يمكن استخدام طريقة السبعة ايام من دون حدود وباستمرار على ان تكون هناك  ترجمة - يمكن استخدام طريقة السبعة ايام من دون حدود وباستمرار على ان تكون هناك  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

يمكن استخدام طريقة السبعة ايام من د

يمكن استخدام طريقة السبعة ايام من دون حدود وباستمرار على ان تكون هناك فترة راحة لمدة يومين بين كل فترة تطبيق .

واذا تم استخدامها وتطبيقها بشكل جيد فإنها تكون مفيدة جدا للجسم فهي تنظفه من كل الشوائب وتعطيه الاحساس بالراحة كما ان من يستخدمها يشعر بطاقة كبيرة لم يشعر بها من قبل .

ان هذه الحمية سريعة لحرق الشحوم الزائدة والتخلص منها والفكرة في هذه الطريقة هي انك تحرق السعرات الحرارية اكثر مما تكسب, كما انها تنظف الجسم من الشوائب وتمنحه احساسا متزايدا بالراحة.

نظرا لاختلاف الجهاز الهضمي من شخص الى آخر فقد يكون هناك اختلاف صغير جدا في النتائج في اليوم الثالث وسوف يشعر مستخدم هذا النظام بطاقة كبيرة اكبر من الطاقة التي بدأ بها .

واذا لم يخدم نفسه سوف يحس باختلاف في حركة الامعاء مع ان القهوة السوداء او الشاي والحليب الخالي من الدسم مسموح بها من دون سكر الا ان مستخدم هذا النظام من الحمية لن يحس بالرغبة في شرب الكافيين بعد اليوم الثالث.

ممنوعات النظام

يمنع تناول اي نوع من انواع الخبز ولا اي نوع من المقالي (الاكلات المقلية) او شرب اي نوع من انواع المشروبات الكحولية والغازية باستثناء المياه الخالية من السكر.

كما يسمح بتناول المشروبات المخصصة للرجيم المسموح بشربها كالماء والقهوة والحليب الخالي من الدسم وعصير الفواكه الخالي من السكر وليس العصير المعلب الطبيعي.

وسائل تطبيق الطريقة
اذا طبقت هذه الطريقة بحذافيرها من مستخدمها فإنه يفقد تقريبا من 6 الى 7.7 كيلوغرام خلال اسبوع واحد اما اذا فقد اكثر من من 7.7 كغم في هذه الحالة يجب الانتظار يومين قبل البدء من جديد وبنفس الطريقة.

ان جميع الوصفات الطبية وبدون استثناء لا تتعارض مع تطبيق هذا النظام الغذائي, وكل ما على مستخدمه هو الاستمرار في تطبيق هذا النظام اذ سيشعر براحة نفسية وجسدية اكثر.

وهذه الوصفة مستقاة من اتحاد المستشفيات الاميركية الذي طبق هذه الطريقة على مرضى القلب من اصحاب الاوزان الزائدة والذين يحتاجون الى عمليات جراحية لتهيئتهم جسديا وطبيا لهذه العمليات.

اسلوب التطبيق:
شوربة اساسية لحرق الشحوم :

المقادير الخاصة لعمل الشوربة :

1- ست بصلات خضراء وان لم يتوفر ذلك فيمكن استخدام البصل العادي .

2- حبتا طماطم اخضر او معلب .

3- كرافس.

4- كرنب ملفوف.

5- قرنا فلفل اخضران.

6- جزر 3 قطع.

طريقة التحضير :

يتم تقطيع الخضروات الى قطع توضع في قدر مناسب على النار بعد اضافة الماء حتى يغطيها ثم يضاف كيس الشوربة والبهارات والملح حسب الرغبة وتغلى الشوربة على نار عادية لمدة خمس دقائق في خفض النار حتى تنضج.

يمكن تناول الشوربة في اي لحظة يتم بها الشعور بالجوع خلال فترة الرجيم. هذه الشوربة لا تضيف اي سعرات حرارية فكلما اكثر منها مستخدم النظام فقد من وزنه اكثر. يجب أكل شيء مع الشوربة لان اكلها وحدها قد يسبب سوء التغذية.

اليوم الاول:
يسمح بأكل كل انواع الفواكه عدا الموز والفواكه الاستوائية (بطيخ - شمام - مانجو - كيوي) في هذا اليوم يقتصر على تناول الشوربة والفواكه اضافة الى الشاي والقهوة بدون سكر او المحلاة بالسكرين.

