* أنا إسمي نهى حشاد أو خسيد بالعبري – رئيسة قسم الأبحاث والمديرة الفني ترجمة - * أنا إسمي نهى حشاد أو خسيد بالعبري – رئيسة قسم الأبحاث والمديرة الفني الإنجليزية كيف أقول

* أنا إسمي نهى حشاد أو خسيد بالعبري

* أنا إسمي نهى حشاد أو خسيد بالعبري – رئيسة قسم الأبحاث والمديرة الفنية والإعلامية لمركز نهى حشاد للسلام في الشرق الأوسط
نحن منظمة غير حكومية وغير ربحية نتبنى مبدأ "السلام ثقافة وليس معاهدة" ونسعى لتحقيق سلام عادل شامل دائم في الشرق الأوسط. لدينا مبادرة للسلام معضدة بأيحاث متخصصة تؤكد نجاحها كحل ناجع مبني على أسس علمية، ووثائق ومستندات قاطعة وليس مبنيًا على حكايات مغلوطة ودعاية مدفوعة الأجر.

* ولدت مصرية مسلمة لعائلة مسلمة جذورها يهودية (منسبة لبعل شم توف مؤسس مذهب التوحيد خسيد) – ومسلمة (منسبة للحسين بن علي حفيد سيدنا محمد).

* درست الدين الإسلامي واللغة العربية بشكل مكثف في مدارس المملكة العربية السعودية (نفس مناهج الأزهر) وكنت متفوقة وترتيبي الثانية على المدرسة، كما درست الدين الإسلامي في مصر. أذكر هذه المعلومة لمن يهمه الأمر لقطع طريق المهاترات بأني درست دراسة متخصصة كالأزهريين وأعلم ما أقول جيدًا، هذا إضافة لما قمت به من أبحاث مع بعض المرجعيات الأزهرية المحترمة في المشيخة ودار الإفتاء المصرية. علمًأ بأن الإسلام ليس به "كهنوت" وليس حكرًا على أحد وجميعنا يعلم قصة تصويب المرأة للفاروق عمر في المهور فأصابت امرأة وأخطأ عُمَر، فلم يعتد برأيه وهو من أيد القرآن رأيه الصائب مرات كما تذكر كافة المراجع السنية، كي يعلم العرب أن كل ابن آدم خطَّاء أما التمادي في الخطأ بعد لفت النظر إليه دون تمحيص والتعنت فيهِ والصَلَف هو الخطيئة الكبرى سيما إن كان سيؤدي إلى إزهاق الأرواح البريئة.

* تخرجت من قسم الفيزياء بكلية العلوم – جامعة القاهرة عام 1987 وتم تكليف الخمسة الأوائل من جامعة القاهرة كأول معيدين يتم تعيينهم بقسم الفيزياء فرع جامعة القاهرة ببني سويف لتأسيسه، وأعتقد أننا قمنا جميعًا بأداء واجبنا بنجاح كما تشهد الجامعة بذلك. حصلت على الماجستير في الفيزياء النووية عام 2000 وعُينت مدرس مساعد بجامعة القاهرة. ولكن، لمجرد قيامي ببحث في الأزهر عن بني إسرائيل، أقامت مصر الدنيا على رأسي ولم تُقعِدها ليومنا هذا! فتم منعي من السفر خارج مصر (لمدة 12 سنة) كما مُنِعت من السفر سواء على نفقتي الخاصة أو حتى للمنح الدراسية المرسلة إلي بشكل شخصي من جهات دولية مثل المعهد المشترك للتفاعلات النووية بدبنا – موسكو – روسيا، كما قامت مصر بإضاعة أول مشروع تقدمت به للدكتوراة عام 2001 في مجال الأمان النووي وأضاعت علي سبق علمي تم الإعلان عن تنفيذ جزء منه لاحقًا بواسطة آخرين عام 2004 (وبمقتضى ذلك حصلت على حكم بالتعويض ضد الجامعة بعد مقاضاتها) ثم قامت الدولة بوضع كافة العراقيل أمامي في الرسالة الثانية (لغرضٍ في نفسِ يعقوب) في موضوع استخدام تقنيات الليزر الحديثة في الحفاظ على الموروث التاريخي والحضاري (بادعاء عدم وجود مواد تارة، وإنشغال المشرفين تارة أخرى ثم فوجئت بأن كل ما قمت به من جمع مادة علمية وخطة عمل وضعتها، تم إعطائها لآخرين في نفس المعهد وبإشراف بعض المشرفين على رسالتي ممن طلبوا مني إرسال ابحاثي العلمية وتكوينات التجارب المقترحة عبر الإيميل "لدراسة إمكانية تنفيذها"...(موثق).

