كل ما يخص أنواع التلوث البيئيالتَّلَوُّث البيئي يدمر الأماكن التي تحيط ترجمة - كل ما يخص أنواع التلوث البيئيالتَّلَوُّث البيئي يدمر الأماكن التي تحيط الإنجليزية كيف أقول

كل ما يخص أنواع التلوث البيئيالتَّل

كل ما يخص أنواع التلوث البيئي

التَّلَوُّث البيئي يدمر الأماكن التي تحيط بنا. وتُعد الغازات والدخان في الهواء، والمواد الكيميائية والمواد الأخرى في الماء، والنفايات الصلبة على الأرض، من أسباب التلوث.
التلوث البيئي مصطلح يُعنى بكافة الطرق التي بها يتسبب النشاط البشري في إلحاق الضرر بالبيئة الطبيعية. ويشهد معظم الناس تلوث البيئة في صورة مَطْرَح مكشوف للنفايات أو في صورة دخان أسود ينبعث من أحد المصانع. ولكن التلوث قد يكون غير منظور، ومن غير رائحة أو طعم. وبعض أنواع التلوث قد لا تتسبب حقيقة في تلوث اليابسة والهواء والماء، ولكنها كفيلة بإضعاف متعة الحياة عند الناس والكائنات الحية الأخرى. فالضجيج المنبعث من حركة المرور والآلات مثلاً، يمكن اعتباره شكلاً من أشكال التلوث.

والتلوث البيئي أحد أكثر المشاكل خطورة على البشرية، وعلى أشكال الحياة الأخرى التي تدب حاليًا على كوكبنا. ففي مقدور هواء سيئ التلوث أن يسبب الأذى للمحاصيل، وأن يحمل في طياته الأمراض التي تهدد الحياة. لقد حدّت بعض ملوثات الهواء من قدرة الغلاف الجوي على ترشيح إشعاعات الشمس فوق البنفسجية، والتي تنطوي على الأذى. ويعتقد العديد من العلماء أن هذه الإشعاعات، وغيرها من ملوثات الهواء، قد أخذت تحدث تغييرًا في مناخات العالم. وتهدد ملوثات الماء والتربة قدرة المزارعين على إنتاج الغذاء الضروري لإطعام سكان العالم، كما تهدد الملوثات البحرية الكثير من الكائنات العضوية البحرية.

تلوث المدن
يرى كثير من الناس في ملوثات الهواء والماء والتربة أشكالاً متميزة من أشكال التلوث. إلا أن كل جزء من أجزاء البيئة ـ أي الهواء والماء والتربة ـ يعتمد كل منها على الآخر، وعلى النباتات والحيوانات التي تعيش ضمن هذه البيئة. وتشكل العلاقات بين كل الكائنات الحية وغير الحية في بيئة معينة نظامًا يسمى النظام البيئي. وترتبط كل الأنظمة البيئية بعضها ببعض. وهكذا فإن الملوث الذي يبدو وكأنه يؤثر في جزء واحد فقط من البيئة، ربما أثر أيضًا في أجزاء أخرى. فالدخان السخامي المنبعث من محطة قدرة، على سبيل المثال، قد يبدو مؤثرًا على الغلاف الجوي فقط. ولكن في مقدور الأمطار أن تطرد بعض الكيميائيات الضارة الموجودة في الدخان وإسقاطها على الأرض أو على مجاري المياه.

تنبعث بعض الملوثات، مثل أنبوب المجاري الذي يطرح ماء متسخًا في نهر من الأنهار، من نقطة محدودة أو مكان محدد، ويعرف هذا بتلوث المصدر المحدود، في حين تنبعث ملوثات أخرى من مناطق واسعة. ففي مقدور الماء الجاري في المزارع أن يحمل معه المبيدات والأسمدة إلى الأنهار، كما أن بإمكان مياه الأمطار أن تجرف الوقود والزيت والأملاح من الطرق ومواقف السيارات، وتحملها إلى الآبار التي تزودنا بمياه الشرب. ويسمى التلوث الصادر عن مثل هذه المناطق الواسعة بتلوث المصدر اللامحدود.