اليوم الثاني:
يعد هذا اليوم يوم خضروات يسمح فيه بالاكل, قدر المستطاع, من جميع الخضروات العادية المسلوقة, اضافة الى الشوربة(يفضل الخضروات الورقية والابتعاد عن البقوليات والذرة) كما بالامكان في العشاء تناول حبة كبيرة من البطاطس المشوية مع الشوربة والابتعاد عن الفواكه في هذا اليوم.

اليوم الثالث:
مزيج من اليوم الاول والثاني: يمكن تناول الخضروات والفواكه والشوربة بقدر المستطاع والرغبة. اما البطاطس فيجب عدم أكلها بعد الآن.

اذا طبق ما تم ذكره يكون مستخدم هذا النظام في نهاية هذا اليوم فقد ما يعادل 3,2 كغم.

اليوم الرابع:
يمكن أكل الموز والحليب الخالي من الدسم, اذ يسمح بتناول 6 موزات فقط طوال اليوم وأكل المسموح به فقط بالاضافة الى الكمية المرادة من الوجبة. يحتاج الجسم في هذا اليوم الى البوتاسيوم والسكر والنشا والكالسيوم هذه المواد كلها موجودة في الموز وهذا يقلل الرغبة في السكريات.

اليوم الخامس:
في هذا اليوم يمكن أكل لحم البقر والطماطم ويسمح بأكل 260 - 500 غرام من اللحم, اضافة الى عدد من حبات الطماطم او الطماطم المعجون.

على مستخدم هذا النظام ان يحاول شرب من 6 الى 8 اكواب ماء حتى يتخلص الجسم من حمض البوليك, اضافة الى الشوربة.

اليوم السادس:
هذا يوم لحم البقر والخضروات, ويسمح بتناول الكمية المرغوبة من لحم البقر والخضروات الورقية والشوربة مرة واحدة في اليوم على الأقل.

اليوم السابع:

هذا اليوم يوم الرز ولكن على الطريقة الاجنبية, اذ يسمح بأكل الرز الاسمر مع عصير الفواكه الطبيعي الخالي من السكر, اضافة الى الخضروات وحسب الرغبة في الاكل ومدى الجوع مع عدم نسيان الشوربة مرة واحدة على الاقل.

1- الشوربة الخاصة حارقة للشحوم, اذ يمكن اكل ما يمكن عند الاحساس بالجوع وحسب الكمية المنشودة.

