منير هو عباره عن حمار كبير لا اعرف سبب وجوده داخل برشلونه الرجاء من الاداره ان يتخلو عن منير و ساندرو من برشلونه وان يجلبو لاعبين ممتازين مثل رياض محرز وشكرا
Mounir is a big assI don't know why he in BarcelonaPlease Department to ytkhelo on Munir and Sandro from BarcelonaAnd are excellent players such as Riad MehrezAnd thank you
Munir is a big ass I do not know why he was in Barcelona, please management to Atakhlu for Munir and Sandro from Barcelona and Ajelbo excellent players such as Riad Mehrez and Thanks