ان المقاييس من مساحات وحجوم وكتل وتحديد المكان والزمان والسرعة هي مقاي ترجمة - ان المقاييس من مساحات وحجوم وكتل وتحديد المكان والزمان والسرعة هي مقاي الإنجليزية كيف أقول

ان المقاييس من مساحات وحجوم وكتل وت

ان المقاييس من مساحات وحجوم وكتل وتحديد المكان والزمان والسرعة هي مقاييس معروفة في نظر الفيزياء الكلاسيكية (فيزياء جاليلو ونيوتن) فكلنا نقيس المسافات والزمن بنفس الطريقة والكيفية ولا يختلف في ذلك اثنان اذا كانت مقايسهما معايرة بدقة وهذا يعني أننا سلمنا بأن هذه المقاييس مطلقة ولكن هذا يخالف النظرية النسبية التي تقوم على أنه لا وجود لشيء مطلق في كل هذه الاشياء أنما هي نسبية، فالدقيقة (60 ثانية) التي نقيسها بساعاتنا يمكن ان يقيسها آخر على انها أقل من دقيقة أو أكثر، وكذلك المتر العياري طوله متر بالنسبة للشخص الذي يحمله ولكن بالنسبة لآخر يتحرك بسرعة كبيرة بالنسبة لذلك الشخص يجد المتر 80 سنتمتر وكلما زادت سرعته كلما قل طول المتر ليصبح طول المتر صفر اذا تحرك الشخص بسرعة الضوء (سنجد انه من الاستحالة الوصول لسرعة الضوء) وهذا لا يعود لخطأ في القياسات بين الشخصين أو خلل في آلات الرصد التي يستخدمونها فكل منهما يكون صحيحا ولكن بالنسبة له. ولهذا سميت بالنظرية النسبية والكثير من الأمور المسلم بها في حياتنا والتي نعتبرها مطلقة تصبح نسبية في عالم النسبية.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
The scales of spaces and volumes and blocks and determine the place and time and speed are known in classical physics (the physics of Galileo and Newton) we measure distance and time in the same way and how it differs from two if carefully calibrated mkaishma and that means we recognized that these absolute standards but that goes against the theory of relativity based on there is nothing absolute in all these things are relative, minute (60 seconds) that measured our watches can be measured most less than a minute Or more, well beyond the standard metre of length meter for the person who carries it but for most moves too quickly for that person finds meters 80 centimeters and the greater the speed, the less length meter for meter length becomes zero if the person moves at the speed of light (we find it impossible to access the speed of light) and this is not due to an error in measurements between two individuals or faulty monitoring machines they use both be true but for him. And this is called the theory of relativity and a lot for granted in our lives and that we consider absolute relative relative world becomes.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
The measurements of the spaces and volumes and blocks and determine the location, time and speed is the known standards in the eyes of classical physics (the physics of Galileo and Newton) we all measure distances and time in the same way and how it is no different in that two if Mqaashma calibrated accurately and this means that we recognized that absolute these measures but this is contrary to theory of relativity, which is based on that there is no absolute thing in all of this stuff but a relative, Vadakkiqh (60 seconds) which we measure Bsaatna can be measured by another as less than a minute or more, as well as a meter Ayari meters long for the person who holds, but for the last moving too fast for that person finds a meter 80 centimeters, and the higher the speed, the less the length of a meter to be the length of a meter zero if the person moves at light speed (we will find it impossible to reach the speed of light) and this is not due to an error in the measurements between two or malfunction of the monitoring machines they use both are to be true, but for him. This is called the theory of relativity and a lot of things for granted in our lives and that we consider absolutely become relative in the relative world.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Scales and sizes of spaces and determine the time, place and speed measurements are known in classical physics (Physics of Galileo and Newton) we all measure the distance and time in exactly the same way. How it is that two if Mqayshma calibrated accurately and this means that we assume that the absolute measurements, but this contradicts the theory of relativity based on it there is nothing absolute in all these things is relative, but Faldqyqt (60 seconds) which measure Bsa Etna can it by the last less than a minute or more, as well as the standard meter and a meter for a person who holds but with respect to time moves fast. For the person finds the speed meter and 80 centimeters. The more the less per meter length to length meter in February if we find it impossible to move at the speed of light. To reach the speed of light). This is due to error in the measurements between the two or the malfunction monitoring machines they use each to be true but B Rate. This is called the theory of relativity and many take for granted in our lives that we regard as absolutely become a comparative advantage in the relative world.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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