فانكوفر ، تقع رسميا في مدينة فانكوفر ، وهي مدينة الميناء الساحلي فى ال ترجمة - فانكوفر ، تقع رسميا في مدينة فانكوفر ، وهي مدينة الميناء الساحلي فى ال الإنجليزية كيف أقول

فانكوفر ، تقع رسميا في مدينة فانكوف

فانكوفر ، تقع رسميا في مدينة فانكوفر ، وهي مدينة الميناء الساحلي فى البر الرئيسى من كولومبيا البريطانية ، كندا . سجلت تعداد 2011 بحوالي 603502 شخص في المدينة ، مما يجعلها ثامن أكبر بلدة كندية . فانكوفر هي واحدة من أكثر المدن تنوعا عرقيا و غويا في كندا ؛ 52 ٪ من سكانها يتحدثون اللغة الأولى الغير إنكليزية . منطقة فانكوفر الكبرى تبلغ نحو 2.4 مليون نسمة وهي ثالث منطقة للعاصمة الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسكان في البلاد و أكثرها اكتظاظا بالسكان في غرب كندا .

مدينة فانكوفر تشمل أرض مساحتها حوالي 114 كيلومترا مربعا ، ويعطيها كثافة سكانها حوالي 5،249 نسمة لكل كيلومتر مربع ( 13،590 ميل مربع في ) . فانكوفر الكندية هي البلدية الأكثر كثافة سكانية ، و المدينة الرابعة الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسكان لأكثر من 250،000 من السكان في أمريكا الشمالية ، وراء مدينة نيويورك وسان فرانسيسكو ، و مكسيكو سيتي .

نمت المستوطنة الأصلية ، واسمها جاستون ، سواء أنشئت في عام 1867 ، وبحلول عام 1887 ، تم تمديد السكك الحديدية العابرة للقارات إلى المدينة للاستفادة من الميناء الطبيعي الكبير ، والتي سرعان ما أصبحت حلقة وصل حيوية في طريق التجارة بين الشرق وشرق كندا ، ولندن . اعتبارا من عام 2009 ، ميناء مترو فانكوفر هو أكثر المطارات ازدحاما و أكبر ميناء في كندا ، وميناء أكثرها تنوعا في أمريكا الشمالية .

في حين انها لا تزال أكبر الغابات في الصناعة ، كما هو معروف فإن فانكوفر بها مركز حضري يحيط بها الطبيعة ، مما يجعلها تعتمد على صناعة السياحة في المرتبة الثانية لصناعات فانكوفر . تحولت استوديوهات الإنتاج السينمائي الكبرى في فانكوفر و برنابي ومترو فانكوفر لتصبح واحدة من أكبر مراكز إنتاج الأفلام في أمريكا الشمالية ، مما اكسبها لقب صناعة السينما في هوليوود الشمالية .

وتدعى فانكوفر باستمرار باعتبارها واحدة من أكبر خمس مدن في جميع أنحاء العالم لل عيش ومن حيث نوعية الحياة ، و اعترف بوحدة الاستخبارات الاقتصادية لفانكوفر بأنها أول مدينة ذات اعلى الرتب من بين أعلى عشرة مدن العالم الأكثر ملائمة للعيش لمدة خمس سنوات متتالية . وقد استضافت فانكوفر العديد من المؤتمرات و الأحداث الدولية ، بما في ذلك عام 1954 الإمبراطورية البريطانية و دورة ألعاب الكومنولث والأمم المتحدة للموئل الأولى ، ومنها معرض اكسبو 86 ، والشرطة و حريق الألعاب العالمية في عام 1989 و 2009 . في عام 2014 ، وبعد ثلاثين عاما في ولاية كاليفورنيا ، أصبحت فانكوفر مركز للمؤتمر TED السنوي . وسوف تستضيف كندا لكأس العالم للسيدات FIFA لعام 2015 ، و ستقام عدة مباريات في فانكوفر ، بما في ذلك المباراة النهائية في ملعب BC Place Stadium .
كما عقدت دورة الالعاب الاولمبية الشتوية لعام 2010 و البارالمبية الشتوية في فانكوفر و يسلر القريبة ، لمجتمع المنتجع 125 كم ( 78 ميل) إلى الشمال من المدينة .