يرغب كل شخص تقريبًا في الحد من التلوث، ولكن معظم التلوث الذي يهدد صحة كوكبنا حاليًا يأتي، لسوء الحظ، من منتجات يحتاجها كثير من الناس ويرغبون فيها. فمثلاً، توفر السيارات الراحة بنقلها للأشخاص، ولكنها تُنتج نسبة عالية من تلوث الهواء في العالم. وتنتج المصانع منتجات يستخدمها الناس، ويستمتعون بها، ولكن العمليات الكيميائية في مقدورها أن تسبب التلوث. وتساعد المبيدات والأسمدة في نمو كميات كبيرة من الأغذية، ولكنها تسمم التربة ومجاري المياه.

يتوجب على الناس أن يقللوا من استخدام السيارات، ووسائل الراحة الحديثة الأخرى، وذلك من أجل وضع نهاية للتلوث، أو التقليل منه إلى حد كبير، كما أن على بعض المصانع أن تغلق أبوابها أو أن تغير طرق إنتاجها. ولكن إغلاق هذه الصناعات سيزيد من البطالة، وذلك لأن معظم أعمال الناس تعتمد على صناعات تسهم في التلوث البيئي. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد يؤدي توقف المزارعين فجأة عن استخدام المبيدات والأسمدة إلى الحد من الغذاء اللازم لإطعام الناس في هذا العالم.

وعلى أي حال يمكن تقليل التلوث، بمرور الزمن، بعدة طرق، دونما أي تعطيل جدي لمسيرة حياة الناس. فمثلاً، يمكن للحكومات أن تسن تشريعات تشجع المؤسسات على تبني طرق تشغيلية قليلة التلوث. ويمكن للعلماء والمهندسين أن يطوروا منتجات تصنيعية نظيفة وأكثر أمانًا بالنسبة للبيئة، كما يمكن للأفراد والجماعات في العالم أن يجدوا بأنفسهم طرقًا تقلل من التلوث البيئي.

أنواع التلوث البيئي

أنواع التلوث
تشتمل أنواع التلوث البيئي على تلوث الهواء، وتلوث الماء، وتلوث التربة، والتلوث الناتج عن المخلفات الصلبة والمخلفات الخطرة والتلوث بالضجيج.

تلوث الهواء. يعني اختلاط الهواء بمواد معينة، مثل وقود العادم والدخان. وبإمكان تلوث الهواء الإضرار بصحة النباتات والحيوانات، وتخريب المباني والإنشاءات الأخرى. وتقدر منظمة الصحة العالمية أن ما يقرب من خمس سكان العالم يتعرضون لمستويات خطرة من ملوثات الهواء.

يتكون الغلاف الجوي، في وضعه الطبيعي، من النيتروجين والأكسجين وكميات صغيرة من ثاني أكسيد الكربون والغازات الأخرى والهبائيات (جسيمات دقيقة من المواد السائلة أو الصلبة). ويعمل عدد من العمليات الطبيعية على حفظ التوازن بين مكونات الغلاف الجوي. فمثلاً، تستهلك النباتات ثاني أكسيد الكربون وتطلق الأكسجين، وتقوم الحيوانات بدورها باستهلاك الأكسجين وإنتاج ثاني أكسيد الكربون من خلال دورة التنفس. وتنبعث الغازات والهبائيات إلى الغلاف الجوي من جراء حرائق الغابات والبراكين، حيث تجرفها أو تبعثرها الأمطار والرياح.

يحدث التلوث الهوائي عندما تطلق المصانع والمركبات كميات كبيرة من الغازات والهبائيات في الهواء، بشكل تعجز معه العمليات الطبيعية عن الحفاظ على توازن الغلاف الجوي. ويوجد نوعان رئيسيان من التلوث هما: 1- التلوث الخارجي 2- التلوث الداخلي.