2- يمكن استبدال السمك او الدجاج بدلا من لحم البقر في اليوم الخامس اما اليوم السادس, فينبغي كما هو حيث ان الجسم في حاجة الى البروتين والموجود في لحم البقر.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
You can use seven days without limits and that there will be a break for two days between each application.And if they are used and applied well, it would be very useful for the body is balbaod of all impurities and give it a sense of comfort, it is also used by a large card feel never felt before.These fast diet to burn excess grease and discarded the idea of this method is that you burn calories more than you earn, it also cleanses your body of impurities and give him a sense of increased comfort. Due to different digestive system from one person to another, there may be a very small variation in the results on the third day you will feel this great card system user is greater than the energy that started out. If serving himself will feel a difference in bowel movement with the black coffee or tea and skim milk are allowed without sugar but the user of this system of diet will feel the desire to drink caffeine after the third day.The Don'ts of systemPrevents any type of bread, and not any type of fried foods (fried foods) or drinking any type of alcohol and carbonated except sugar-free water.It also allows custom drink for dieting is allowed to drink it like water, coffee, milk, non-fat, sugar-free fruit juice rather than canned juice.Means of applying the methodIf you apply this method to the letter from her employer it loses approximately 6 to 7.7 kilograms in one week if it has more than 7.7 kg in this case must wait two days before starting again the same way.All prescriptions without exception do not conflict with the application of this diet, and all the personnel is to continue to apply this system as it would be emotionally and physically more comfortable.This recipe comes from the Federation of American hospitals, which applied this method on heart patients from excess weights and owners who need surgery to prepare them physically and medically for such operations.Application method:Basic soup to burn greases:Special ingredients to work soup:1. six green onions if available, you can use regular onions.2. extended green tomatoes or canned.3-krafess.4. cabbage cabbage.5-pepper green century.6-the 3 pieces.Method of preparation:Chop vegetables into pieces placed in appropriately on fire after adding water until covered, then add bag soup, spices and salt to taste and simmer the soup over medium heat for five minutes in reduced fire until cooked.Eating soup at any moment are feeling hungry during the diet. This soup will not add any more calories than the system user may weight more. You should eat something with soup because he ate alone may cause malnutrition.First day:Allowed to eat all fruits except bananas and tropical fruits (watermelon-melon-mango-Kiwi) on this day only eat soups and fruit in addition to coffee and tea without sugar or sweetened with saccharin.Second day:This is the day where eating vegetables, as far as possible, of all the regular vegetables boiled, add to the soup (preferably green leafy vegetables and legumes and corn) as possible in dinner large potatoes baked with soup and fruit today.Third day:A combination of the first and second day: eating fruits and vegetables and soups as possible and desired. Either potatoes must not eat anymore.If what has been said to be a user of this system at the end of the day was the equivalent of 3.2 kg.Fourth day:Can eating bananas and skim milk, allowing handling 6 lamb Shanks just throughout the day and eat only allowed in addition to the desired amount of meal. The body needs this day to potassium and sugar and starch, calcium, these articles are all found in bananas and this reduces the desire for sugar.Fifth day:On this day you can eat beef, tomato and allow eating 260-500 grams of meat, add to the number of tomatoes or tomato paste. The user of this system that tries to drink 6 to 8 cups water until your body gets rid of uric acid, add to soup.Sixth day:This day the beef and vegetables, and allows the desired amount of eating beef, leafy vegetables and soup once a day at least.Seventh day: This day of rice but the way, allowing to eat Brown rice with fruit juice, natural skim sugar, add the vegetables and the taste for eating and how a hunger not forgetting the soup at least once.Note:1. Special incendiary soup of grease, they can eat what you can when you sensation of hunger according to the desired quantity.2. replace the fish or chicken instead of beef in the fifth day of the sixth day, it should be as it is where the body need protein in beef.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Method can be used seven days without limits and constantly that there will be a break for two days between each period of application. If they are used and applied properly they will be very useful for the body they clean it of all impurities and give it a sense of comfort as that of a used feel great card did not feel by. This diet is a quick burn excess grease disposal and the idea of this method is that you burn more calories than you earn, it's also the body clean of impurities and give him a growing sense of comfort. Due to the different digestive system from one person to another, there may be a small difference so in the results on the third day and the user will feel a big card is greater than the energy that started out this system. If not, serves the same will feel different in a bowel movement with the black coffee or tea and skim milk are permitted without sugar, but the user of this system from the diet will not feel the desire to drink caffeine after the third day. prohibitions system prevents eating any kind of bread or any kind of pans (fried cuisine) or drink any kind of alcoholic and soft drinks with the exception of sugar-free water. It also allows eating allocated drinks the diet allowed to drink like water, coffee, skim milk and fruit juice, sugar-free and not canned juice natural. The modalities of application of the way if this method is applied strictly from her employer it loses almost 6 to 7.7 kg during one week but if it has more than 7.7 kg in this The situation must wait two days before the start again in the same way. All the prescriptions and, without exception, are not inconsistent with the application of this diet, and all that the employer is to continue to apply this system as it will feel comfortable psychological and physical more. This recipe is drawn from the Federation of American Hospitals, which This method was applied to patients with heart disease of overweight and needing surgery to prepare them physically and medically for these operations. style Application: soup essential to burn grease: Ingredients for the work of the soup: 1. six green onions and that is not available, it can be used ordinary onions. 2 Habta green or canned tomatoes. 3. Krafess. 4. cabbage cabbage. 5. centuries pepper Akhaddran. 6. Islands 3 pieces. Preparation: The vegetables cut up into pieces placed in the appropriate amount to the fire after the addition of water until covered, then add the soup bag and spices and salt to taste and boil soup on a normal fire for five minutes to reduce the fire until cooked. can eat soup at any moment is the feeling of hunger during the dieting period. This soup does not add any calories rather than the more system user has more than its weight. You must eat something with soup because eating alone can cause malnutrition. The first day: allowed to eat all kinds of fruits except bananas and tropical fruits (melon - cantaloupe - Mango - Kiwi) on this day is limited to eating soup and fruit in addition to tea and coffee without sugar or sweetened Balscrin. Second day: This is a day of vegetables allows the eating, as much as possible, of all the regular boiled vegetables, in addition to the soup (preferably green leafy vegetables and stay away from beans and corn) as possible at dinner a large grain of potatoes grilled with soup and stay away from fruit In this day. The third day: a combination of the first and second day: Can fruits, vegetables and soups eat as much as possible and desire. The potatoes should not eat it anymore. If a dish of what has been mentioned by a user of the system at the end of this day, it has the equivalent of 3.2 kg. Fourth day: can eat bananas and skim milk, as it allows to eat six bananas only throughout the day and eat allowed its only addition to the desired quantity of the meal. The body needs in this day as the potassium and sugar, starch, calcium, these substances are all found in bananas and this reduces the desire to sugars. Fifth day: On this day can eat beef, tomatoes and allowed to eat 260-500 grams of meat, in addition to a number of tomatoes or tomato putty. A user of this system that drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water trying until the body gets rid of uric acid, in addition to the soup. Sixth Day: This day beef and vegetables meat, and allowed to take the desired quantity of beef and leafy vegetables and soup once a day at least. The seventh day: This day is a day of rice, but the foreign way, as allowed by eating brown rice with natural fruit juice, sugar-free, in addition to vegetables, according to the desire to eat and the extent of hunger while not forgetting the soup once at least. Note: 1. soup Special cocktails for the grease, as it can eat what can be when the sense of hunger, according to the quantity desired. 2. Can fish replace or chicken instead of beef on the fifth day either on the sixth day, it should be as it is where the body in need of a protein found in beef.