* وبعد كل الجرائم التي ارتكبتها الدولة في حقي من تهديد وترويع وملاحقة ومنع من السفر وحبس تعسفي دون وجه حق (6 مرات) وتعذيب وتشويه...، يتم اتهامي من قبل النظام المصري على لسان إعلام الدولة وكائنات أخرى غريبة لا أعرفها ولا تعرفني كالمدعو سامح سيف اليزل أحد اللواءات المحسوبة على المخابرات المصرية، الذي لم أسمع به قبلً أن أعرف أن كل كلامه محض أكاذيب وهلاوس مفبركة. لقد قامت مصر بشن حملة دعائية ممنهجة لتشويه صورتي بالكذب من كافة الجوانب بكل وسيلة رخيصة ظنوا أنها تساعد في التشويش على الموضوع الرئيسي وصرف اهتمام الجهات الدولية المعنية وكي أُصبح أيضًا متهمة في الوجدان الشعبي بالباطل، "بالخيانة".

فتارة بالإدعاء بأنني "هربت من مصر إلى إسرائيل" (ولازلت لا أعرف "مم هربت" تحديدًا) برغم علمهم التام بأنني خرجت بشكل رسمي من مطار القاهرة إلى الأردن، كما أنني تقدمت بخطاب رسمي إلى وزارة الخارجية المصرية للسؤال عن قواعد السفر لإسرائيل من الأردن وتلقيت خطابًأ رسميًأ مرقومًأ من مكتب سعادة السفير نور الدين نصرت بترك القرار للأردن والتي سمحت بالعبور! إذن قانونًا، أنا لم أرتكب أي فعل مخالف للقانون فقد اعتبرت الجهات الرسمية للدولة وسألتها بشكل رسمي، أما الدولة فهي من أخلَّت بمواد الدستور والقانون ودأبت على محاولات تشويه سمعتي في الداخل والخارج بالكذب مم أضر بي وبعائلتي بالغ الضرر."الدولة" هي من ارتكبت الحماقات بل الجرائم وذهبت في هذا بعيدًا جدًا، بالقمع والإرهاب والترهيب والتعذيب – وحدث ولا حرج. وقامت بمحاولات تخوين الشرفاء لمجرد إبداء رأيهم أو رغبتهم في المناقشة فأنت ليس من حقك أن يكون لك رأي مخالف أو حتى غير مخالف، فقط مسموح لك أن تردد كالببغاء ما تسمعه من أكاذيب وغسيل أدمغة فكتبت عني أجهزتها الأكاذيب كدأبها واتهمتني بأنني "عميلة للموساد" وجندني بروفيسور متدين و"بعت مصر بالفلوس" ... إلخ من هلاوس مضحكة على غرار الأفلام والتمثيليات الخرافية التي تغسل بها عقول الشباب في العالم العربي بل في العالم بأسره عن كل ما ومن يمت لإسرائيل بصلة لحقنهم بسموم الغل والكراهية ليل نهار.

إن القضية التي تبنيتها ولا زلت أتبناها "من غير فلوس يا مصر" بل على العكس تمامًا، قمت بتمويل البحث وتبني القضية الأخلاقية منذ كنت في مصر من مالي الخاص، من ميراثي وعقاراتي وسعيت لإقامة مركزًأ للسلام في الشرق الأوسط في القدس بتبرعات زهيدة من بعض الأصدقاء المقربين في إسرائيل وكانت دائمًا مصر بالمرصاد لكل محاولاتي، مهددة متوعدة غير "التوصيات" اليومية بوضع العراقيل وعدم تمويل المركز ورأيت في هذا الأهوال، هنا أيضًا... لا سامحك الله أيها النظام فيم فعلت وتفعل. صحيح أنها عطلت مشروع المركز لسنوات سقط فيها ضحايا من الجانبين، لعل مبادرتنا للسلام كانت ساعدت في حقن دمائها، ولكنها لم تستطع إيقاف سعينا من أجل السلام الحقيقي الشامل. وإن لم آكل أو أشرب يا مصر وعليكِ وزري ووزر كافة من سقط من ضحايا. فالتطلع إلى نتائج مبادرتنا للسلام بين كافة شعوب الدول العربية والدولة اليهودية وإزالة هذه العقدة المفتعلة للأبد، لهو خير وقود معين على الصبر والمثابرة.

