النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Cell Cell
is a unit of organism and each group of cells are what is known as fabric Tissue and each group of tissue be a member of Organ and involved a number of members in the formation of an organic device System consists animal's body from different devices group and can be known fabric that is a set of cells are similar in Almost shape and specializes in the performance of the function of one or more links, including a substance called between cellular Inter Cellular Substance Ttjmaha cells themselves. can be divided tissue generally into four main sections: A - epithelial tissue Epithelial Tissue. b - connective tissue Connective Tissue. (c) structural tissue Skeletal Tissue. d - Muscular Tissue muscle tissue. e -Nervous Tissue nerve tissue. A - epithelial tissue Epithelial Tissue and its main function is to cover and protect the animal's body parts and can mutate to perform other functions such as excretion or sensation or reproduction and other and when the fabric covers the epithelial outer surface of the body or some members of it is called Foreign Baltalaiah Epithelium and when the line the Members hollows is called internal epithelial Endothelium may line the inner cavity of the body and then called the Central epithelial Mesothelium arise epithelial tissue of any layer of the primary germ layers (Alaktoderm Almizoderm Alandoderm) and linked by a very small amount of Article between cellular and based epithelial layer cells on a very thin layer of connective tissue known as membrane grassroots Basement membrane as well as they are capable of reproduction to compensate for the cells, which eroded during the performance of various functions can be distinguished two types of epithelial depending on the number of classes in which organized cells are epithelial tissue Statistics and the vehicle. epithelial tissue Epithelial Tissue 1- epithelial tissue Statistics Simple Epithelium consists this tissue from a single layer of cells are arranged above the basilar membrane and can be distinguished into five types:: Simple Squamous A - epithelial squamous minutes and cells splayed with intermediate nucleus and edges either straight or zigzag and appear in the sector is very thin and prominent consolidation in the center where there are the nucleus and no such tissue in the inner lining of the Bowman's capsule and blood vessels and cavities Alsellhumicah In the lining of the vesicles air. epithelial squamous Simple Squamous 2- epithelial cubic Simple Cuboidal: it looks cubic cells in cross sector containing central core round Examples include epithelial that are sweat glands, thyroid, kidney, tubular sections, channels oval-shaped extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cell and there are lined digestive channel of the stomach until the rectum. epithelial cubic Simple Cuboidal 3- vertical epithelial Simple Columnar: The cells long vertical form a nucleus As to be a base or central or peripheral and core oval-shaped extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cell and there are lined digestive channel of the stomach until the rectum. epithelial vertical Simple Columnar: Simple Ciliated Columnar 4 vertical epithelial ciliated and cells vertical bearing end free protrusions small Brutoblazmih Animations called cilia Cilia and moving these cilia regular movement in one direction spoke a stream of air or fluid helps push food in the stomach or eggs in the oviduct and there as well as in the lining of the esophagus, lungs and sometimes permeate vertical cells mucosa cells engulf secreted cilia to hunt solid atoms attached in the air inspiration and thus prevent them access to the lungs, and these are present in the lining of the cavities nasal and bronchial. Simple Pseudo Stratified .tlaiah Almcefvh false 5 2. epithelial tissue vehicle or Almcefvh Compound or Stratified Epithelium: and is composed of more than one layer of cells internal settle them on the basement membrane and thus be more the strength and likely can distinguish them into five types depending on the format and syntax of the outer layer of cells, namely: 1. epithelial Almcefvh squamous Stratified Squamous: and composed the basal layer where the faraway great nucleus known layer Mlbejy Malpighian Layer cubic or columnar cells are divided composed layer cells of a new class pay toward the outer surface of the fabric where in the first round or polygonal it but compressed gradually during the move away from the layer Mlbejy At the same time, at least the supply of food due to the limited material between Phones that exist between them, in which food-borne capillaries in them so they die and be horny Horny layer layer and separate the stratum corneum from time to time either in the form of small pieces or one layer connected as in snakes The middle classes, which is located between the layer Mlbejy and this stratum corneum defines class spongy Spongy Layer and there is this kind of fabric in the exposed places of friction such as skin the skin and the lining of the esophagus. epithelial Almcefvh squamous Stratified Squamous: A Stratified Cuboidal Columnar 2 to epithelial Almcefvh cubic inner layer consists of a short vertical cells of the outer layer of cubic cells while confined layer including consists of polygonal cells and there are padded to the anus frog. A Stratified Cuboidal Columnar to epithelial Almcefvh cubic 3. epithelial vertical Almcefvh Stratified Columnar: They are similar to the previous layer, except that the outer layer is composed of columnar cells are found in the lining of some directorial channels In conjunctivitis. 4. Almcefvh ciliated epithelial vertical Ciliated Straified Columnar: They are similar to the previous layer, except that the outer layer vertical carrying cilia on the edge free and found in the epithelial lining of the shell carrier and the lining of the cavity oral pharyngeus frog. 3. epithelial transition Translational They are found lined to some members that have flexible walls allow by stretching and then returning to their size as normal in the urine canal and bladder When expands the member as happens when the bladder is full of urine looks epithelial consisting of a few layers of small cells and when relax seem made up of several layers abound in such a fabric mucus between cellular which allow to plunge cells on top of each during the expansion member. It can epithelial tissue division as well as its function to: 1 - preventive or epithelial tissue Alguetaiah Rotective: It covers the inner surface or the outside to protect the body and various members such as skin and skin epithelial lining of blood vessels. 2. epithelial tissue of
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