تم إرسال هذا الإيميل باعتبارك أحد من طاقم الكترونيا و لتواجد ايميل في بيانات الاتصال الخاصة بشركتكم. و كما ذكرت في الايميل السابق نرجو منكم الدفع الان لتجنب القضايا القانونية
This email is sent as one of the crew electronically and the presence of an e-mail in your company's contact data.And as I mentioned in the previous e-mail please pay now to avoid legal issues
This e - mail was sent in as a crew of electronically and in the presence of Emile contact your company data. And as I mentioned in the previous email Hope you pay now to avoid legal issues
Send this email as one of the electronic and the presence of email in the contact details of your compony.And as I mentioned in the previous email, please pay now. To avoid legal issues