تلوث الهواء الخارجي. تُطلق في كل عام مئات الملايين من الأطنان من الغازات والهبائيات داخل الغلاف الجوي. ويحدث معظم هذا التلوث نتيجة احتراق الوقود المستخدم في تشغيل المركبات وتدفئة المباني، كما يصدر بعض التلوث عن العمليات الصناعية والتجارية. فمثلاً، يُستخدم مركّب فوق كلوريد الإثيلين ـ وهو ملوِّث خطر ـ في الكثير من معامل التنظيف الجاف، لإزالة الأوساخ من على الملابس. وقد يؤدي حرق النفايات إلى انطلاق الدخان والفلزات الثقيلة مثل الرصاص والزئبق داخل الغلاف الجوي. ومعظم الفلزات الثقيلة سام جدًا.

ومن أكثر الملوثات الهوائية الخارجية شيوعًا الضباب الدخاني، وهو مزيج ضبابي من الغازات والهبائيات بني اللون، يتكون عندما تتفاعل غازات معينة، منطلقة نتيجة احتراق الوقود والمنتجات البترولية الأخرى، مع أشعة الشمس في الغلاف الجوي، حيث ينتج عن هذا التفاعل مواد
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
All respect to the types of environmental pollution

environmental pollution is destroying the places that surround us. The gases and smoke into the air, chemicals and other substances in the water, and solid waste on the ground, of the causes of pollution.
Environmental pollution, the term means all the ways in which human activity caused by the damage to the natural environment. The witness most people pollute the environment in the form of an open excretory waste or in the form of black smoke emitted from a factory.But pollution may be invisible, and it is the smell or taste. And some types of pollution may not cause pollution in the fact that the land, air and water, but enough to weaken the fun of life in people and other organisms.Valdgej emitted from traffic and machinery, for example, can be considered a form of pollution.

And environmental pollution one of the most serious problems of mankind, and on the other forms of life, which currently runs on the planet.In Bad affordable air pollution that causes harm to crops, and that carries life-threatening diseases. I have some limited ability of air pollutants from the atmosphere on the nomination of the sun's ultraviolet radiation, which involves harm.The Many scientists believe that this radiation, and other air pollutants, it may take a change in climates of the world.And pollutants threaten water and soil the ability of farmers to produce food necessary to feed the world's population, also threaten marine pollutants lot of marine organisms.

Pollution citiesMany people see in air pollutants, water and soil forms distinct forms of pollution. However, each part of the environment of any air, water and soil depend on each other, and the plants and animals that live in this environment.The relationships between all living organisms and non-living in a particular environment system called the ecosystem. And all environmental regulations associated with each other.Thus, the polluter who looks like affects only one part of the environment, may also impact on other parts. Valdkhan liqueur emitted from the power plant, for example, may seem impressive on the atmosphere only.But in the rainy able to expel some of the harmful chemicals found in the smoke and drop it on the ground or on the waterways.

Emit some pollutants, such as sewage pipe that presents dirty water in a river, from the point of limited or specific place, and this is known as limited pollution source, while other pollutants emitted from large areas.In a position running water in the farms that carries with pesticides and fertilizers into rivers, as rainwater that can be washed away fuel, oil and salt from the roads and parking lots, and endure to the wells that provide drinking water.The so-called pollution of such vast areas unlimited source pollution.

Wants to almost everyone in the reduction of pollution, but most of the pollution that threatens the health of our planet now comes, unfortunately, from the products needed by many people as they wish.For example, the availability of cars transported comfort for people, but it produces a high percentage of air pollution in the world. The factory produces products used by people, and enjoy it, but the chemical processes in a position to cause pollution.The help of pesticides and fertilizers in the growth of large quantities of food, but poisoning the soil and waterways.