إن "محاولة إحلال السلام في الشرق الأوسط على أسس علمية واقعية ودعائم صلبة، لا تمت للخيانة بصلة! بل كان يجب إعطاء تلك المبادرة كل فرصة ممكنة من أجل حقن دماء الطرفين ولكن مصر اعتبرت أن مجرد فتح ملف الشرق الأوسط بطريقة حيادية قد تؤدي إلى ذكر أو مناقشة أي حق لإسرائيل أو اليهود، خيانة في حقها!. كلا يا مصر، الخيانة هي خيانة الله ثم النف
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
* My name is Kasey forbade or khesid in Hebrew – head of Department of research and technical and Media Director for the Center for Noha hashad to peace in the Middle EastWe are a non-governmental organization and nonprofit embrace the principle of "peace culture and not a treaty" and strive to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East. Our peace initiative furthering bayhath specialized Confirms its success as a viable solution based on scientific grounds, and documents and not based on false tales and paid propaganda. * Egyptian Muslim was born to a Muslim family with Jewish roots (mnsbeh for hubby sniff Tove founder tawheed khesid) – Muslim (mnsbeh of Hussein Bin Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed). * Studied Islamic religion and Arabic language extensively in schools in Saudi Arabia (the same Azhar curriculum) and you're superior and the second ordinal school, studied Islamic religion in Egypt. I recall this information to interested to cut through the rhetoric, I examined the study as the shining and I know what I say well, add this to your research with some respectable preacher references in the chiefdom and Dar Al-IFTA. Note that Islam is not a "priesthood" and not limited to the one we all know the story of Omar al-Faruq, corrected the women in the Colts hit the woman and Omar, not accustomed to it from Qur'an banner right times as remembering all references to Sunni Arabs are aware that every son of Adam bug either persisting in error after draw viewed uncritically and intransigence and arrogance is a great sin that would have led to the loss of innocent lives. * Graduated from Department of physics, Faculty of science, Cairo University in 1987 and commissioned top five Cairo University as the first assistant professors are hired to the Physics Department of Cairo University branch in Beni suef, and I think we all perform our duty successfully as whole. Got a master's degree in nuclear physics in 2000 and was appointed Assistant lecturer at Cairo University. But, once I find in Al-Azhar on Israel, Egypt built on my head and no fuss to this day! It is not allowed to travel outside Egypt (for 12 years) and prevented from travel at my own expense, or even scholarship sent to personally from international destinations such as the Joint Institute for nuclear reactions bdbena – Moscow – Russia, Egypt has also wasted the first draft submitted by PhD 2001 nuclear safety and missed the announcement preceded the scientific part of it later by others in 2004 (under the provision got in cooperationCompensation against the University after being sued) then the State put all obstacles in front of me in the second (for the purpose at the same Jacob) in the use of modern laser techniques in the preservation of historic and cultural heritage (the allegation of lack of materials sometimes, and other times supervisors are busy then I was surprised that everything you've done of collecting scientific material and an action plan, was to give to others in the same Institute under the supervision of some of my supervisors who asked me to send my scientific and proposed testing configurations via email "to study the feasibility of its implementation". (Notarized).* After all the crimes committed by the State in my right to threaten and intimidate and prosecute and prevent travel and arbitrary imprisonment without the right (6 times), torture and mutilation. , Is accused by the Egyptian regime by the State and other strange objects do not know and do not know me as named Sameh Seif yazal a brigades on the Egyptian intelligence, which had not heard of it before I know all his lies and fabricated hallucinations. Egypt has waged a systematic campaign to slander me with lies from all sides every cheap way thought it helps distract from the main subject and divert the attention of the relevant international bodies and to also become suspect in the popular consciousness, "treason".Sometimes claim that I "ran away from Egypt to Israel" (and I still don't know "mm" specifically ran away), despite knowing full well that I am officially emerged from Cairo to Jordan, I also submitted an official letter to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to inquire about travel rules for Israel from Jordan and received a letter officially mrkoma from the Office of Ambassador Noureddine Nusrat to leave resolution of the Jordan which allowed crossing! Legally authorized, I have not committed any act contrary to law was considered the official authorities of State and formally asked her, a State is in breach of the Constitution and the law and repeatedly attempts to tarnish my reputation at home and abroad to lie me and hurt my family mm deep damage. " The State is committed blunders and crimes even went this far, repression and terrorism, intimidation and torture – and there was no sin. And attempts by stores just the honest voice or wish to debate, you are not entitled to have a different opinion or even contrary, only allowed the frequency as the parrot what you hear from lies and brains you wrote about me, as always, lies and organs accused me that I'm a puppet "of Mossad and drafted me devout and" Professor sold Egypt with money ". Etc of hallucinations like funny movies and fantasy dramas that washed out the minds of young people in the Arab world but in the entire world about everything from dead to Israel to immunized toxins Gloria and hatred.The issue is that grown and still I adopt her "non-FLOSS o Egypt" quite the contrary, you finance research and adopt moral issue since I was in Egypt from Mali, my inheritance and listings and trying to establish a Centre for peace in the Middle East in Jerusalem with low contributions from some close friends in Israel and Egypt were always lookout for all my non-verbally threatened "recommendations" put obstacles and lack of funding for the Centre and saw in this horror, here too ... Does God forgive you dear Wim system did and do. True they disrupted the project for years with victims from both sides, the peace initiative had helped to inject blood, but could not stop our quest for true peace. Not eat or drink, o Egypt, you have two buttons and button all of the fallen victims. We look forward to the results of our initiative for peace among all peoples of Arabic and Jewish State and remove this node contrived forever, is the best fuel to patience and perseverance."The attempt to bring peace to the Middle East on the basis of realistic and scientific foundations of solid, nothing betrayed nothing! But that initiative should be given every possible opportunity to spare both sides but Egypt considered that just open the Middle East to a neutral way may lead to the mention or discussion of any right to Israel or Jews, betrayed her!. Both o Egypt, betrayal is betrayal of God and then force
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]

