فانفصالكما جعلك ضعيفة ، حزينة و مكتئبة ، لأنه اختار البعد دون سابق إنذ ترجمة - فانفصالكما جعلك ضعيفة ، حزينة و مكتئبة ، لأنه اختار البعد دون سابق إنذ الإنجليزية كيف أقول

فانفصالكما جعلك ضعيفة ، حزينة و مكت

فانفصالكما جعلك ضعيفة ، حزينة و مكتئبة ، لأنه اختار البعد دون سابق إنذار أو سبب مقنع ، تركك تتخبطين بين توقعاتك للسبب الذي جعله يستثنيك من حياته.
لم يفكر فيك أو بما تكنين له من حب ، ابتعد لأنه أراد البعد، ربما لأنه وجد فتاة أخرى قد تكون ضحيته التالية أو ربما لأنه لم يعد يحتمل لعب دور المحب أكثر ، لأنه منذ البداية كان بارعا في التمثيل إلى أن جعلك تقعين في شباك حبه ثم تخلى عنك.
ربما لأنه أحبك فعلا و لكنه يخاف من الارتباط ، فكلما شعر أنه يقترب من خطوة الزواج فر هاربا.
كل هذه احتمالات فكرت فيها عندما تخلى عنك حبيبك ، و لكنك لم تقتنعي بأي منها ، لأنك ببساطة لم تتوقعي أن يبتعد عنك حبيبك و حتى إن ابتعد لن يكون الفراق بهذه الطريقة .
فبتخليه عنك ، شعرت بأن كل أيام السعادة و الحب التي عشتها معه انهارت في لحظة ، انهارت بقرار اتخذه هو فجأة و كأنه أدخل خنجرا في قلبك رسم به جرحا عميقا لن يداويه الزمن، فستظلين تتذكرين دائما ذلك الشخص الذي أحببته بكل ما في الكلمة من معنى ، أخلصت إليه، رسمت كل أحلامك المستقبلية به و معه ، فهو الذي أردت أن يكون أبا لأطفالك و هو الذي اخترت أن يكون اسمه ثالث اسم ينده إليك به بعد اسم والدك.
و لكنه هو لم يكن يفكر فيك بنفس الطريقة فهو الآن يعتبرك نكرة ، تجربة عابرة مرت في حياته كسابقاتها سينساها مع مرور الوقت و ربما لو صادفك في الشارع لن يتعرف عليك أو ربما سينكر أنه كان يعرفك أصلا.
فأنت الآن أصبحت شخصا غريبا بالنسبة إليه ، و لكنه هو مزال يحتل قلبك و تحلمين باليوم الذي سيكلمك فيه حتى و لو كان سيكلمك ليبرر السبب الذي جعله يبتعد عنك فقط، ليضع حدا للحيرة التي تعيشين فيها ، و يسمح عندها لقلبك و فكرك بالتحرر منه و يفسح المجال لحب جديد أن يتربع داخل قلبك الذي أصبح يتماثل
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Then your separation made you weak, sad and depressed, because he chose distance without warning or good reason, your leaving you flounder between your expectations for the reason that it exclude you from his life.Not thinking of you or what they be known by the surname of his love, walked away because he wanted distance, maybe he found another girl may be the next victim, or maybe because he no longer could play the role of loving more, because from the outset the bravura acting that made you fall in love and then abandon you.Maybe because I love you already, but he is afraid of the link, the more hair that is approaching a marriage ran away.All of these possibilities I thought when you abandoned your lover, but you did not you be or become content with, any of them, simply because you did not expect to keep away from your lover and even walked away will not be parting with this method.In leaving you, I felt that all the days of happiness and love that I lived with him collapsed in a moment, the decision is collapsed suddenly and enter a dagger in your heart, draw a deep scar will not heal him time, he will always remember that the person you loved it in every sense of the word, or another mechanism, the future and all your dreams with him, he wanted to be a father to your children that you choose to have named a third name Linde to you by name Your father.But he is not thinking of you the same way it is now you hate, the fleeting experience passed on his life as its predecessors will forget her in time and maybe if you encounter in the street will not recognize you or maybe he already knows you would deny.You are now someone strange to him, but he is still occupies the heart and dreaming of the day it will speak to you even if it will speak to you to justify why it turns away from you, to put an end to the uncertainty that you live in, and allows then to your heart and your mind to break free and allow for new love that perched in your heart which is equal
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Fanfsalkma made ​​you weak, sad and depressed, because he chose dimension without warning or convincing reason, you leave Ttakbtin between your expectations for the reason that made ​​him Asttnak of his life.
did not think you or including Tknyn him of love, walked away because he wanted dimension, perhaps because he found another girl may be the next victim or perhaps because it is no longer likely to play the loving role more, because from the very beginning was brilliant in the representation that made ​​you Tqaan at the box-love and then abandoned you.
Maybe because he really love you, but he is afraid of the link, the more he felt he was approaching the step to marry fled on the run.
All of these possibilities I thought it when abandoned you your lover, but you did not Tguetenai any of them, because you simply did not expect to be away from you your lover and even moved away will not be parting this way.
Fbtkhalih about you, I felt that all the days of happiness and love I have lived with him collapsed at the moment, collapsed decision taken by is suddenly and like enter a dagger in your heart draw him a deep wound will not Adawiyeh time, Vstzlin always remember that the person who loved him with all the sense of the word, is sincere to him, painted all future by dreams and with him, he is who I wanted to be a father to your children and is the one who chose to be the third name named Linde to you after your father's name.
But he is not thinking about you the same way he now considers you a nobody, a transient experience gone through in his life, like its predecessors Sensaha with the passage of time and perhaps if the file in Street will not recognize you or perhaps deny that it was originally knows you.
You now have become a stranger to him, but he is eluted occupies your heart and dream of the day Saklmk it even if it was Saklmk to justify why he turns away from you all, to put an end to the confusion which you live where, and then it allows for your heart and your mind to it and the freedom lends itself a new love that sits inside your heart, which has become equal
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Fanfsalkma made you weak, sad and depressed, because he had chosen dimension without warning or reason, let you Ttkhbtyn between your expectations for the reason that make it Ystthnyk.
.I think you have feelings for him, including love, get away because he wanted to cry, perhaps because he found another girl would be killed, or maybe because it didn't loving is likely to play more, because from the beginning he was proficient in the representation that made you fall in a love thenAbout you."Maybe because he really love you, but is afraid of the link, the hair that comes close to a marriage ran away."All of these possibilities of thought when you gave your love, but you haven't convinced them thoroughly, because you simply did not expect that away from you. And even the get off there will be separation this way. "
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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