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
The method can be used to the days without limit and for there to be a rest for two days between each application.

If they are used and applied. It is very beneficial to the body it is clean of all impurities and give it the sense of relief as you used to feel a great card did not feel before.

This diet is quick to burn excess fat and get rid of them conceived in this way is that you burn calories more than you earn, it cleans the body of impurities and gives him a sense of more comfortable.

Because of the diversity of the digestive tract from person to person, there is very little difference in the results in the third day, the user will feel that the biggest card the energy that came out.

And if you serve. You will feel different in the bowel movement with black coffee or tea and skim milk without sugar allowed only that user. The diet will not feel the desire to drink caffeine after third.

Prevented the

prevents any kind of bread and what kind of snacks, fried (fried) or drink any kind of alcoholic beverage except water and sugar free.

It allows the address ad for diet drinks Bshrbha allowed water and coffee, skim milk and sugar free fruit juice and canned juice is natural.

application of the method
If this method applied the entirety of the user, it loses approximately 6 to 7.7 kg in one week if it is more than 7.7 kg in this you must wait two days before starting again in the same way.

All prescriptions without exception does not interfere with the application of this diet, and all his employee is to continue the implementation of the system, will feel comfortable. Physical and more.

This recipe is taken from the American Hospital Association, applied this method to heart patients from the owners of excess weight and who need surgical operations for creating physical and medical operations

the style application:Basic fat burning soup:

of the soup ingredients:

1 - six onions with green onions, if available, can be used normally. Habta tomatoes or canned green

3 - even 4 - cabbage.


5 - century pepper Akhdran.

6. The 3 parts. Preparation:

Vegetable is cut into pieces and placed in the appropriate amount to the fire after the addition of water to cover, and then add a bag of soup, spices and salt as desired and boil the soup on the fire the normal reduction in fire for five minutes until cooked.

Soup can be dealt with at any moment be feelings of hunger during the diet. This soup does not add any calories more than the user has more weight. You should eat something with the soup, because eating alone could cause malnutrition.

The first day:
allowed to eat all kinds of fruits, except bananas and tropical fruits (melon. The melon mango - Kiwi). To this day, only the the soup, and add to the tea and coffee without sugar or sweetened Balskryn.

today second.This is a day of vegetables to eat, as far as possible, of all the ordinary boiled vegetables,Add green leafy vegetables and legumes, corn soup (preferably) as possible. Take one big baked potato with soup and fruit this day

third: the combination of the first day of second.Eating fruits and vegetables and soup can be as much as possible and the like. The potatoes should not eat anymore.

if applied what was stated above is the user of this system at the end of the day, equivalent to 3,2 kg the fourth day:

Can eating bananas and skim milk, allowing the handling of 6 Mozart's only all day and allowed only the desired amount of addition of the meal.The body needs a day to potassium, sugar, starch, calcium, these substances are present in the banana and reduces desire for sweets. Fifth.

today on this day can eat beef, tomatoes and eat 500 grams of meat, 260.In addition to a number of tomatoes or tomato paste.

to the user of the system can try to drink 6 to 8 cups of water until the body gets rid of uric acid, adding to the soup.

day sixth: "this day, beef and vegetables.The paper address the desired amount of beef, vegetables and soup at least once a day. Seventh day:

, this day is rice. But on the way, foreignIt allows to eat brown rice with natural fruit juice without sugar, add vegetables and hunger and desire to eat, while not forgetting the soup only once. At the very least.

note: 1. Fat burning soupThey can eat what can be when the feeling of hunger according to the desired amount.

2. It can replace the fish or chicken instead of beef a day fifth the sixth day, it is also where the body needs protein in beef.
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