يمكنك الاستمتاع في فانكوفر وبمشهد الحياة الليلية النابضة بالحياة ، سواء كان ذلك في المطاعم أو الحانات و الملاهي الليلية .وكمنطقة الترفيه في جرانفيل بما لديها العديد من الحانات و الملاهي الليلية والتي تغلق في حوالي الساعة 3:00 ، بالإضافة إلى العديد من الأندية التي تفتح حتى وقت متأخر من الصباح في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع . الشارع يمكن أن يجتذب حشودا كبيرة في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ، و وهي الشوارع المغلقة أمام حركة المرور في مثل هذه الليالي . جاستون هو أيضا منطقة شعبية ليلية مع العديد من المطاعم والملاهي الليلية الراقية ، فضلا عن قرية ديفي .
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Vancouver, located in the city of Vancouver, a coastal port city on the Mainland of British Colombia, Canada. The 2011 census recorded about 603502 people in the city, making it the eighth largest Canadian town. Vancouver is one of the most ethnically diverse city and Goya in Canada, 52% of the population speak the first language is not English. Greater Vancouver is around 2.4 million people and is the third most populous metropolitan area in the country and the most populous in Western Canada.City of Vancouver include an area of approximately 114 square kilometres, giving it a density of population about 5, 249 inhabitants per square kilometre (13, 590 square miles). Vancouver is the most populous municipality, and the fourth most populous city with population of more than 250,000 people in North America, behind New York City and San Francisco, and Mexico City.The original settlement grew, and Gaston, both established in 1867, and by 1887, extended the transcontinental railroad to the city to take advantage of the large natural port, which soon became a vital link in the trade route between East and Eastern Canada and London. As of 2009, port Metro Vancouver is the busiest and largest port in Canada, and most diversified port in North America.While it is still the largest in the industry, is known as the Vancouver urban centre surrounded by nature, making them dependent on the tourism industry ranked second for Vancouver. Turned into a major film production studios in Vancouver and Burnaby and the Metro Vancouver to become one of the largest film production centre in North America, which won her the title of the film industry in Hollywood North.Vancouver constantly invited as one of the top five cities around the world for living and in terms of quality of life, and economic intelligence unit recognized for Vancouver as the first city with the highest ranks among the top ten world cities more livable for five consecutive years. Vancouver has hosted many international conferences and events, including the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games and the first United Nations Habitat, including Expo 86, the world police and fire games in 1989 and 2009. In 2014, after 30 years in California, the Vancouver Centre for the annual TED Conference. Canada will host the FIFA Women's World Cup 2015 and several games will be held in Vancouver, including the final at BC Place Stadium.It also held the Winter Olympics in 2010 and Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver and nearby Whistler, a resort community 125 km (78 miles) North of the city.You can enjoy in Vancouver and a vibrant nightlife, whether in restaurants or pubs and nightclubs as entertainment district in Granville, with its many bars and nightclubs, which closes at approximately 3: 00, as well as many clubs open until late morning on weekends. The street that could attract large crowds on the weekend, and the streets closed to traffic in such nights. Gaston is also a popular area for night with many upscale restaurants and nightclubs, as well as the Davie village.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]

