هذه الدراسة سوف تقوم بتطبيق نظام (قياس المنحدر) بأستخدام برامج المحاكاة للحركة المرورية في احد الطرق السريعة لمدينة الرياض التي تعاني من الازدحام المتكرر خلال اليوم
This study will apply a system (measured slope) using simulations of traffic on a highway to the city of Riyadh that suffer from frequent congestion during the day.
This study will apply the system (to measure slope) using simulation of traffic programs in a highway to the city of Riyadh, which suffers from frequent congestion during the day
This study will apply the slope measurement system using the simulation software of highway traffic movement in one of Riyadh city experiencing recurrent congestion during the day.