لا يفكر الناس أن بعض المشروبات تزيد من خسارة  الوزن مثل الأطعمة وذلك ل ترجمة - لا يفكر الناس أن بعض المشروبات تزيد من خسارة  الوزن مثل الأطعمة وذلك ل الإنجليزية كيف أقول

لا يفكر الناس أن بعض المشروبات تزيد

لا يفكر الناس أن بعض المشروبات تزيد من خسارة  الوزن مثل الأطعمة وذلك لإحتواءها على عدد بسيط من السعرات الحرارية لهذا اليك سيدتي  أفضل المشروبات لخسارة الوزن :
– المــــاء
المياة من العناصر الأساسية لإستمرار الحياة يساعدنا في تناول كميات أقل من الطعام بالتالي فقدان وزن أكثر فيساعد على الشعور بالشبع لأطول فترة ممكنه و تخفيض الشهية كما أنه طارد للسموم ، عند تناول ثمانية أكواب من المياة يوميًا تعمل على التخلص من الأملاح الزائدة تركها في الجسد يتسبب في الوزن الزائد .
– مشروب الشاي الأخضر
لكل الذين يبحثون على فقدان الوزن من دون أي معاناة عليهم بتناول مشروب الشاي الأخضر حيث أنه يحتوي على عدد من المركبات التي تساهم في تسريع الإيض ( التمثيل الغذائي ) و تخفيض الشهية فيؤدي إلى خسارة الوزن لهذا ينصح بتناوله يوميًا بدلًا من الشاي الأحمر لكل من يريدوا خسارة وزنهم .
– مشروب عصائر الخضروات
الطماطم و الجزر و غيرها من الخضار حيث أن الخضروات تحتوي على نسبة منخفضة من السكر و نسب عالية من الألياف و إستهلاك أقل من السعرات الحرارية بالتالي فائدة أكبر و إشباع أكبر و تحقيق التوزان للجسم .
– مشروب القرفة
القرفة مفيدة في عملية الإيض و التمثيل الغذائي عند تناول القرفة تتفاعل كميائيًا مع الجسم فتعمل على حرق السعرات الحرارية بالتالي تخفيض الوزن الزائد كما أنها تخفض من مستوى السكر بالدم .
– مشروب سموتي أخضر

