في يوم من الأيام قررت ان اصنع حفلة لوالداي وادخل السرور على قلوبهم احضرت لهم الهدايا واصنع لهم الوجبات المفضلة لديهم فرحا كثيرا ودعا لي بالتوفيق والنجاح
One day I decided to make a party for my parents and enter pleasure on their hearts brought them gifts And make them their favorite meals with joy and invited me to success
One day I decided to make a party for my parents and enter the pleasure on their hearts brought them gifts and make their favorite meals have great joy and called me good luck and success
One day my parents and I decided to make a concert and take pleasure in their hearts "brought them gifts, make them a favorite food. They have excited much called me success