Should people have to reduce their use of cars, and other modern amenities, in order to put an end to pollution, or reducing to a large extent, also some factories to close their doors or to change production methods.But the closure of these industries would increase unemployment, because most of the people rely on industries contribute to environmental pollution.In addition, it may result in a sudden stop farmers from the use of pesticides and fertilizers to the extent of the food needed to feed the people in this world.

In any case, can reduce pollution, over time, in many ways, without any serious disruption to the process of people's lives. For example, governments can enact legislation that encourages institutions to adopt the methods of operating a few pollution.Can be for scientists and engineers to develop products manufacturing clean and safer for the environment, as can individuals and groups in the world to find their own ways to reduce environmental pollution.

Types of environmental pollution types of pollution

Include the types of environmental pollution on air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution, and pollution caused by solid waste and hazardous waste and noise pollution.

Air pollution. Mean air mixing certain materials, such as fuel and exhaust smoke.And air pollution can harm the health of plants and animals, and destruction of buildings and other structures. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly a fifth of the world's population exposed to dangerous levels of air pollutants.

Consists of the atmosphere, in normal, nitrogen, oxygen and small amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases and aerosols (fine particles of liquid or solid).A number of natural processes in maintaining the balance between the components of the atmosphere.For example, plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and the oxygen consumption of animals and in turn the production of carbon dioxide through the breathing cycle.And emits gases and aerosols into the atmosphere as a result of forest fires and volcanoes, where washed or scatter rain and wind.

Air pollution occurs when fired plants and vehicles of large quantities of gases and aerosols in the air, they can not be natural processes for maintaining the balance of the atmosphere. There are two main types of pollution are:1 - 2 external pollution - indoor pollution.

Outdoor air pollution. Launches each year hundreds of millions of tons of gases and aerosols in the atmosphere.This happens most of the pollution as a result of the combustion of the fuel used in the operation of vehicles and heating buildings, also took some of the pollution from industrial and commercial operations.For example, a compound used above ethylene chloride, a pollutant risk factor in a lot of dry cleaning, to remove dirt from the clothes.The burning of waste leads to the release of smoke and heavy metals such as lead and mercury into the atmosphere. Most of the heavy metals is very toxic.

One of the most common air pollutants Foreign smog, a combination of gases and hazy brown aerosols, formed when certain gases interact, flying as a result of the combustion of fuel and other petroleum products, with the sun inAir, which produces materials for this interaction
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
All kinds of environmental pollution environmental pollution destroys

spaces that surround us. The gases and smoke in the air, and chemicals and other substances in the water, and solid waste on the ground, of the causes of pollution.
Environmental pollution, the term means all the ways in which human activity causes damage to the natural environment. In most people the pollution of the environment in muttrah exposed to waste or in the form of black smoke emanating from a factory. But contamination may be invisible, without smell or taste. And some types of contamination may not cause land pollution in air and water, but it can weaken the fun at people and other living things. The noise from traffic and machinery, for example, can be considered a form of pollution.

and environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems on human and other life forms which are currently on our planet. The bad air pollution can cause damage to crops, and that carries with it the life-threatening diseases. Some air pollutants have reduced the ability of the atmosphere to filter the Sun's ultraviolet radiation, and involving harm. And many scientists believe that such radiation, and other air pollutants, the difference in climates of the world. And water and soil pollutants threaten the ability of farmers to produce food to feed the world's population, as well as marine pollutants many marine organisms.

urban pollution

Many people in air pollutants, water and soil are distinct forms of pollution. However, each part of the environment of any air, water and soil are interdependent, and the plants and animals that live in this environment. The relationships between all living and non-living in a particular environment system called ecosystem. Environmental systems are connected to each other. Thus, the polluter who sounds like affect only one part of the environment, may also impact on other parts. Alschami smoke emitted from the plant capacity, for example, may appear to be affecting the atmosphere. But rain is able to expel some of the harmful chemicals found in smoke and dropped on the ground or waterways.