Vancouver, officially located in the city of Vancouver, a coastal port city on the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. 2011 census recorded about 603 502 people in the city, making it the eighth-largest town Canadian. Vancouver is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in Canada and linguistically; 52% of the population speak the first non-English language. Greater Vancouver area of about 2.4 million people, a third area of the capital of the most populous in the country and the most populous in Western Canada. Vancouver include a land area of about 114 square kilometers, giving it a population density of about 5249 people per square kilometer (13 590 square miles in). Vancouver is the municipality's most populous, and the most populous of the more than 250,000 fourth city of the population in North America, behind New York City and San Francisco, and Mexico City. grown original settlement, and its name Gaston, both established in 1867, and by the year in 1887, the railway was intercontinental extension to the city to take advantage of the great natural harbor, which soon became a vital link in the trade route between the Middle East and Canada, and London. As of 2009, Metro Vancouver port is the busiest and largest port in Canada, and the port of the most diverse in North America. While it is still the largest forest in the industry, as is known, the Vancouver by an urban center surrounded by nature, which makes them dependent on the tourism industry in the second Industries Vancouver. Major film production studios turned in Vancouver and Burnaby, Metro Vancouver to become one of the largest film production centers in North America, earning it the title of the film industry in North Hollywood. Vancouver and called down as one of the five largest cities all over the world of the living and in terms of quality of life , and confessed to the Economist Intelligence Unit to Vancouver as the first city with the highest ranks among the top ten cities in the world's most livable for five consecutive years. Vancouver has hosted numerous conferences and international events, including the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games and the United Nations for the first Habitat, including Expo 86, and the Police and Fire World Games in 1989 and 2009. In 2014, after thirty years in California, Vancouver has become a center for the annual TED conference. Canada will host the World Cup FIFA Women for 2015, and will be played several games in Vancouver, including the final at BC Place Stadium Stadium. As the Winter Olympics were held in 2010 and Paralympic Winter in nearby Vancouver and Whistler, the community resort 125 km ( 78 miles) north of the city. You can enjoy the scene in Vancouver and vibrant nightlife, whether in restaurants or bars and nightclubs .okmntqh Entertainment in Granville with its many bars and nightclubs, which closed at about 3:00, In addition to the many clubs that open until late morning on weekends. The street that could attract large crowds on the weekends, and a street closed to traffic in such nights. Gaston is also a popular area for nightlife with many restaurants and nightclubs high-end, as well as the village of Davy.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]

officially located in the city of Vancouver, Vancouver, is the coastal port city in the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. The 2011 census recorded almost 603502 people in the city, making it the largest Canadian town.Vancouver is one of the most ethnically diverse cities and Goya in Canada; 52% of the inhabitants speak a non English language first. The Greater Vancouver area amounts to about 2.4000000 people a third-party, most populous metropolitan area in the country and the most populous in western Canada.

The city of Vancouver covers a land area of about 114 square kilometers, giving it a population density of approximately 249 persons per square kilometre (5, 13, 590 square mile).Vancouver is Canada's most populated municipality, and the fourth most populous city in more than 250, 0 people in North America, behind New York City San Francisco, and Mexico City.

The original settlement grew, and Gaston, was established in 1867, by 1887, the transcontinental railway was extended to the town to take advantage of the natural harbor., which soon became a vital link in the route.Between the middle and eastern Canada, and London.As of 2009, the port Metro Vancouver is the most crowded airports and port is the largest port in Canada, the most diverse in North America.

While it is still the largest forest industry and is known as the Vancouver metropolitan centre surrounded by nature, which makes them dependent on tourism industry ranked second for Vancouver.Turned the major film production studios in Vancouver and Burnaby and Vancouver to become one of the largest film production centre in North America, which win her. Title of the film industry. Hollywood North.

It is called the Vancouver continued as one of the five largest cities all over the world of life in terms of quality of life, and acknowledged the economic intelligence unit for Vancouver as the first the city with the highest ranks among the top ten cities in the world mostTo live for five years in a row.Vancouver has hosted numerous international conferences and events, including the 1954 of the British Empire and the Commonwealth Games first, including the United Nations Habitat of Expo in 86, the year the world police and Fire GamesF 2009.On 2014, after thirty years in California, Vancouver became the center of TED annual conference. Canada will host the world cup for the 2015 FIFA, and played several games in Vancouver, including the final game at the stadium BC Place Stadium.
The 2010 Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics in Vancouver and Yslr near the community of the resort is 125 km (78 miles) north of the city.

You can enjoy in the Vancouver Wbmshhd vibrant night life, restaurants, bars and nightclubs.A region in the Granville entertainment with its many bars and nightclubs which closes at about 3:00, in addition to many clubs that opened to the time late in the morning on weekends.The street that could attract large crowds at the weekend, and streets are closed to traffic on nights like these. Gaston is also a popular nightlife area with many upscale restaurants and night clubs, as well as the Davie village.
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