نتيجة أزمة الديزل الخانقة التي تمر بها المنطقة فإن معظم مشافي محافظة إ ترجمة - نتيجة أزمة الديزل الخانقة التي تمر بها المنطقة فإن معظم مشافي محافظة إ الإنجليزية كيف أقول

نتيجة أزمة الديزل الخانقة التي تمر

نتيجة أزمة الديزل الخانقة التي تمر بها المنطقة فإن معظم مشافي محافظة إدلب والبالغ عددها 40 مشفى (23 مشفى مجاني و 17 مشفى خاص) ومنظومات اﻹسعاف وبنوك الدم ومراكز اللقاح الرئيسية وبقية الأنشطة الطبية كلها مهددة بوقف عملها خلال بضع أيام، مما سيؤدي إلى نتائج كارثية، وخاصة في هذه اﻷيام حيث يبلغ مجموع اﻹصابات الحربية التي تراجع المشافي حوالي عشرة آلاف مصاب شهرياً نتيجة ازدياد وتيرة القتل والتدمير في الفترة اﻷخيرة، ويقدر عدد العمليات الجراحية المجراة شهرياً حوالي أربعة آلاف وخمسمائة عملية، باﻹضافة إلى أنَّ الكثير من برامج الرعاية الصحية وحملات اللقاح تعتبر اليوم مهددة بالتوقف أو تخفيض مستوى العمل.
لذلك وكإجراء احتياطي تم وقف معظم العمليات الجراحية الباردة في المشافي لتوفير الديزل قدر اﻹمكان.
وتقدر الحاجة اليومية لهذه المنشآت بـ 15000 لتر من الوقود يومياً في محافظة إدلب.
وهناك بعض الحلول المطروحة في حال استمرت اﻷزمة وهي استجرار مادة الديزل من تركيا للمناطق المحررة، ولكنها ما تزال بحاجة لموافقة الجانب التركي.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
The diesel crisis stranglehold in the region most hospitals Idlib governorate and 40 Hospital (23 free hospital and 17 private hospital) and ambulance systems and blood banks and major vaccine centers and the rest medical activities are all threatened to stop work in a few days, which would lead to disastrous results, especially in these days where the total war casualties the hospitals some 10,000 infected per month as a result of the increased pace of killing and destruction in the recent period, the estimated number of surgeries performed per month about 4,000 Five hundred operation, in addition to many health care programs and vaccine campaigns are today threatened to stop or reduce the level of work.So as a precaution was most surgeries in hospitals to provide diesel to the extent possible.The estimated daily need for such installations by 15,000 litres of fuel per day in the Idlib governorate.There are some solutions if the crisis persists and is importing diesel material from Turkey to the liberated areas, but still need the approval of the Turkish side.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
As a result of the stifling diesel experienced by the region's crisis, most hospitals in the province of Idlib and of the 40 hospitals (23 hospital Free and 17 private hospital) and systems, ambulance, blood banks and centers of major vaccine and the rest of the medical activities are all threatening to suspend its work within a few days, which will lead to disastrous results, especially in these days where a total war injuries that fell hospitals around ten thousand infected a month as a result of the increase in the pace of killing and destruction in the recent period, the estimated number of surgeries in vivo month about four thousand five hundred process, in addition to a lot of health care programs and campaigns vaccine is considered today threatened to stop or reduce the level of work.
Therefore, and as a precautionary measure was to stop most of the cold surgical procedures in hospitals to provide diesel as much as possible.
The estimated daily need for these facilities to 15,000 liters of fuel per day in Idlib province.
There are some solutions in case the crisis continues, a people withdraw diesel from Turkey to the liberated areas, but they still need the approval of the Turkish side.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
As a result of diesel crisis experienced by the region, most of the hospitals in the Governorate of Idlib and of the free and 17 private hospital 40 hospital (23 hospital), rescue systems blood banks and major vaccines and other medical activities are threatened with suspension of workA few days ago, which will lead to disastrous consequences, especially in these days where the total casualties of war which decreased approximately ten thousand hospitals have a month as a result of the increasing frequency death and destruction in the recent period, the number of surgeries.About four thousand five hundred per month, in addition to that, many health care programs and vaccination campaigns are today threatened to stop or reduce the level of work."So as a precautionary measure has been discontinued, most of the surgeries in hospitals to provide diesel cold as far as possible." the daily need for these facilities is estimated to be 15000 litres of petrol every day in the province of Idlib. "
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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