-الفصل الاول-(ليلة بداية المصير) نبدأ من خبر علي التلفزيون العربي منقو ترجمة - -الفصل الاول-(ليلة بداية المصير) نبدأ من خبر علي التلفزيون العربي منقو الإنجليزية كيف أقول

-الفصل الاول-(ليلة بداية المصير) نب

-الفصل الاول-
(ليلة بداية المصير)
نبدأ من خبر علي التلفزيون العربي منقول عن وكالة الفضاء الامريكية ناسا أنه سوف يمر بين الأرض والقمر مذنب بعد 6 أسابيع يدعي ب"أكسينوا" و يذكر أن هذا المذنب يمر بين الأرض والقمر كل 2053 عاماً حسب إحصائيات الفلكيين .

وفي مصر في تلك الأثناء كان يعيش فتي ذكي يدعي "لؤي" عمره ١٧ عشر عاماً ماتت أمه أثناء ولادته ومات أبوه وهو فى عمر السنتين و منذ ذلك الحين يعيش مع عمته التي كانت له المثل الأعلي في الشخصية والعلم فكانت عمته طبيبة بارعة في جراحة القلب تولت تربيته بعد وفاة أمه وأبيه .
تبدأ قصتنا الأن
عمة لؤي تحضر أغراض سفرها من أجل المؤتمر الطبي السنوي المعقود في لندن كان "لؤي" معتاداً علي سفر عمته في هذا الوقت من العام . لكن كان هناك شئ غريب في هذه الرحلة هذه المرة لأن عمته أكثرت من إعطاء النصائح المختلفه عن أمور الحياة والتحديات وكيف يكون له تأثير في الناس الذين من حوله شعر "لؤي" أن هناك شئ غريب يختبئ بين كلمات عمته فسألها عن ماذا تخفي عنه فقالت عمته " إسمع يا"لؤي" عندما تفقد شخصاً عزيزاً عليك إياك وأن تجعل هذا الفقدان يكون الحائط الذي يوقفك نحن ننظر إلي الماضي لكي نتعلم لا لنأخذ منه ما يوقفنا فالماضي لايمكننا التغير فيه فقط نتعلم منه, المستقبل هو الذي نملكه فلا تفسده بأخطاء وعيوب وألم الماضي واعلم أنه مهما صعب الأمر هناك حل وكن علي علم إنما الدنيا إلا دار تحديات كلما تغلبت علي تحدي من تحدياتها كلما زدت بشئ منها ,ولا تنسي لا تدخل في معركة شرف فإن هذه إهانة وتذكر أنت بشر, " تعجب "لؤي" من هذه الإجابة ثم ودعت العمة إبن أخيها وجارتها بعد أن إستأمنتها عليه .

وبعد مرور أسابيع و "لؤي" عائد من المدرسة يفتح باب الشقة فيسمع جرس الهاتف يتقدم "لؤي" ويرفع السماعة ويقول: "من معي؟", يرد رجل ذو (صوت رخيم) ويقول: "أهلاً يابني أنا نائب السفير في لندن" , رد "لؤي": "أهلا سيدي" بدء الرجل بالسكوت ثم أستجمع الكلام قائلاً: "بني أريد أن أخبرك شيئاً أنا أسف عمتك قد ماتت في حادث لقد إنفجرت سيارتها بسبب عطل فى خزان الوقود و الجثة لم يتبقي منها إلا أشلاء أنا أسف سوف تصل الرفاه بعد 3 أيام" .
وقع الخبر علي "لؤي" وقع الصاعقة وسقط الهاتف من يده وشعر وكأن الدنيا ضاقت به وأنعقد لسانه من شدة الصدمة وأخذت دموعه تنهمر في صمت شديد .
علم الناس بالوفاه وتم إستقبال الرفاه وأقيم العزاء ووقف "لؤي" يسلم علي الناس القادمين مع بعض أقاربه مثل دمية الخالية من الروح من شدة الصدمة .

