اعتذر لعدم حضوري فصلك الدراسي. وذلك بسبب عدم معرفتي التامه باستخدام وسيله النقل التي تذهب للمدرسه ابنتي. لذلك أرجو قبول اعتذاري ولكم فايق التقدير والاحترام
I apologize for not attending class. Due to the lack of full knowledge by using means of transport that go to my daughter's school. So please accept my apologies and you Faik valued and respected
I apologize for not attending your classroom. Due to the lack of knowledge of fully using means of transport that go to school my daughter. So please accept my apologies to you and Faik appreciation and respect
I apologize for not coming. Due to the lack of complete knowledge, using means of transport that my daughter goes to school. you ��� so please accept my apology and appreciation