Emit some pollutants, such as sewer pipe that water is dirty in a river of rivers, from the point of limited or specific location, this is known as the pollution source, whereas other pollutants emitted from large areas. You can water on farms that carries pesticides and fertilizers into rivers and the rain that washed fuel, oil and salt from roads and parking, and endure to the wells that provide drinking water. Called pollution from such a wide area pollution source unlimited.

wishes to almost everyone in pollution reduction, but most of the pollution that threatens the health of our planet now comes, unfortunately, of products needed by many people. For example, the car comfortable to people, but they produce high levels of air pollution in the world. Factory produces products people use and enjoy, but chemical processes can cause pollution. And pesticides and fertilizers on the growth of large quantities of food, but it is poisoning the soil and streams.

People to reduce car use, and other modern comforts, in order to put an end to pollution, or reduce significantly, and some factories to close or change its production methods. But closing these industries will increase unemployment, because most of the people depend on the industries contribute to environmental pollution. In addition, farmers suddenly stopped using pesticides and fertilizers to reduce the food needed to feed the people of this world.

In any case you can reduce pollution, over time, in different ways, without any serious disruption to people's lives. For example, Governments can enact legislation encourages the institutions to adopt a few operational methods. Can scientists and engineers develop clean manufacturing products and safer for the environment, and to individuals and groups in the world find themselves methods reduce environmental contamination. environmental pollution

pollution typesInclude the types of environmental pollution, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and pollution from solid waste and hazardous waste, and noise pollution.

air pollution. Mean air mixing with certain materials, such as fuel and exhaust smoke. Air pollution can harm the health of plants and animals, destruction of buildings and other constructions. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly a fifth of the world's population are exposed to dangerous levels of air pollutants.

Is the atmosphere, normal, nitrogen, oxygen and small amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases walhbaeat (fine particles of liquid or solid substances). A number of natural processes in maintaining the balance of atmospheric constituents. For example, plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen, the animals turn the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production during breathing. Walhbaeat gases emitted to the atmosphere as a result of forest fires and volcanoes, where washed or rain and wind dispersal.

Air pollution occurs when factories and vehicles, large quantities of gas walhbaeat in the air, with natural processes fail to maintain the balance of the atmosphere. There are two main types of pollution are: 1. external pollution 2-internal contamination.

outdoor air pollution. Launches each year hundreds of millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere walhbaeat. Most of this contamination occurs as a result of the combustion of the fuel used in the operation of motor vehicles, heating buildings, and some pollution from industrial and commercial operations. For example, it uses up the tainted ethylene and chloride is a risk many plants dry cleaning to remove dirt from the clothes. Incineration may result in smoke and the heavy metals such as lead and mercury into the atmosphere. Most heavy metals

, Sam.One of the most common air pollutants outdoor smog, a combination of gas walhbaeat Misty Brown, when certain gases interact, originating as a result of the combustion of fuel and other petroleum products, with sunlight in Air, which results from the interaction of materials
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
All the types of environmental pollution

environmental pollution destroys places that surround us. The gases and smoke into the air, chemicals and other materials in the water, solid wastes on the ground, of the causes of the pollution.
Environmental pollution of the term, I mean, in all ways in which cause human activity in damage to natural environment. Most of the people are experiencing pollution of the environment in the form of an open-air مطرح wastes or in the form of black smoke rising from one of the factories.But pollution may be non-perspective, it is not the smell or taste. Some types of pollution may not cause the fact in pollution of land, air and water, but to undermine Fun LIFE when people other biota.فالضجيج emitted from traffic and machinery, for example, can be considered a form of pollution.

environmental pollution, one of the most serious problems on human, and other forms of life on our planet, which is now.Bad air pollution could cause harm to crops, and carries the diseases that threaten life. The limited capacity of some air pollutants from the atmosphere on the nomination of the Sun ultraviolet radiation, which involve the harm.Many scientists believe that this radiation, and other air pollutants, are making a change in the world.Pollutants threatens the ability of farmers to water and soil food production is necessary to feed the population of the world, as well as threaten marine pollutants many marine organisms.

