عزيزي اسامه من المفترض ان يتواجد موظفين الشركة اليوم لاجراء اللازم مع العلم اننا لم نستلم اي من الشكات من اجل مباشرة العمل لكننا ملتزمون معكم على اية حال
Dear OsamaCompany staff is supposed to be the day for appropriate action Knowing that we haven't received any of the networks for direct action we are committed with you anyway.
Dear Osama supposed to company employees exists today to conduct the necessary with the knowledge that we have not received any of the Alchukat in order to work directly but we are committed to you anyway
Dear OsamaSupposed to be the company"s staff needed today forKnowing that we have not received any of the Alshkat to proceed but we are with you, anyway.