النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 3:
Primary production by seagrasscsin tropical and subtropical carbonate sediments often appearst o be phosphorusP limited, and several studies have sought to identify the possible sources of P for long-term growth. Here, weQuantify concentrations of particulate and dissolved P and fluoride (F.) in carbonate sediments, sediment-water PExchange, and leaf-tissue P concentrations in three seagrass beds in Bermuda. We also present data on the sequentialExtraction of P and F. From the sediments at each site. Total sediment P (TP,,,) in the upper 20 cm ranged from650 to 1,250 mmol P m-2 and was some 500-fold larger than the pool of P dissolved in pore waters. LooselyAdsorbed inorganic P comprised 2% of TPsedw, hile a surface-bound inorganic P pool extracted by dithionite bufferConstituted 15-20%. Most of the remaining P and nearly all of the Ca and F. Present in the sediment was recoveredWhen the remaing sediment was dissolved in an acetic acid buffer solution. This pool includes calcium-fluoroapatite(CFA), which is considered the primary diagenetic sink for P in carbonate sands. Dissolved inorganic P and FwereBoth elevated in the rhizosphere pore waters from the three seagrass beds. In combination with our analysisOf sediments by sequential extraction, this result indicates that the carbonate matrix of the sediment is beingDissolved in the rhizosphere, with a resulting release of P to the pore water and hence to the seagrass roots. WeSuggest that this is important in the P economy of these subtropical seagrass (Thalussia testudinum) beds and noteThat the carbonate-boundP pool is large enough to sustain seagrassP requirements for decades.N onetheless, p rimaryProduction in such seagrass systems can remain P limited if the rate of P release from sediment dissolution is tooSlow to support maximum seagrass growth rates. Analysis of seagrass leaf tissues revealed that P availability wasHighest at the site with the highest anthropogenic influences: This site was also characterized by the highest sedimentP release, indicating that high P availability may also be partly due to higher release of P as sediments are dissolved.Phosphorus was released from the sediment mainly as dissolved organic P causing a net efflux of dissolved P atAll sites in April and at two sites in August.
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