النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 1:
Prestige Prestige is not that someone handles bantzeh and arrogance, but prestige is that the person have a respectable place when people and you should know, o man, you are however Talat or descend the arrogance cannot help with something in life and that of other arrogance made by you is the arrogance of the false, and therefore, you, o man, to ask yourself a question * what prestige is me * you'll find in her favor landing the prestige did you thing Sao place among the people. You will now see how the Quran speaking place, and how speaking a biblical place in the Bible where did not come explicitly speak of the place among the people but which explicitly speak of loving people of Allah: {and see Abraham the Kingdom of the heavens and the Earth to be the certain (75) when the night Ray planet Committee said this spring when Pavel said he don't like set (76), when he saw the Moon emerging said the Lord as Pavel said, while not Please guide me on me lakonn of folk astray (77), when he saw the Sun emerging Lord said this more when I said yakom is innocent escaped than they be or become a polytheist (78) I brought my face to the heavens and the Earth upright, and I am from the mushrikeen (79)} KismetIn the verses:In the depths of our beings that God created us since the first moment that created them. With the beginning of open human perceptions, the soul and the soul by circling the nucleus of the faith, and during of jewel got stability and peace and tranquillity, and the more they move away from the turmoil and got confused and diaspora. I have confirmed the Prophet on this instinct in people, he said: «no live births only and generates a common sense» (only six women's narrated from Abu hurayrah).And this instinct, which attracts the human creator created and create universes and including, which led him to the faith, and certainty that life in the universe, it is only the prelude to eternal life eternal in another world, the creatures to her Lord, they find he has lost in her first. Such fact can recognize faith of Otti thought valid, given the right. They are inherent in the original instinct that mushroom God to know and strive to find and access, and enjoy the happiness that is not found in the teachings of divine instinct, and on top of these teachings of oneness of God and their slavery and glorification. The nominal unification goals of knowledge; based on the costs, and about the divine rages-centred, and zap the prophets in calling to humanity, including Ibrahim, who received his story in the Quran at length and in detail, covering many aspects of his life, he was a model of human in his faith in God and his unification of the faith that has elevated him to the top of places and ranks, even now (Khalil Allah) it is revealed to him the Kingdom of heaven and Earth, saw them visibly, it increased by God certainly to his ability and greatness bow {..Also see Abraham the Kingdom of the heavens and the Earth to be the certain}.And verses that we eat in our present, give us a picture of the early life of Ibrahim was a deep reflection of life and neighborhoods around it, the vision of the people of the event require surprise and wonder; they adore God various; they thought power and control, and claimed that it could benefit them, warding, and Odder than this, some with their hands, how political choice God and worshiped them?!.وكثيراً ما كان هذا الواقع يدفع إبراهيم للخلوة بنفسه مراراً، فتمرُّ عليه لحظات هي من أثمن اللحظات وأصدقها؛ لما في الخلوة من رؤية حقيقيَّة للذَّات، بعيداً عن رقابة الآخرين، الَّتي قد تدفع بعض الناس إلى المراءاة والمخادعة أو المداراة، وقد تمرُّ هذه اللحظات في عمر الإنسان مرَّة فتُقَدَّرُ قيمتها بالعمر كلِّه، وقد لا تحدث أبداً فتكون الخسارة الكبرى. ونتيجة لخلوة إبراهيم عليه السَّلام، فقد كانت فطرته تثور عليه، وتدفعه إلى البحث والتأمُّل في ملكوت السموات والأرض، ليهتدي إلى الإيمان بالإله الحقِّ، الجدير بالألوهيَّة، والمستحقِّ للعبوديَّة. فعندما تفكَّر فيما يعبد قومه من آلهة حجريَّة صنعوها بأيديهم، أنكرها ورفضها، ولما تأمَّل آلهتهم الأخرى، وهي الكواكب تريَّث عندها قليلاً، وقلَّب ناظريه في السماء، وأجال الطَّرْف في أرجائها، فإذا الليل قد أقبل ليكتسح النهار، وإذا بالظلام يلفُّ الضِّياء ويطرده، إنه ليل من نوع فريد، ليل يخُصُّ إبراهيم وحده، ويستره عن عيون الخلائق. وفي جوف الليل يحلو التأمُّل، وتحلو الخلوة مع النفس، ويشعر الإنسان بعذوبة النَّجوى، حيث لا تَسمع نَأْمَةً ولا حركة سوى دقَّات قلبٍ تبحث عمَّن نفخ فيه الحياة. فلما رأى إبراهيم في تلك الليلة كوكباً منيراً يُطِلُّ من عليائه، قال هذا ربِّي، ثمَّ أخذ يتابع الكوكب حتَّى غـاب وزالت معالمه، عندها تساءل كيف أعبد كوكباً يطلع ويغيب، ويظهر ثمَّ يختفي؟ ومن سيرعى أمرنا، ويدبِّر شؤوننا إن هو غاب؟! ولما بدا له القمر مشرقاً متلألئاً، وكأنَّه يرمق الكون بنظراته الصَّافية، فيُضفي عليه جمالاً أخَّاذاً فقال: هذا ربِّي، فلما سحب القمر خيوطه الفضيَّة ومضى وغاب، كما غاب الكوكب قبله، قال: ما هذا بإله! ولئن لم يهدني ربِّي، ويوفِّقني إلى إصابة الحقِّ في توحيده، لأكوننَّ من الضالِّين الضَّائعين في عبادتي لغيره. At the dawn of the next day, with the Sun glow and Golden Sun on objects, the sight of Ibrahim and considered it the greatest he; the stars are visible, the most useful of the creatures, and most light and brighter, said: this spring, but the Sun soon kept over the horizon, and also missed other ... Then he felt his innocence of the crime, the bondage of nature with all its parts stolen will creature, incapable of speech, could not get away from the job entrusted to its creator, or changing jobs around, and do not have the ability to create and find a.So said Ibrahim this patent from the worship of forces and phenomena that surround him, and turn to God for all that El bare existence and its assets, went his true God knows who is not overlooked and no sleep, and taking
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