* My name forbade Hached or Khsaid Hebrew - head of research and director of artistic and media to center forbade Hached for peace in the Middle East,
we are non-governmental, non-profit organization we adopt the principle of "culture of peace and not a treaty," and strive to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East. We have peace initiative Meddh specialized Boahat confirms its success as a viable based on scientific grounds, and documents conclusive and documents and is not based on the tales of misinformation and propaganda paid. * I was born an Egyptian Muslim to Muslim family Jewish roots (fitted to Baal sniff Tove founder of the doctrine of monotheism Khsaid) - man and woman (fitted for Hussein Ben Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad). * studied the religion of Islam and the Arabic language intensively in schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the same curriculum Azhar) and a superior second ordinal at the school, as she studied Islamic religion in Egypt. I remember this piece of information for those interested to cut through the rhetoric that I studied specialized study Kalozahraan and I know what to say well, this is in addition to what you've done research with some of the references in the chiefdom respected Azhar and Dar al-Fatwa. Note that Islam does not have "priesthood" and not restricted to one, and we all know the story of correction women Farouk Omar in Colts, wounding a woman and a wrong age, not to be reckoned with, one of the supported Koran his opinion the right times and remember all the Sunni references, so that the Arabs know that every son of Adam mis As for going too far in the wrong after draw attention to it uncritically and intransigence in it and arrogance is a major sin especially if it would lead to the loss of innocent lives. * She graduated from the Physics Department, Faculty of Science - Cairo University in 1987 and was the top five mandate from the Cairo University as the first demonstrators are appointed Department of Physics Beni Suef Cairo University branch of its founding, and I think we've all perform our duty as the university successfully attested. I got a master's in nuclear physics in 2000 and was appointed assistant teacher at the University of Cairo. But, just for me from research at Al-Azhar for the children of Israel, Egypt has established minimum had raised concern on my head to this day! Vtm prevent me from traveling outside Egypt (for 12 years) also prevented from traveling both at my own expense, or even the school sent to the granting to the face of international bodies such as the Joint Institute for Nuclear reactions Bdbna - Moscow - Russia, as Egypt has to waste the first project submitted by the doctoral in 2001 in the area of nuclear safety and wasted Ali previously scientific advertised on the implementation of part of it later by others in 2004 (and under it got a judgment for compensation against the university after being sued), then the State has put all the obstacles in front of me in the second letter (for the purpose in the same Jacob) in the subject of the use of modern laser techniques to preserve the historical and cultural heritage (claim of lack of materials sometimes, and concern for supervisors at other times, and I was surprised that everything you have done from the collection of scientific material and an action plan developed, was to give it to others in the same Institute and under the supervision of some of the supervisors of the letter who asked me to write a scientific my research and configurations proposed experiments via e-mail "to study the possibility of implementation" ... (Certified). * After all the crimes committed by the state in my right of threat and intimidation, prosecution and prevented from traveling and imprisoned arbitrarily without right (6 times), torture and mutilation .. ., it is accused of by the Egyptian regime on the lips of the state media and other strange objects I do not know do not know me Kalmdao Sameh Seif Yazal a brigades affiliated to the Egyptian intelligence, which I have not heard him before to know that all his words purely fabricated lies and hallucinations. Egypt has launched a propaganda campaign systematically to distort Picture of lying on all sides of all cheap way they thought they help in jamming on the main subject and distract international stakeholders In order also became a suspect in the popular imagination with falsehood, "treason." Sometimes claiming that I "ran away from Egypt to Israel "(and still do not know" mm fled "specifically), despite full knowledge that I have officially emerged from the Cairo airport to Jordan, I also submitted an official letter to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to ask about travel to Israel from Jordan rules and received a formal letter Mrkomo of Ambassador Noor Office Religion Nusrat decision to leave for Jordan, which allowed the cross! So legally, I have not done anything an act of law were considered the official state bodies and asked her formally, and the state they are from the breached articles of the Constitution and law and consistently attempts to tarnish my reputation at home and abroad of lying mm hurt my adult family harm. "State" are committed follies but crimes and went too far in this, repression and terrorism, intimidation and torture - and there is nothing wrong happened. The attempts distrust honorable just to express their opinions or their desire to debate you not have the right to have you an opinion or even contrary to, only you are allowed to seems to be parroting what you hear from the lies and washing the brains wrote Me organs lies, as always, and accused me that I have an "agent of the Mossad" and Jendna Professor devout and "sold Egypt with money"  ... etc. of funny hallucinations similar to movies superstitious and skits that washed out the minds of young people in the Arab world but also in the whole world for everything and die for Israel onion for injecting poisons rancor and hatred, day and night. The case, which Tbenitha I still Otbnaha "It is not money Ya Masr" Quite the contrary, I have funded research and adopt a moral issue since I was in Egypt from my own money, from my heritage and My Properties and sought to establish a center for peace in the Middle East in Jerusalem budget with contributions from some close friends in Israel and was Egypt always on the lookout for all my attempts, non-threatening, promising that "recommendations" daily, putting obstacles and lack of funding for the center and the horrors I saw in this, here too ... God does not forgive you, O system Wim and I did do. It is true that delayed the project for years the center where the victims fell from both sides, perhaps our initiative for peace were helped in their blood injection, but could not stop our quest for the overall real peace. Although not eat or drink, O Egypt, and you have two buttons and button and all of the victims fell. Valttalaa to the results of our initiative for peace between all the peoples of the Arab countries and the Jewish state and the removal of this contrived node Forever, is a good of a given fuel to the patience and perseverance. "The attempt to bring peace to the Middle East on realistic scientific foundations of a solid, not has betrayed nothing! But it should give That initiative every opportunity in order to inject the blood of the two parties, but Egypt considered that the Middle East just open the file in a way neutrality may lead to male or discuss any right of Israel or Jews, betrayal in her right !. both O Egypt, betrayal is a betrayal of God and psychosocial

