طعامي المفضل هو البيك انا احصل عليه في اي وقت يوجد الكثير من الفروع لدى البيك منها في شارع حراء انه طعامي المفضل بسبب انه لا ياخذ وقت طويل عند اعداده و لذيذ جداً
My favorite food is pick-I get it anytime there's plenty of branches to pick them in Mangalore that my favorite food because it doesn't take long when you prepared and very tasty
My food is a favorite pick, I get it at any time there are a lot of branches with the pick of them in Hira Street that my favorite food because it does not take a long time when prepared and very tasty
My favorite food is I get it back at any time, there are a lot of branches to the back street HIRA, he is my favorite. Because he did not take the time long as it is delicious.