بعد الدراسة التي تم إجراؤها لمطابات الصيدلية المذكورة ، وبعد التواصل معه ومع بعض المرضى تم توجيه تنبيه شفهي للصيدلية مع وعده بالالتزام بجميع التعليمات المتفق عليها.
After the study was made lmetabat the pharmacy mentioned, and after communicating with him and with some patients been directing verbal alert to the pharmacy with his promise to abide by all instructions.
After the study that were made to the pharmacy Mtabat mentioned, and after communicating with him and some patients were directed verbal alert to the pharmacy with his promise to abide by all the agreed instructions.
After the study, conducted Lmtabat pharmaceuticals, after contact with him and some patients had oral to the attention of the business with the promise to all the instructions agreed.