بدأت تعلو علي وجه "لؤي" ملامح الكئابة والوحدة والعزلة عن الناس فلقد تركت عمته مكاناً فارغاً في حياته .
بدأت تعتني جارة "لؤي" به وتحضر له الطعام , وتبعث بإبنها الذي بعمر "لؤي" إليه حتي يكون له أنيساً وتتحسن حالته ولكن هذا لم يكن يعوضه عن عمته , "شعر لؤي" في يوم بضيق شديد فخرج من المنزل فما وجد نفسه إلا عند المقابر التى فيها عمته فدخل "لؤي" إليه شعر "لؤي" بالتحسن البسيط بوقوفه أمام قبر عمته والتحدث إليها وكأنها حية من شدة شوقه إليها سرعان ما أصبحت الساعة ١٢ مساءاً فبدأ هاتف "لؤي" بالرنين وكانت المتصلة جارة لؤي رد لؤي فما كان من جارته إلا اللهفة الشديدة علي "لؤي" وتسأله "أين أنت؟" , في تلك الأثناء أصبح المذنب بين الأرض والقمر واللتمع ضوئه في السماء حتي ساوي ضوء القمر, هذا المذنب الذي
يحمل في طياته ما سوف يغير حياة 5 أشخاص إلي الأبد .
شعر "لؤي" وهو يكلم جارته وسط هذا الضوء بوخزان في جسده فوقع الهاتف علي الأرض وأختفي "لؤي" وأختفي المذنب وضوئه في براثن هذه الظلمة الساكنه , لم يبقي في الصورة غيرُ قبر عمته وصوت جارته القادم من الهاتف .
النهاية؟! .
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
-First chapter.(Beginning of destiny) Start of news on Arabic tv moved from NASA that will pass between the Earth and the Moon guilty after 6 weeks called "aksinwa" and the comet passes between Earth and the Moon all 2053 years according to astronomers. In Egypt at that time was living intelligent boy named Luay "aged 17 years old his mother died during his birth, his father died and is at two years and since then lives with his aunt that he had the ideal personality and science was his skillful physician in cardiac surgery took over his upbringing after the death of his mother and father. Our story begins nowHis uncle, lu'ay attends her purposes to annual medical Conference held in London was "Loai" accustomed to travel his aunt at this time of year. But there was something weird on this trip this time for that big aunt give different advice about life and the challenges and how to have an impact on the people around it "luai" that there is something strange hiding between the words his aunt and asked her why hide it, said his uncle "I hear ya" Loai "when you lose someone dear to you you make this loss be the wall that stop you, we look at the past in order to learn not to take from it what we can't change past us only Learn from him, the future is that we have not spoiled by mistakes and flaws and pain of the past and know that no matter how difficult it solution and be aware but not minimum House challenges whenever overcame the challenge of challenges whenever something is increased, and not within the battle honours, this insulting and remember you are mortal "," exclamation "Loai" from this answer and then invited aunt nephew and neighbor after astamantha. After weeks, "Loai" return from school opens the door to the apartment, he hears a Bell phone advance "Loai" lift handset and says: "with me?", a man is shown (euphonic) says: "Welcome to my son, I am the Deputy Ambassador in London", "Loai": "Hello Sir" start men silence then summons the speech, saying: "I want to tell you something I'm sorry aunt died in an accident while driving has exploded because of a malfunction in the fuel tank and the body left only shreds I'm sorry welfare will arrive after 3 days.News on signed "Loai" Thunderbolt and dropped the phone from his hand and the minimum was narrowed and held his tongue from shock and taken his tears pouring down in silence. People know death and was receiving welfare and solace, "Loai" delivers on people arriving with some of his relatives like the free spirit doll the severity of trauma. Started over "Loai" features the bleakness and loneliness and isolation from people his aunt has left an empty place in his life.I started to take care of his neighbor "Loai" and preparing food, and sends her son by "Loai" even have a Vanessa and improved his condition, but this was compensated for his uncle, "Loai" on a very narrow, stepped out of the House, found himself only when cemeteries where his aunt, "Loai" hairy "Loai" simple improvement standing before the grave of his uncle and talk to it like live from longing to soon became at 12 pm the phone began "Loai" ringing and were related to neighbor loay loay response What was its neighbour but strong cravings "Loai" and ask "where are you?", in the meantime became Comet between Earth and the Moon light walltma in the sky even equated the Moonlight, the CometBears will alter the lives of 5 people forever. "Loai" and it costs its neighbour amid the light bokhzan in the body, the phone on the floor and disappeared "Loai" Comet light disappeared into the darkness, did not remain static in the picture is the tomb of his uncle and the next neighbor's voice on the phone.The end?! .
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Deciding I.
(the night of the beginning of determination)
start of the news on the Arab TV Moved from the US space agency NASA that will pass between the Earth and the moon guilty after 6 weeks called "Oksinwa" and mentions that this comet passes between the Earth and the Moon every 2053 years, according to statistics astronomers. In Egypt, in the meantime, had been living intelligent young "Louay" claims 17 ten-year-old mother died during his birth and father died at the age of two and has since been living with his aunt, which was his ideal in personal and science were his aunt doctor adept at surgery Heart took over his upbringing after the death of his mother and father. Now begins our story aunt Louay attend for the purposes of her, held at London's annual medical conference was "Louay" his aunt used to travel at this time of year. But there was something strange on this trip, this time because his aunt multiplied to give cost tips for things in life, challenges and how to have an impact in people who are around him felt "Loay" that there is something strange hiding between his aunt words asked her about why hide him, said his aunt " Hear O "Louay" When you lose someone dear to you beware and make this loss is the wall that we stop you look at the past in order to learn not to take him what stop us The past we can not change it just to learn from him, the future is that we have not spoiled by errors and defects and pain the past and I know it no matter how difficult it there is a solution and be aware of but this world but Dar challenges whenever overcame the challenge of challenges whenever Increase something of them, and do not forget do not fall in the battle of honor, this insult and remember you are human beings, "exclamation" Louay "of this answer, and then called the aunt's son her brother and neighbor after Astomentha him. After weeks and "Louay" return from school opens the apartment door will hear phone rang ahead "Loay" and lift the handset and says: "Who me?", presented a man (melodious voice) and says: "Welcome to my son I Deputy Ambassador in London, "a response" Louay ":" Welcome sir, "the start of man's silence and then work up to speak, saying:" Bani I want to tell you something I'm sorry your aunt had died in an accident has exploded her car due to a fault in the fuel tank and the body nothing was left of them but pieces I unfortunately will reach well-being after three days. " signed the news Ali "Louay" signed Thunderbolt and fell phone from his hand and felt as if the world narrowed him and held his tongue the severity of the shock and took away his tears pouring down in great silence. teach men to death were receiving welfare and held solace and stop " Louay "delivers on people coming with some of his relatives such as free doll from the spirit of the severity of the shock. began to prevail over the face of "Louay" features Bleakness, unity and isolation from the people has left his aunt empty place in his life. began to take care of a neighbor, "Louay" him and bring him food, and send her son that age, "Louay" him so that his Anisa and his condition improved, but this did not offset for his aunt, "Louay hair" on the day of severe shortness went out of the house, what he found himself only when graves in which his aunt went "Louay" the hair "Louay "Simple siding better in front of the grave of his aunt and talk to her like a living from the intensity of longing to it quickly became at 12 pm began Phone" Louay "resonance and was related to the neighbor Louay response Louay what was the neighbor but severe Ali" Louay "Alacrity and ask," Where are you? " , In the meantime has become a comet between the Earth and the moon and Alltma the light in the sky, even equal to the light of the moon, this comet, which carries with it what will change the lives of five people forever. hair "Louay," which speaks to its neighbor, the center of this light Bokhozan in his body and he signed the phone on the ground and disappeared "Louay" disappeared comet and the light in the clutches of this darkness static, did not remain in the picture is the tomb of his aunt and the voice of the next neighbor of the phone. end ?! .

