النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Taichi Panda for FAQ: Heroes 04-22
Greetings Panda Heroes!
Got a question? We've got answers! Here is a short Frequently Asked Question ( FAQ) list to help you on your way to becoming the ultimate panda warrior in Taichi Panda: Heroes! We'll continue to update the FAQ as new questions come in, feel free to leave more questions on this thread and on our Tech Support Forum! Not any problems For addressed here, you can Also contact our Customer Service at Support-panda2@snailgame.net Q: the I KEEP getting stuck on a Loading Screen, what can the I do? A: This problem is caused by vBulletin® Primarily insufficient RAM on your device. Order to avoid with In any kind of loading or freezing issues, color : as well color : as problems with the application crashing, we 've recommend Shutting down all : other applications on your phone The while playing Taichi Panda: Heroes. Q: the I ' ve RUN into an Unknown error, what can I do? Specifically, the I ' ve received the "7003", "1100", or the "Google Account not found" error. A: with In order to fix these problems, you will need to facility clear the cache on your device. To do this, go The thru the Following steps Menu> Settings> Applications> Manage applications> Trade shows All> Play Store> Clear data with In the case of the "Google Account" problem, you may Also need to go The facility clear the data from your Google Services framework , . follow the instructions below for this: Settings> Apps> Trade shows All> Google Services Framework> the delete data. Once the cache is cleared, a try restarting the application. The problem is the if not fixed, contact customer support for Further instruction. Q: the I topped up my account, and the I still have not received my Diamonds, what happened? A: We 're suggest you wait for a few hours, sometimes color : as purchases from the App Store / Google Play will have a delay do to the network situation. Please wait patiently, and the if you do not Receive your purchase within a few hours, contact Customer the Support with your account name and proof of purchase. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the you do not Receive your Diamonds, please DO the NOT attempt to get a refund from the App Store / Google Play. That found are On Accounts to have Requested refunds for items That they 're Ultimately Receive from the Respective app stores will be flagged and subject to Having hwy account frozen. Q: the I accidentally spent some Diamonds That the I didnt not want to, roll back the I Could That purchase? A: Trade shows All decisions made within the game, Including the consumption of your Diamonds, are On final and we 've can not roll them back. Carefully think and please be aware of how you spend your Diamonds. Q: the I was not Able to .log in, and the I received a message That says " the Character data will not be accessible for a Certain of time", what is happening and the I can do what? A: This error pops up when system Detects hacking program A running on your device. You need to check your device carefully and make sure there is no hacking or cheating program installed in your device. When this error message pops up you need to wait 10 minutes before you can enter this character again. The if you are On unsure what Might be wrong with your device, contact Customer the Support for Assistance. Q: the I tried logging in, but the I was Unable to and the I received this message: "This account has entered the game" A: This problem is not uncommon, and can be caused by network issues. What likely has happened is that you were disconnected from the game, and the game still believes you're logged in. Please wait 15 minutes before logging in, and you should be able to enter the game as normal. This situation does the if not apply to you, contact Customer the Support for more help. Q: the I ' ve downloaded the game and the I got an "MD5 the Error", what the I shouldnt do? A: This problem happened Because of network connection error. Please remove the whole Taichi Panda App from your device, including clearing your cache (see above). Then, to redownload it from the App Store / Play Store. While you to redownload the application, be sure you have a stable connection to avoid this problem happening again. The problem persists the if, we 've recommend restarting the whole process with a different internet connection. Q: the I ' ve RUN into a network error, and the all the above : other solutions have not worked. What do the I do? A: Powered by vBulletin Help us figure out what the problem is by vBulletin® emailing us and Providing the Following info Download: Your Server Name: Your region: Your network (4G / Wifi): Whether you download the latest version of Taichi Panda Heroes ( yes / No): the Where didnt you download the APP (APP Store / Google Play): The name of your device, Including its by mode, and the version of your device's operating system. Q: the I ' ve gotten into the game and it is running fine, but there is no sound . It is wrong What, am the I going deaf? A: If the RUN you into issues with the audio not playing in the game, please first lands check the in-game audio settings Thread Tools. Click on your "System" button in the bottom right corner of the screen. There you will find "sound" and "music", please make sure that "sound" and "music" is on.
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