هذا المشروب المثالي يساعد على تخفيض الوزن لما يحتوي عليه من الألياف العالية و الدهون المتخفضة يمكن الحصول على هذا المشروب المبتكر من الخضروات الخضراء مثل التفاح الأخضر بالقشر مع الماء أو الكرفس أو الخيار مع الجزر و حميع الأوراق الخضراء كالبقدونس و السبانج و الشبت  أيضًا التوت الأزرق يمكنك الحصول على هذا الخليط بتركيب أربعة من العناصر سابقة الذكر مع مضغها دون الإبتلاع بشكل مباشر تساعد بشكل كبير في تحسين الهضم و خسارة الوزن و لا يوجد بها نسبة سكر عالية كباقي العصائر .
– مشروب ماء الجوز
يعتبر ماي الجوز بديل للكثير من مشروبات الطاقة و العصائر الجاهزه التي تحتوي على الكثير من السعرات الحرارية بالتالي زيادة الوزن ، لو أردتي ممارسة الرياضة عليك بمشروب ماء الجوز بعد التمارين يحتوي على سعرات حرارية اقل و يزيد من عملية التمثيل الغذائي و يساعد على خسارة الوزن .
– مشروب الزنجبيل
يساعد الزنجبيل على الشعور بالشبع و يساهم في علاج مشكلات الجهاز الهضمي و زيادة قدرة الجسم على حرق الدهون يمكنك تناول مشروب الزنجبيل يوميًا مع الشاي أو منفردًا في كل صباح .
– القهوة الخضراء
تحتوي على حمض الكلوروجينيك الذي يساعد على زيادة معدل الإيض و خفض الكوليسترول و زيادة طاقة الجسم و قدرة على حرق الدهون يفضل عدم الإكثار منها تناولها ثلاث مرات بالأسبوع
– عصير الأناناس
الأناناس له فوائد كبيرة في خفض الوزن يوجد حمية كاملة معتمدة على الأناناس فقط يعمل على إزالة الدهون و تنظيم الهضم و خفض الوزن و تنشيط الكبد .
– الليمون
الليمون له فوائد عظيمة في تنشيط الجسم و إمداده بالطاقة وتخفيض الشهية مما يعمل على تقليل تناول الطعام و زيادة عملية التمثيل الغذائي و حرق الدهون و لا يوجد أي ضرر من تناول الليمون يوميًا فيعمل أيضًا على نضارة البشرة و جمالها .
ليس المهم  فقط خسارة الوزن و لكن الأهم هو إمداد الجسم بالعناصر الغذائية اللازمة لبناءه لنحصل على جسم صحي خال من الإعتدال و مظهر جمالي مثالي معًا.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Do people think that some drinks increase weight loss foods to contain a small number of calories that you, Madam, the best drinks for weight loss:– WaterWater is essential for sustaining life help us eat less food, therefore, more weight loss help feeling fuller for as long as possible and reduce appetite it repellent to poison when eating eight glasses of water a day working to get rid of excess salt in the body causes excess weight.Drink green teaFor all those who are looking to lose weight without any suffering they drink green tea as it contains a number of compounds that contribute to accelerate metabolism (metabolism) and reduce appetite, leading to weight loss for this recommended intake per day instead of red tea for both want loss weight.Drink vegetable juicesTomatoes, carrots and other vegetables since vegetables contain low sugar and high in fiber and consume less calories thus more useful and more saturation and balance to the body.Drink cinnamonCinnamon helpful in metabolism and metabolism when eating cinnamon interact with generic body, burn calories, therefore reducing extra weight as it lowers the level of blood sugar.Drink smoty Green This is the perfect drink helps reduce weight for its high fiber and fat almtkhvdah can get this innovative beverage of green vegetables like Green apples in a nutshell with water or celery or carrots and all green leaves such as parsley and Dill alsbang and also blue berries you can get this mixture by installing four of the above elements with chewed without swallowing directly help dramatically improve digestion and weight loss and no ratio Like other high sugar juices.Drink water nutUL is a nut substitute for lots of energy drinks and prepackaged juices that contain a lot of calories therefore overweight, if you exercise actually drink water after exercise nut contains less calories and increases metabolism and helps weight loss.Drink gingerGinger helps the feeling of satiety and contributes to treat digestive problems and increase the body's ability to burn fat you can drink ginger tea daily or solo every morning.– Green coffeeContains chlorogenic acid which helps increase metabolic rate and reduce cholesterol and increase the body's energy and ability to burn fat prefers not to overindulge them eaten three times a week-Pineapple juiceThe pineapple has significant benefits in reducing weight, there is a whole pineapple based diet only works on fat removal and regulate digestion and reduce weight and activate the liver.-LemonLemon has great benefits in stimulating the body and energy supply and reduce appetite, reduce food intake and increase metabolism and burn fat, and there is no harm in eating lemons daily, also works on the skin freshness and beauty.It is not only weight loss but more importantly is to supply the body with nutrients needed to constructively to get healthy body free of moderation and a perfect aesthetic appearance together.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
People do not think that a few drinks increases weight loss such as foods because they contain a small number of calories for this to you Madam best drinks for weight loss:
- water,
water from the basic elements to sustain life helps us to eat less food thus losing more weight helps to feel full for as long as possible and reduce the appetite as it is repellent to toxins, when dealing with eight glasses of water a day working to get rid of excess salts left in the body cause the excess weight.
- Green tea drink
for all those who are looking to lose weight without any suffering on them a drink Green tea as it contains a number of compounds that contribute to speed up the metabolic (metabolism) and a reduction of appetite leads to weight loss for this recommended capturing the day instead of red tea both want their weight loss.
- drink vegetable juices,
tomatoes, carrots and other vegetables Since vegetables contain low in sugar and high in fiber and consumption of fewer calories thus greater interest and greater saturation and achieve the balance of the body.
- drink cinnamon
cinnamon useful in metabolism and metabolism when you eat cinnamon react chemically with the body Vtaml to burn calories thus reducing excess weight as they reduce the level of blood sugar.
- drink Smuti green this ideal drink helps to reduce the weight of what it contains high fiber and fat Almtkhvdh can get this innovative mixture of green vegetables such as green apples Balakecr with water or celery or option with the islands and Hamia green leaves Kbakduns and Alsbang and dill also blueberries you can get this mixture installed four of the above-mentioned elements with chewed without gulping directly help dramatically improve digestion and weight loss and there is no ratio High sugar just like any other juices. - nut water drink is May nut alternative to many of the energy drinks and juices shelf that contain a lot of calories thus weight gain, if you d exercise you drink nut water after exercise contain fewer calories and increases the process metabolism and helps weight loss. - ginger drink helps ginger to a feeling of fullness and helps in the treatment of digestive problems and increase the body's ability to burn fat you can eat ginger drink per day with tea or solo in every morning. - Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid which helps to increase the rate of metabolism and reduce cholesterol and increase the body's energy and ability to burn fat prefers not a lot of them taken up three times a week - Pineapple juice Pineapple has great benefits in weight reduction has a full diet based on pineapple only works to remove fat and regulate digestion and reduce weight and liver activated. - lemon lemon has great benefits in stimulating the body and supplied energy and reduce appetite, which works to reduce eating and increase metabolism and fat burning and there is no harm from eating lemon daily also worked to the freshness of the skin and beauty. It is not important only weight loss, but the most important is supply the body with the necessary nutrients to build it to get a healthy body free of moderation and a perfect aesthetic appearance together.