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Chapter one - night (self start)

We start from the news on the Arab television quoted from the U.S. space agency NASA, that will pass between the earth and the moon pleaded guilty after 6 weeks of claims "and Aksynwa this indicates that the comet passes between the earth and the moon every 2053 years according to astronomers.

In the meantime, was living in Egypt is a cleverly named "Mohammed" XVII, ten years old his mother died during his birth and died at the age of two, and his father is since then living with his aunt was the ideal personality and his aunt was a good doctor in ScienceThe heart was raised after the death of his mother and father.Now

our story begins his uncle Mohammed attends her purpose for the annual medical conference in London was "Mohammed" usually travel to his aunt. The time of year.But there was something strange in this trip, this time because of his aunt, let give different advice about life and how it has an impact on the people who around him felt something strange is hiding between the words "ly" to his aunt asked her about what maskHis aunt said, "listen," Lloyd "when we lose someone dear to you that you make is a wall that you are looking into the past in order to learn don't let it stop us in the past, we can't change it, just learn from him,It is the future that we have not compromised by defects and errors and pain of the past and I know that no matter how difficult it there and be aware of is the world only dare challenge whenever you've got me there. The challenge challenges as I've gained something,Do not forget to fall in battle honour of the offense and remember you are human, "admire" ly "of this answer and she called her brother and aunt son after Astamntha.

After one week, "Lloyd" return of the school opens the door bell telephone Fysm make "Lloyd" and it says: "from me? (singsong voice say:", is a man of Ahlaan, son. I'm the deputy ambassador in London, "red" ly "."Hello, sir." the man started to silence, and then gather to talk, saying: "my son, I want to tell you something. I'm sorry I blew up her aunt had died in an accident. Because of a malfunction in the fuel tank and the body away, but apart. After 3 days I will reach the well-being."The news on the "Mohammed" a thunderbolt and the phone from his hand and felt as if the world is narrowed by the Wanqd tongue from severe shock and tears pouring down in silence..
People have been receiving death, and mourning, and stop welfare loay "delivers on people coming with some of his relatives like a free spirit of the severity of trauma.

The above features depressions on the face of the "ly", unity, isolation from the people, his aunt has left an empty place in his life.
began taking care of a "ly". And get him food.And her son, who was "Mohammed" to have a Anysaan and improved his condition but this was compensated for by his aunt,Lloyd "hair" in the day, very tired, went out of the house then found himself only in the graveyard where his aunt and his "ly" to the poem "loay" simple improvement of the siding to the grave of his aunt to live at her from the intensity of his longing to soon become 6-12 PMA "Lloyd" was related to a resonance loay loay response and its neighbour but very eager "ly" to ask him, "where are you?" In the meantime, the comet is between the earth and the moon Walltm its light in the sky. Even the moonlight, that a
carries with it will change the life 5 people forever.
The poetry of "Mohammed" and talking to their neighbour's central light Bwkhzan phone fell on the ground in his body "ly" to hide the light of which the guilty, and disappear into the darkness still life picture, did not keep his aunt is grave and its neighbour next phone.
end?! .
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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