مرحبا كيف حالك شكرا على الاهتمام صديقي هذا صحيح لقد حدفة جميع صورلهذا أنت لم تراه لا توجد مشاكل بس قررت الخروج من صمتي من شبكة تسو مشكوك في مصداقية في ما تعتقد القرار نعم أو لا
Hi How are you thanks to my friend that's true I've hadfh all the sorlhza you didn't see no problems but decided to break my silence of doubtful credibility of the network settled on what you think the decision Yes or no
Hello how are you my friend Thank you for your interest in all this is true Sourlhma Hdvh I did not see you there are no problems Bs decided to get out of Samta Tsu network of questionable credibility in what you think the decision yes or no
- how are you, thank you to my attention I Hdft all Swrlhdha, you did not see no problems but decided to break the silence. Network TSU is highly credible resolution I believe or not