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
People do not think that a few drinks increases the weight loss of foods, such as Lahtwaha on a small number of calories for you madam drinks the best loss weight:
AlmaThe water of the core elements to the continuation of life, help us to eat less food, thus helping to lose weight more the feeling of satiety and reduce the appetite and as long as possible. He chased the toxin, when eating eight cups of water.Get rid of excess salt left in the body, causing excess weight.
the drink green teaFor all who want to lose weight without suffering any of them a drink green tea, as it contains a number of compounds that contribute to the acceleration of metabolic (metabolism and reduce appetite, leading to weight loss that are recommended byInstead of red tea all want to lose weight.
the drink juices, vegetables, tomato, carrot and other vegetables, because vegetables contain rate and are high in fiber and low in sugar to consume less calories and therefore more useful and more satisfaction and achieve the balance of the body. "- drink cinnamon cinnamon
is useful in metabolic process and metabolism when dealing with cinnamon Kmyayyana interacts with the body works to burn calories and therefore reduce weight it also reduces the level of blood sugar.
- a green Smwty

This is the perfect drink helps to reduce weight, because of containing high fiber and fat Almtkhfdt this innovative beverage can be obtained from green vegetables such as green apple Balqshr with water, celery, carrots and cucumberThe green leaves of spinach and Kalbqdwns and dill also blue berries you can get this mixture composition four of the above mentioned elements with chew without swallowing live help significantly in improving digestion, weight loss, and there is noLike juices, sugar high.Nut

- drink water.The nut may substitute for many energy drinks and shakes off the shelf which contain a lot of calories and therefore increase the weight, if you exercise you get something to drink. Waterproof nut after the exercises contain less calories andFrom the metabolism, help to lose weight.

- drink ginger ginger help to the feeling of satiety and help to cure digestive problems and increase the body's ability to burn fat, you can eat drink ginger a day with tea, green coffee alone each morning.
Containing chlorogenic acid, which helps to increase the metabolic rate and reduce cholesterol and increase body energy, not to increase their ability to burn fat, preferably taken up three times a week.
, pineapple juicePineapple has significant benefits in reducing weight diet is fully dependent on the pineapple and only serve to remove fat and the regulation of digestion and reduction of weight and the activation of the liver. Lemon
The lime has great benefits in stimulating the body and its energy supply, reduce appetite, which serves to reduce food intake and increase the metabolism and burn fat. There's no harm from eating lemon per day worked also on the youthfulness of skin."It's not just weight loss, but more importantly is to supply the body with nutrients necessary for Lbnah get healthy body without temperance and aesthetic appearance. Together.
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