden, it has become possible to send and receive all this stuff through electronic tools with the possibility of knowing receipt requesting these documents.15. reduce workload at University: e-learning provided the analysis tools analyze the scores and results and tests as well as statistics and also send files and place student records to the Registrar of the College.Moved to take advantage
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Increase the possibility of contact between students among themselves, and between the students and the university: through the ease of communication between these parties in several directions such as forums, e-mail, and chat rooms. The researchers believe that these things increase and motivate students to participate and interact with the topics. 2. Contribute to the different perspectives of students: the forums and chat rooms offer opportunities to exchange views on topics which increases the opportunities to take advantage of the views and proposals on the table and merge them with its own views to students, which helps in the formation of a solid foundation when the learner is composed has knowledge of a strong and sound, and views through the acquired knowledge and skills through dialogue. rooms 3. Sense of equality: As communication tools allow each student the opportunity to make his opinion at any time critical and without, unlike traditional classrooms, which is anathema to this feature either to cause poor organization of the seats, or the weakness of the student voice, or shame, or other reasons, but this type of education provides full opportunity for the student since he could write his opinion and his voice through the communication tools available from e-mail, forums and chat rooms. This feature is more useful for students who feel fear and anxiety because this method in education makes students have more boldly in the expression of their ideas and the search for the facts than if they were in a traditional classroom. Studies have shown that the debate on-line help and urges students to further confrontation. 4 for sale. Easy access to the teacher: enabled e-learning great ease in obtaining the teacher and accessible as soon as outside official working hours, because the student he could become that sends inquiries to the teacher via e-mail, this feature useful and appropriate for the teacher more, rather than to remain constrained by the Library. And be more useful to those who contradict their working hours with the schedule for the teacher, or when there is a query at any time is not likely postponement. . 5. The possibility of modulating the teaching method: it is possible to receive scientific material the way that suits the student. Some of the proportionality of the visual method, including the proportionality of the way broadcast or print, and some of them fit with the way the process, Learning-mail and sources make it possible to apply the sources and different in many ways allows modification according to the method best for the trainee . 6. Relevance of various teaching methods: E-learning allows the learner to focus on the task of ideas during the writing and assembled for a lecture or a lesson, and also allows students who have difficulty organizing tasks to take advantage of Article focus because they are arranged and coordinated manner easy and good and important elements in specific. 7. Additional help Repetition: This additional feature for those who are learning the way the process Those who are in education through training, if they wanted to express their ideas, they put them in certain sentences, which means they returned to repeat information which they were trained and then as students do when preparing for a particular exam. 8. Providing educational content and self-destruction, dynamic: and contribute to the development of knowledge and linking learners and practitioners, experts, communities can also be accountability and provide an opportunity for people with special needs and give opportunities for individuals and institutions to keep pace with the rapid evolution of the Internet. For the world 9. Provide curriculum throughout the day and every day of the week: This feature is useful for people Alm'zajian or who want education at a certain time, because some of them prefer to learn in the morning and one evening, as well as to those who bear the burden of personal responsibility, this feature lets all learn in time that suits them. 10. Continuity in access to the curriculum: This feature makes the student in the case of stability so that he could get the information they want at a time that suits him, it is linked to opening times and closing the library, leading to comfort the student and the lack of injury weary. 11. Do not rely on the actual attendance: a must for students of commitment to a specific timetable and unrestricted and binding in teamwork for traditional education, but now no longer necessary because modern technology has provided ways to communicate without the need to be in a particular place and time, it has become coordination is not that important which cause inconvenience. 12 for sale. Ease and multiple ways of assessing student has developed: provided immediate assessment tools to give the teacher a variety of ways to build, distribute and categorize the information in a quick and easy evaluation. 13. Make the most of the time: that the provision of time is very, very important for both sides teacher and learner component, a student has instant access to information at the time and place specified and therefore there is no need to go from home to the classroom or the library or the Office of Professor This saves the time of loss, as well as the teacher can keep Bzmenh from loss because he can write what he needs student through instant communication line. 14. Reduce the administrative burden for the teacher: E-learning allows teachers to reduce administrative burdens, which was to take him to a great time in each lecture, such as the receipt of duties and other e-learning from this burden has eased, it has become possible to send and receive all of these things through electronic tools with the ability to know students receiving these documents. 15. Reduce the volume of work at the university: e-learning provided analysis tools to analyze the results and grades and tests, as well as the development of statistics and it is conveniently also send files and records of students to the college registrar. Moved to benefit

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Increase the possibility of communication between students, and between students and the University, by easy communication between the parties in several directions, such as forums, mailing email, and dialogue. The researchers believe that these things increase, stimulate students to participate and interact with the subjects.2. Students contribute to the different points of view: forums and dialogue provide opportunities for an exchange of views on the topics which increases the opportunities to benefit from the views and suggestions put forward, combined with views on the student, which helps to form a solid when the learner consists has a strong and relevant knowledge and understanding through knowledge and skills acquired through br the dialogue.3. The sense of equality: as communication tools allow students an opportunity to be heard at any time and without embarrassment, in contrast to conventional class rooms that deprive them of this feature. Either because of bad organization of the seats, or low voice of the student himself, shame, or other reasons, but this type of education provides the opportunity to complete the student because he can send his voice through the available communication tools, e-mail, forums and dialogue. This feature is useful for students who feel fear and anxiety, because this method of teaching makes students enjoy more boldly express their ideas, search for the facts. More than they would in traditional classrooms. Studies have shown that the debate on the line to help the students in the confrontation.4. Easy access to the teacher: the teacher e-learning, great ease in obtaining access, as early as outside the official working hours, because the student is the teacher can send it through e-mail, this feature is useful and convenient for the teacher more than to remain tied up in his office. Their working hours and be more helpful to conflict with the schedule for the teacher, or at any time when a query cannot be deferred.5. The possibility of altering teaching method: to be a scientific article in a manner that suits the student some visual fitting method and fitting method, print, audio, and some of them commensurate with the operation method, learning Alalkt
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