cities pollution
Many people believe in air pollutants, water and soil, distinct forms of forms of pollution. However, every part of the environment any air, water and soil, depend on each other, and plants and animals that live in this environment.The relationships between all living organisms and non-living in a particular environment a system called the ecosystem. Some environmental systems are linked to each other.Thus, the polluter, which seems to be affected in only one part of the environment, may also impact in other parts. السخامى smoke emitted from the power plant, for example, might seem to be effective on the atmosphere only.But the rains are able to expel some harmful chemicals in smoke and drop them on the ground or on water streams.

Some of the pollutants emitted, such as a pipeline of watercourses, which raises the water in the river of dirty rivers, the points limited or specific location, this is known as pollution limited source, while other pollutants emitted from large areas.Could this water in farms that carries pesticides and fertilizers to the rivers, and the rain water that sweeps fuel and oil and salts of roads and parking, and accountability to the wells that provide drinking water.This is called pollution from such broad areas unlimited source pollution.

wish to almost all of the reduction of pollution, but most of the pollution threatening the health of our planet now comes, unfortunately, of products needed by many people want.For example, provide comfort vehicles transporting persons, but produces high proportion of air pollution in the world. factory produces products used by people, and enjoy it, but chemical processes could cause pollution.pesticides, fertilizers and helps in the growth of large quantities of food, but poisoning the soil and waterways.

The people that the portrayal of the use of vehicles, and many other modern amenities, in order to put an end to pollution, or reduce it to a large extent, and that some of the factories to shut down or to change production methods.But the closure of these industries will increase of unemployment, because most of the work of the people depends on the industries contribute to environmental pollution.In addition, may lead farmers suddenly stopped the use of pesticides and fertilizers to the reduction of food needed to feed people in this world.

In any case can reduce pollution, over time, in a number of ways, without any serious disruption to the life of the people. For example, Governments could enact legislation that encourages institutions to adopt a few operational methods of pollution.It can be for scientists and engineers to develop manufacturing products clean and safer for the environment, as well as individuals and groups in the world to find their own ways to reduce environmental pollution.

types of environmental pollution

types of pollution
The types of environmental pollution on air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, and pollution from solid waste hazardous waste and pollution noise.

air pollution. I mean, air mixed certain materials, such as fuel and smoke exhaust.Air pollution can harm the health of plants and animals, sabotage and other buildings and construction. World Health Organization estimates that nearly one fifth of the population of the world are exposed to dangerous levels of air pollutants.

Consists of the Atmosphere, in normal, of the nitrogen and oxygen small quantities of carbon dioxide and other gases والهبائيات (particles of liquid or solid materials).A number of natural processes on keeping the balance between the components of the atmosphere.For example, plants consume carbon dioxide, releases oxygen, and the animals, in turn, oxygen consumption, production, carbon dioxide through respiration cycle.delusion والهبائيات gases to the atmosphere from the forest fires, volcanoes, where reproach or being scattered rains and winds.

Air pollution occurs when calling factories, vehicles, large quantities of gases والهبائيات in the air, and with natural processes are unable to maintain the balance of the atmosphere. There are two major types of pollution:1. External pollution 2. Pollution procedure.

outside air pollution. Calling in each year hundreds of millions of tons of gases والهبائيات within the atmosphere.Most of this pollution occurs as a result of burning fuel used in the operation of vehicles and heating buildings, and some pollution of industrial and commercial operations.For example, using a boat over ethylene chloride, contaminated risk factor in a lot of dry, to remove dirt from the service.The lead waste incineration to smoke starting heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and within the atmosphere. Most of the heavy metals very Sam.

One of the more common foreign air pollutants smog, which is a mixture of gases foggy والهبائيات is brown in color, composed when you interact Certain gases, emerge as a result of the burning of fuel and petroleum products, with the sun rays inAir, as a result of this interaction of materials
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دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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