العازف الحزين أكثر صورة أثارت المشاعر في التاريخ الحديث!اللقطة التقطت  ترجمة - العازف الحزين أكثر صورة أثارت المشاعر في التاريخ الحديث!اللقطة التقطت  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

العازف الحزين أكثر صورة أثارت المشا

العازف الحزين أكثر صورة أثارت المشاعر في التاريخ الحديث!

اللقطة التقطت للطفل البرازيلي «دييكو فرازاو توركاتو» وهو يعزف في جنازة معلمه المقطوعة المفضلة لمعلمه الذي أنقذه من بيئة الفقر والإجرام التي كان يعيشها.
يذكر أن دييكو كان يعاني منذ صغره من عدة أمراض منها التهاب السحايا، لكنها لم تفقده حماسه للموسيقى وشغفه بها.

كما أنه كان عضوًا في فرقة أوركسترا كانت تعزف لجمع التبرعات لمكافحة سرطان الدم ومكافحة دخول الشباب إلى الجماعات الإجرامية في البرازيل.
وفي عام 2010 قاد فرقته الموسيقية للفوز بجائزة من قبل صحيفة «o globo»، لكنه توفي في ذات العام متأثرًا بمضاعفات جراحية عملية أُجريت له، ليتوقف قلبه عن النبض ويده عن العزف بعد 12 سنة من الحياة.
لكن أصدقاءه واصلوا تحقيق ما كان يصبو إليه؛ لتبقى صورته تعبر عن حزنه الذي لم يستطع إخفاءه ♥
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Sad feelings aroused more photo artist in recent history!Snapshot taken of Brazilian child «Diego frazao torkato» and he played at the funeral of my favorite track parameter parameter that saved him from poverty and crime environment he lives.Mentions that Diego was suffering from several diseases at a very early age of meningitis, but did not lose his enthusiasm for music and his passion.He was also a member of the Orchestra was playing a fundraiser to fight leukemia and control the entry of youth to criminal groups in Brazil.In 2010 he led his band to win the award by the newspaper o globo», but he died in the same year died from complications of his surgery, his heart stops beating, his hand on the play after 12 years of life.But his friends continued to achieve what was aspired to keep his picture expresses his sorrow that he couldn't hide ♥
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Instrumentalist sad more image aroused feelings in modern history! Snapshot picked up the child 's Brazilian «Diego Frazaw Torkatu» He played at the funeral of his mentor cut favorite mentor who rescued him from poverty and criminality environment in which he lived. It is noteworthy that Diego was suffering from a young age from several diseases , including meningitis , but did not lose his enthusiasm for music and his passion for it. he was also a member of the orchestra was playing to raise funds for the fight against leukemia and combat youth enter the criminal groups in Brazil. in 2010 , his troupe led to win the award by the newspaper «o globo», but died in the same year he died of complications from surgery he underwent the process, to stop his heart beating and his hand from playing after 12 years of life. but his friends continued to achieve what he aspire to; to keep his image expresses sadness that he could not hide ♥

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
The musician sad feelings over a raised in recent history.The shot was taken in Brazilian children, "Diego Frazaw Torquato," which played at the funeral of his favorite piece Lmlmh who saved him from an environment of poverty and criminality was experiencing.It is noteworthy that Diego had suffered since childhood from several diseases, including meningitis, but never lost his enthusiasm for music and his passion for it.He was a member of the band orchestra was playing fundraiser against leukemia and the entry of young people into criminal groups in Brazil.In 2010 he led his band musical to win the award by the o Globo, but he died in the same year, died from complications of surgery was conducted, stop his heart is beating with his hand on the piano, after 12 years of life.But his friends continued to meet expectations; to keep the image expresses sorrow couldn"t hide ♥
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