وبعد استجواب المدعى عليه ، أقر بقيامه بالاحتفاظ بمجموعة كبيرة من الجرائد ، والتى تعود ملكيتها الى Al-Waseela for Advertising Company – لا يعرف مقدارها –
After questioning the defendant, acknowledged having to maintain a large collection of newspapers, which owned Al-Waseela for Advertising Company – don't know of –
After the interrogation of the defendant, he admitted doing to keep a wide range of newspapers, which are owned by the Al-Waseela for Advertising Company - did not know the amount of -
After the interrogation, the defendant, admitted by maintaining a large collection of newspapers, which belongs to the Al-Waseela for Advertising Company knows not of.