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]

* my name is he hashad, Khsyd Balbry forbade hashad, technical director and head of research and Information Center for peace in the Middle East ".We are a non-governmental and non-profit organization adopt the principle of "culture and peace treaty", and the pursuit of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East.We have the peace initiative in furthering the specialized Bayhath confirms its success as a viable based on scientific grounds, and firm and not Mbnyana false stories and paid advertising.

* born Egyptian Muslim family of Muslim and Jewish roots (Mnsbt for Baal Shem TOV founded the doctrine of monotheism Khsyd) and Muslim (Mnsbt of Hussein Ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad).

* the Islamic religion and Arabic is concentrated in schools in Saudi Arabia (second) and superior and the curriculum of Al Azhar to school, and studied the Islamic religion in Egypt.Recall that information for those interested to cut through the rhetoric, I studied the specialized Kalazhryyn I know what to say, well, that in addition to the research I've done with some the scholars of Al Azhar and respectable in the presbytery and the Egyptian fatwa.Lmana that Islam is not the "priesthood" and not a Hkrana we all know the story of correction in ponies, hitting women and women Llfarwq Omar Umar, poster stand the view is from the Quran supported his view is correct, so that times and remember all the references.Every son of Adam Khtaaa persistence in the error after the reminder to him without question and when the Walsalaf is especially a great sin leads to death innocent.

I graduated from Department of physics, Faculty of science, University of Cairo on 1987 was given the top fives of Cairo University, becoming the first male candidates are recruited at the physics department, Cairo University Branch in Beni suef to create, I believe that we all have to do our job.The University also attest to this.Obtained master degree in nuclear physics in 2000 and was appointed assistant lecturer at Cairo University. However, just because of my research at al Azhar from the children of Israel, Egypt held the world in my head and Tuqedha today!Were forbidden from travelling outside Egypt (for 12 years) and was banned from travelling on my own, so sending to me a scholarship. International bodies such as the Joint Institute of nuclear reactions Bdbna, Moscow, Russia, Egypt, waste
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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